Solo quest, you'll never get help. This is one you have to do on your i've there, waiting for hours for another player to come, but no one appears. this is really weird, most of the time on this mmo i feel that i'm playing a single player game.
Solo quest, you'll never get help. This is one you have to do on your i've there, waiting for hours for another player to come, but no one appears. this is really weird, most of the time on this mmo i feel that i'm playing a single player game.
That being said, use ESOHEAD and show us your specs?
bearcalypse wrote: »Bow really has been horrible for me for these bosses. I failed each time I used a bow spec on either of them. The level 15 boss fight guy deals more damage from range than from melee with his bat-a-rang, so u either need to be in melee range or out of line of sight and as a result Bows do not work well. And you really have a bad NB build.. or the link is messed up, because there is no Swallow Soul in that build that I could see. Contrary to popular opinion, yes people can really mess up their builds in this game and if that link is correct, you did.
I finished that quest at level 8 on several characters. It isnt a hard fight if you have the proper skill equipped (no matter the class) Nightblades have plenty of aoe so use it on the spheres.Firestar1992 wrote: »So, in the field of Education, we are taught about this guy named Vygotsky, who came up with this theory called the "zone of proximal development." This is the idea that in order to encourage learning, we should push students just slightly beyond what they are comfortable with. If we keep them in their comfort zone, they never learn anything new. If we push them too far before they're ready, they will quit. The way they learn fastest is to set their goal just beyond what they think they can reach.
Obviously, the ESO developers have never studied Vygotsky. I am now level 15, nearly 16. There is still one level 8 fighter's guild quest that is impossible to beat for my class. (Nightblade.) And now I have a main quest with an enemy labeled level 16. This SHOULD, according to Vygotsky, be within the zone of proximal development. Although it is tough, a level 15 should be able to beat it. This idea is encouraged by the fact that I was given the quest in the first place. However, no matter what I do, I still end up getting ruthlessly murdered each and every time I try it.
Devs, on the next update, please adjust the difficulty settings for these quests, or else give a warning that they are at a higher level than what you may be prepared for.
Without any specifics , i don't think anyone here would be able to help you with some tips or tricks on how to beat your NPC nemesis
All i can say at this point , without more details on your enemy , is that all the quests i cam across were relatively easy , once you actually pay attention to the body language of the NPCs , all of their big attacks are prompted in some way , the most basic example would be the archer NPCs that you meet around the world and the werewolves that you come across Glenumbra. When they prepare to do their big hitters , they wind up a bit , pause from hitting you for a second or 2 , and some of them radiate some sort of tiny light rays ( sorry , i don't know how to call it other than that ) from their bodies for a short moment. The game also notifies you from time to time to dodge , block and interrupt attacks.
It is normal for Boss grade NPCs do be more difficult to defeat that the average packs that you meet in the world and can plow through without any difficulty. As i said in another thread , i did not die to boss mobs related to quests if i paid attention to their body languageThis game is not designed to face tank everything you come across , you got , light attacks , heavy attacks , no cooldowns on skills , which means that you can cancel a cast or a wind up , if you see the mob charging you with a special attack and so on , also use your environment
, you can kite mobs and packs around pillars until you regen a bit or get some resources back.
It helps if you think of the combat system as if is from a 3rd person action game , lots of movement , parries , dodges , stuff like that , no face tanking
Firestar1992 wrote: »So, in the field of Education, we are taught about this guy named Vygotsky, who came up with this theory called the "zone of proximal development." This is the idea that in order to encourage learning, we should push students just slightly beyond what they are comfortable with. If we keep them in their comfort zone, they never learn anything new. If we push them too far before they're ready, they will quit. The way they learn fastest is to set their goal just beyond what they think they can reach.
Obviously, the ESO developers have never studied Vygotsky. I am now level 15, nearly 16. There is still one level 8 fighter's guild quest that is impossible to beat for my class. (Nightblade.) And now I have a main quest with an enemy labeled level 16. This SHOULD, according to Vygotsky, be within the zone of proximal development. Although it is tough, a level 15 should be able to beat it. This idea is encouraged by the fact that I was given the quest in the first place. However, no matter what I do, I still end up getting ruthlessly murdered each and every time I try it.
Devs, on the next update, please adjust the difficulty settings for these quests, or else give a warning that they are at a higher level than what you may be prepared for.
Firestar1992 wrote: »The main one I'm having a problem with right now is the fighter's guild quest where you have to kill Doshia. I can manage to get her into her serpent form, but then the Feasts start to appear. I try to kill them and get my health back, but most of them reach her and heal her as well, leaving us at best in a stalemate. I don't know; is there a way to stop the Feasts from appearing? Otherwise, she still seems pretty unbeatable to a solo player.