Twistedmind wrote: »Log out - Create a character is one of them, if you have Imp edition you can make any race to any faction.
Twistedmind wrote: »Log out - Create a character is one of them, if you have Imp edition you can make any race to any faction.
To clarify that's actually a preorder perk, the Imperial edition just also gives you the Imperial race as an option too.
Do any of you see a reason for Faction / Race changes?
Do any of you see a reason for Faction / Race changes?
One spends a lot of time on their characters, why would a race change then be out of the question?
It is not as if it hinders you from accomplishing anything, it is merely a cosmetic detail for most of us, yet a boon for the more experienced PVE or PVP fans, as racial skills do matter for them, you think they should reroll their character simply to fit into their PVE or PVP role better while they could just pay for a race change, this would be a good income aswell.
Twistedmind wrote: »Log out - Create a character is one of them, if you have Imp edition you can make any race to any faction.
To clarify that's actually a preorder perk, the Imperial edition just also gives you the Imperial race as an option too.
One spends a lot of time on their characters, why would a race change then be out of the question?
It is not as if it hinders you from accomplishing anything, it is merely a cosmetic detail for most of us, yet a boon for the more experienced PVE or PVP fans, as racial skills do matter for them, you think they should reroll their character simply to fit into their PVE or PVP role better while they could just pay for a race change, this would be a good income aswell.
Yes. To me it is a lesser version of allowing a class change - leveling and putting the time into one set of skills, then suddenly being allowed to use all of that work to access a different set of skills you didn't work for.
One spends a lot of time on their characters, why would a race change then be out of the question?
It is not as if it hinders you from accomplishing anything, it is merely a cosmetic detail for most of us, yet a boon for the more experienced PVE or PVP fans, as racial skills do matter for them, you think they should reroll their character simply to fit into their PVE or PVP role better while they could just pay for a race change, this would be a good income aswell.
Yes. To me it is a lesser version of allowing a class change - leveling and putting the time into one set of skills, then suddenly being allowed to use all of that work to access a different set of skills you didn't work for.
Race or Faction changing does not alter your starting class, or rather it should not, if going by how other MMO's utilize this same feature.
They already offer a Horse in the Shop, could we see more in the foresee-able future?
One spends a lot of time on their characters, why would a race change then be out of the question?
It is not as if it hinders you from accomplishing anything, it is merely a cosmetic detail for most of us, yet a boon for the more experienced PVE or PVP fans, as racial skills do matter for them, you think they should reroll their character simply to fit into their PVE or PVP role better while they could just pay for a race change, this would be a good income aswell.
Yes. To me it is a lesser version of allowing a class change - leveling and putting the time into one set of skills, then suddenly being allowed to use all of that work to access a different set of skills you didn't work for.
Race or Faction changing does not alter your starting class, or rather it should not, if going by how other MMO's utilize this same feature.
I realize that. I was using it as an example of why I don't like the idea. I view it as the same kind of thing, just less drastic.
I would compare how the feature would work in WoW- I am sure there are many other games that use the feature, but this being the only one I know of..
Twistedmind wrote: »I would compare how the feature would work in WoW- I am sure there are many other games that use the feature, but this being the only one I know of..
And how many years was World of Warcraft out before that feature?
This game has been out X days and your already whining because your bored on your character...
Really now let me try to make it understandable for you @Melville
We don't know if that feature is coming or when that feature is coming.
Just log out and make a new character.