After so many waiting i have finally the chance to talk with a CM from ZOS.
After he asked me to confirm my date of birth for security.After that, we will work on this further!
I send him my ID with my Date of birth and my RL name so i can help him even further.
I gave him what he asked and i lost him.
He responded me that my emails are coming through and he said:
Thank you for your continued interest and support!
That was it:Again nothing.I have replied several times in case he was just forgot to type something or he is working and will reply soon but nothing.
At the last step again....Just please tell me that i don't have to start again.
If someone from ZOS is reading:
My ticket ID is Question Reference # 140408-031396
Date Created: 04/08/2014 10:53 AM
Date Last Updated: 04/08/2014 01:42 PM
Status: Unresolved
Its like the 5th time that i am typing my Name,Address,everything in general and i am confirming my email and name.Is someone at long last going to help me finish this ticket so i can play?
I am not raging.But i have done this so many times(So many tickets-and yet i answer the same things).My ticket says that i want to active those 30 days of time and i dont have a CC with money inside.I gave the last 4 digits of the card in case you want it(From an other post i saw it was not necessary).In fact i have given all the infos you ask at the process in your Website to activate the game.
Thanks a lot for your time,