They aren't saying Gamestop is at fault, they're simply saying that you need to take the matter up with Gamestop. Gamestop SHOULD be able to help you with this, as you purchased the product FROM Gamestop,
peechwurmnub18_ESO wrote: »TPerhaps none of you have worked in sales or retail before. The way this works is that Gamestop (or Amazon) purchased copies from ZOS. They then sell those copies to customers. They make profit off those copies. ... and ZOS does not.
waynesrcb14_ESO wrote: »Who cares where that box is, Zenimax knows that I preordered or how else would I have early access? Zenimax is the one who cut off our access.
peechwurmnub18_ESO wrote: »I didn't mean to come across as snide, and I'm extremely sorry if I came across that way! Nor did I mean to imply that ZOS isn't making profit off retail copies. It's simply that that money follows a trail through another company (the retailer). When they do returns, they prefer that trail to be back tracked. I don't want to turn this into a words boxing match please, I was just trying to help bring some clarity to the issue at hand.
peechwurmnub18_ESO wrote: »waynesrcb14_ESO wrote: »Who cares where that box is, Zenimax knows that I preordered or how else would I have early access? Zenimax is the one who cut off our access.
I pre ordered mine as well. And at any point before I received my copy I could have canceled it and still had that preorder code in my email. At which point I could have then claimed I owned the product due to having that code. That's the problem. It's not that you're lying about your situation, its that so many others WOULD pull such a scam that it ruins such trusting relationships between a company and its customers. It's sad, but just the way it is these days, especially when it comes to software. Zenimax doesn't know for sure you actually kept your order and own that copy until you provide them with the code that (>_<) is HOPEFULLY in the box (apparently).
peechwurmnub18_ESO wrote: »I completely agree with you. There's things that could have/should have been done differently. Sadly that wasn't done, so it's on to trying to figure out how to best handle the current situation. Hopefully they've taken this lesson to heart and any future releases will yield better results. I do know that anything ZOS releases from now on I'll be very cautious of preordering.
peechwurmnub18_ESO wrote: »Hope it gets fixed, cause it's almost worse than not getting the item at allIt's like they shipped you hope in a box, and someone crapped in the box.
mccobleb14_ESO wrote: »FYI retailers like Gamestop and other game stores make almost no money off of new game sales. I have worked for GameStop and Rhino Video Games(RIP). New game prices are strictly controlled by the industry so retailers make about a buck on a new game sale. You buy your copy at 58.99 and sell it for 59.99 and the sane is true for consoles.