On Monday, April 7, 2014 2:55 AM, ESO English Support <ESO_Help@helpmail.elderscrollsonline.com> wrote:
Helping you is our passion!
We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 120 hours.
If your issue has not been resolved, you can respond directly to this email. We look forward to working with you again should you need us!
I submitted this problem to the phone line option, but seeing as how it's been o...
Response By Email (Jared) (04/07/2014 05:55 AM)
Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.
If you cannot purchase a subscription I would be happy to look into getting you some game time if I could just get one of the following verification points confirmed.
-last 4 digits of credit card number or full paypal transaction ID number
-full game time card
-answer to secret question
You can also find this information in our knowledge base, which we consistently update with any changes. Use the following link for the most up-to-date information regarding your question:
Currently, the best way to keep an eye out for upcoming news about The Elder Scrolls Online is to watch our official page and social channels:
Thank you for your continued interest and support!
Warm Regards,
The Elder Scrolls Online Team]
Customer By CSS Web (Michael Gustason) (04/06/2014 11:46 PM)
I submitted this problem to the phone line option, but seeing as how it's been over 3 hours without a phone call, I'm hedging my bets.
If you need it for whatever reason, my reference code for that is 140406-070117.
I pre-ordered the physical Imperial Collector's Edition from Amazon on 20140223 and received my early-access code with no problems and have been playing since the 5-day early-access began; this afternoon I was barred from playing because I have not set up a subscription plan with my game code.
The issue is this: Amazon tells me that estimated delivery to my house will be somewhere in the neighborhood of April 10th, 11th, or 12th.
In order to play right now, I need the code that's in the box that's not supposed to be here for another week....
This is nonsensical.
I'm perfectly understanding of early-launch issues and unfailingly report bugs as I find them, just as I did in beta; I'm patient with server downtime because I understand the patching process and appreciate how much work you guys are doing for the community, but I paid $107.61 for the best version of the game available, and it appears as though I'm being punished for it.
Is there no way I can play without that code?
Question Reference # 140406-079917
Date Created: 04/06/2014 11:46 PM
Date Last Updated: 04/07/2014 05:55 AM
Status: Waiting