Bolt escape - really?

  • Niffo
    Glurin wrote: »

    I think you've missed the point. Or deliberately ignored it.

    Contrary to what some people are trying to claim, running from a fight is not the exclusive purview of the sorcerer. Every class has abilities available to them that can help them escape from a fight. Some of them aren't even class specific. And even if you somehow managed to put none of them on your bar, there is nothing stopping you from putting one foot in front of the other and running for the hills.

    Haven't missed anything. The ability to teleport instantly trumps the other escape modes since they require you traverse the terrain while Bolt Escape moves you instantly.
    1. Rapid Maneuvers costs 2/3rds of your stamina bar meaning you won't be able to stun break.
    2. Elusive Mist is available only to Vampires and they have a 50% increase to fire damage, which happens to be the most prevelant damage type.
    3. Path of Darkness is 4 meters long and has a higher cost than Bolt Escape also anything that crosses over it will pull you out of stealth if you happen to be in it.
    4. Shadow Cloak breaks on any damage and sneaking is slower than running so you're not getting out of range of any damage before it breaks invis.
    5. Hasty Retreat higher cost than Bolt Escape also requires you blow through your defensive pool for less speed than Bolt Escape gets, and it has a short duration.

    What else is there that lets people escape a fight? Gap closers? Like all the ones that require a target within range to even use? What else have I missed?
  • Xanxarib16_ESO
    Terminus wrote: »
    This ability can be countered by the Dragonknight's Pullchain.
    Think of them as opposites.
    Knockdowns also work very well against it.
    Am I giving away secrets for my own build? You betcha I am!

    Using this ability more than once in a short time has a very negative impact on your magicka regeneration.

    can you say Heavy armor skill 8 sec immune to stun and DK chain pull, you should just get banned for that BS you lets out there!
  • mat.wollermanb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I agree it's totally OP broken, the escape is annoying but worse is when they Streak across you 7 times and you're pretty much dead, it's makes for a *** PVP experience.

    And when the Sorc's using it are telling you it's broken, then it's broken.

    Anyway, I'm off to level my new PVP character...see you in Sorcodiil
  • Zhoyzu

    Read the morphs it gets. Proceed to edit your post. And I've played enough PVP to see sorcs use this in bursts of 5 with very little rest in between. You simply aren't privy to all the facts.

    Any player going for streak intends to use it as a mechanism to aide them in a fight. If a player goes for the ball lightning morph then they arent a threat. You dont need to kill every damn player you see. As soon as ball lightning pees his pants hes out of the fight for good so dont waste your time chasing.

    Its only broken if you're stupid enough to try and follow someone who isnt a threat while you let the actual threats through your door.
    The idea is to remove a player from combat. You may as well give a ball lightning sorc a darwin award for being bad.

    Also you dont really know what the morphs are. Ball lighting absorbs projectiles. So far it it would seem that aedric spear chain and other abilities arent all counted as projectiles. Ive watched sorcs get knocked around by such abilities with ball lighting and die.

    Any medium armor wearer can almost run as fast as a bolt escaping sorc anyways.

    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • Rev780
    Need a small CD or up the mana cost.
  • Zhoyzu
    Toy wrote: »
    Here's another vid for people like Semel that are still in denial:

    The main problem I see, other than the skill being way too spamable, is that other classes have zero decent mobility skills to counter it. Why is sorc the only mobile class, while all the others are forced to limp around the battlefield?

    twisting path plu smed armor night blades with all the passives can move faster then a bolt escape sorc. add the steed to that and ggwp. i do it all the time, however its much smarter to not chase a ball lightning sorc because they were just going to run away anyways and were never a threat.

    Im not sure why people feel the need to kill every person they come across. as soon as a sorc bolt escapes away (using ball lightning) he is a non threat, chasing makes you the bad one and the skill isnt op because all it does is move the guy who is afraid to fight away from you and you allies.

    people really just need to learn the game. bolt escape and the rest of its morphs are fine.

    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • Nooblet
    Rev780 wrote: »
    Need a small CD or up the mana cost.

    As stated before. You do that, the same needs to be done to gap closers/pull-ins.
  • Nooblet
    ugh double post. Happening alot lately :(
    Edited by Nooblet on May 21, 2014 10:34PM
  • Cody
    this ability simply needs to have increased cost. I know what you mean, a lot of sorcs I face spam the crap out of it, you get them to low health, they use bolt escape, heal, come back, you get them to low health, they bolt escape, they heal, they come back. they never seem to run out of magica points. yes, you can CC them and knock them down, but to do this, you must get close to them, and if you get close, they spam bolt escape:/ nothing wrong with escaping, but you cant be allowed to spam it over and over again. that's lame. it out to be a tactical ability, not a free save ability
    Edited by Cody on May 21, 2014 11:15PM
  • Niffo
    Zhoyzu wrote: »

    twisting path plu smed armor night blades with all the passives can move faster then a bolt escape sorc. add the steed to that and ggwp. i do it all the time, however its much smarter to not chase a ball lightning sorc because they were just going to run away anyways and were never a threat.

    Im not sure why people feel the need to kill every person they come across. as soon as a sorc bolt escapes away (using ball lightning) he is a non threat, chasing makes you the bad one and the skill isnt op because all it does is move the guy who is afraid to fight away from you and you allies.

    people really just need to learn the game. bolt escape and the rest of its morphs are fine.

    Twisting Path has a higher cost than Bolt Escape, and with medium armour you won't be able to get many casts off, oh look and you have to use a specific mundus stone. Everyone that is still alive is a threat, unless the Sorcerer logs out when they escape there is nothing stopping them from coming back to hit again after healing up, which they can do faster than the person they were attacking thanks to Dark Conversion.

    Also the disorient from Streak does not give auto-immunity when the effect ends.

