Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Suspended #badass #imjustkiddingwhyisthishappening #imsorryabouthashtags

So... Got home from work last night... had a few games carrying my team in league of legends regardless of my 2/13 KDA Urgot scores and then figured I'd been called enough profanities to warrant some quiet time grinding a MMO I'd recently purchased.

Anyway! Login details incorrect and an attempt to log in to the website has lead me to believe I am banned. "You have been suspended from the site" cannot leave too many other alternatives.

As I don't believe I've done anything to warrant this and have not had an email to explain the situation I left two tickets, one an email and one to call me back. This was last night and I still haven't received a response for either. People have told me this issue is way more common than it should be and is likely a mistake; that I should call up and it should "take just over an hour". Unfortunately I don't have that amount of time to put aside to wait on a phone.

Honestly, I "like" this game and should be more forgiving as it's new but the amount of bugs (falling through the world, quest bugs and now this[hopefully]) along with lag spikes every now and then is really turning me off. Is there any chance I can receive a response from an admin?

Cheers, Parkhill.
  • Parkhill
    Anyone? Pls?
  • RagePlug
    You should have not let them know you're playing League of Legends. Now you're ***.
  • Fatzoo
    I'm in the same boat as you. Was hit with the hammer last night for reasons unknown. They have yet to respond to my ticket. It's frustrating as you would expect an explanation to why these actions were taken against you. This feels like a modern take on the Roman Inquisition.
  • Parkhill
    Be prepared for a long wait. :P Still haven't gotten back to me. I'd honestly rather a refund than anything else at this point, thoroughly disappointed. Never seen so much lack of support before, I used to think waiting an hour or two on WoW was as bad as it got haha.
  • Saerydoth
    I've seen at least one person get unbanned (and 7 days free time given) as a result of a mistaken ban. They reported the wait time was about 16 hours.
  • Parkhill
    Still waiting...
  • ThyIronFist
    You deserve to be suspended for using hashtags.
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • Affrayer
    Seriously, What was the thought behind your title OP? That's more liable to get this thread closed than get help.
    On another note, I'm sorry to hear what's happened. It seems many people are having this issues lately. Be prepared for a long wait time.
  • Parkhill
    It's true, I have an addiction. I struggle to somehow position myself so I can appease the masses who hate hashtags but also quench my love of using them. I thought this would trick the plebs but you, sir, were too quick witted. On another note, it still hasn't been fixed. I'm so far behind friends I'd rather just get my money back and play a different game. The thing that appeals to me most about playing MMO's is questing with friends and that isn't going to happen for a long time even if I get rid of this ridiculous ban tonight. :(
  • mmorales7b14_ESO
    this just happened to me. was running along, solo killing some mobs then booted from the server. Login info is incorrect. suspended from the site. wtf is going on? this is not cool at all.
  • Phyrdrin
    I'm sorry to hear that guys. What a shame that there STILL is no response from a mod to this thread!
    "Surprise me. Say something intelligent."
  • Reignskream
    Keep buggin em OP, they will get ahold of you or vice versa eventually.

  • Socratic
    I seen league of legends on raptr, is it a moba?
  • liquid_wolf
    We had someone's account get banned/suspended in our guild and they got that turned over about two days later. Got some free time for it too.

    Not sure what the cause is... But it might be a case of transferring gold around.

    One player believed it was because he handed 20K gold to someone else... maybe they thought he was a gold seller :P
  • Elsonso
    this just happened to me. was running along, solo killing some mobs then booted from the server. Login info is incorrect. suspended from the site. wtf is going on? this is not cool at all.

    They do not ban people for just running along solo killing some 'mobs'...

    At some point you were doing something else, something that they do ban for, or looks a lot like something that they do ban for.

    What message did you get when they booted you? That might help you figure out what you were doing, and when you were doing it.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
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