Hi all. After a load of unsuccessful attempts I noticed that, when roaming in the tunnel, the quest marker was in a completely different zone. When I ran close to it into the tunnel, it told me it was above me,So I thought there might be a misleading marker.. and it was. While you are in the tunnel put a mark on the map where the quest mark is (Default Key "F") and exit the tunnel into the colovian camp.
Turn right at the tents and then right again where the soldiers are, you'll be back at the wall where the tunnel is, but there you will see another entrance, called "Nendaer's Tomb". Enter and go down the ramp of stairs. On the left room is a wooden wall with a door, enter the door, listen to the NPCs talk and end the quest. Hope they'll set the mark on the right door soon.
Did you ever get this issue resolved as I'm now having the same issue. I reset the quest and as soon as I zoned into the camp it crashed.