    Keep saying it's a learn to play issue though, when Sorcerers lose Bolt Escape we'll see just how skilled they all really are.
  • casselna_ESO
    Make Bolt escape cost stamina, and there...nerfed yet without nerfing it.
  • ErilAq
    @niffo so the sorc bolt escapes to get away to use dark conversion. I'm assuming you're following him? If you are, that's not the way to do it. go the other way. mount up and attack a new objective, regroup with friends, or my personal favorite, do what the sorc did and find a safe place to regen. If the sorc tries to follow you, he'll have to use bolt escape to get back, putting him at a severe disadvantage, or he'll have to find you in that big..... wide.... world.

    It's not required for anyone to continually charge a sorc that is clearly outplaying you by exploiting his strength (running away) at your expense. If that same sorc went toe to toe with a DK with sword and board and continually tried to trade punch for punch the DK would seem OP too. or if you tried out dpsing a healing templar without stuns or interrupts. each class has a strength, each a weakness. Bolt escape is not OP. It's the blind fury at which people charge after the sorc that causes it too seem OP.
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
  • trahe
    Feidam wrote: »
    The problem here, IMO, is that players have very focused builds that they do not want to deviate from. These builds are usually designed about killing only and lack any kind of other tools. It is easy to see just by watching the battlefield in pvp or others just running around and questing. Just like pve, pvp in eso is all about choice. The game is chock full of punch and counter punch style maneuvers. If you are losing a lot switch it up.

    This is extremely important.
  • Origin
    Its only broken if you're stupid enough to try and follow someone who isnt a threat while you let the actual threats through your door.
    The idea is to remove a player from combat. You may as well give a ball lightning sorc a darwin award for being bad.

    Also you dont really know what the morphs are. Ball lighting absorbs projectiles. So far it it would seem that aedric spear chain and other abilities arent all counted as projectiles. Ive watched sorcs get knocked around by such abilities with ball lighting and die.

    Any medium armor wearer can almost run as fast as a bolt escaping sorc anyways.


    This. and yeah: stop whining
    Edited by Origin on May 22, 2014 1:36AM
  • CapuchinSeven
    Zhoyzu wrote: »
    Its only broken if you're stupid enough to try and follow someone who isnt a threat

    The idea is to remove a player from combat.

    "Just let him escape yous guys".

    Never mind the fact that he can now ress his entire zerg, in a game that punishes a zerg with long return to battle times after death.

  • Niffo
    ErilAq wrote: »
    @niffo so the sorc bolt escapes to get away to use dark conversion. I'm assuming you're following him? If you are, that's not the way to do it. go the other way. mount up and attack a new objective, regroup with friends, or my personal favorite, do what the sorc did and find a safe place to regen. If the sorc tries to follow you, he'll have to use bolt escape to get back, putting him at a severe disadvantage, or he'll have to find you in that big..... wide.... world.

    It's not required for anyone to continually charge a sorc that is clearly outplaying you by exploiting his strength (running away) at your expense. If that same sorc went toe to toe with a DK with sword and board and continually tried to trade punch for punch the DK would seem OP too. or if you tried out dpsing a healing templar without stuns or interrupts. each class has a strength, each a weakness. Bolt escape is not OP. It's the blind fury at which people charge after the sorc that causes it too seem OP.

    Can't mount up in the four seconds it takes to channel Dark Conversion, can't outrun a Sorcerer on foot by any means if they want to catch you, they only need to close within 28 meters to use the Crystal Fragments proc they will be guaranteed to have from Bolt Escaping. You don't regen fast enough in combat to recover your health and resource pool in the time it would take to channel Dark Conversion, and with the target lock you won't be safe unless you can put some serious distance between you and the Sorcerer. A Sorcerer with Bolt Escape is never at a severe disadvantage, which is part of the problem in two casts they're out of range of anything that could harm them.

    Running away isn't the Sorcerers strength, high mobility with no hard counter is their strength, and they aren't outplaying me, the ability alone is, which makes it far too powerful. Comparing anyone going toe-to-toe with a Dragonknight no matter how you build is stupid, Dragonknights are overpowered, they have too much damage for the amount of sustain they can have. Anyone can outlast a healing Templar since heals have a high cost and Templars have no magicka management options, you could out dps them with weapon attacks, and everyone has interrupts without having to slot anything on your bars.

    Each class has a strength and a weakness, and everyone can mimic each classes strength through non-class skills and gear. There is no blind fury, just a severe lack of risk for very high reward.
  • popatiberiuoneb18_ESO

    Sorcs get a 100% heal debuff (negate magic) but that's beside the point. This is not like WAR or Rift etc, where healers never run out of Magicka, after a few heals the templar will be oom.

    And yes 100% detection on stealth/invisible enemies with mageligt, you just have to be relatively close. So, yes, thought so...

    Also healing Templars are doing no dmg, so why are you worried about them... they just want to live so just /wave at them like the counter to Bolt escape.

    I have already proven there are none in another thread... My points have yet to be proven wrong, because plain and simple, they can't be.

    Immovable + bolt escape is not counterable.... Bolt Escape while holding Block is not counterable... Sorcs have no other use for stamina so they can keep Immovable up, never being hard CC'd.... Gap closers.... lol, they have a travel time, by the time they hit the sorc he has already cast it again and is 15m further away.

    Your ranged hard CC'd can be countered by just choosing the correct morph. And even if you don't you still travel faster than most projectiles so by the time the ranged Hard CC hits you, you are 30+ meters away which is to far to cover the distance before the CC wears off. Or holding down block will negate the Hard CC incoming anyway while you are bolting.

    The main issue is that Bolt Escape negates roots. Which give no immunity when broken out of.

    Edit: If you think letting one sorc survive does not have an effect on the WAR in Cyrodiil you should probably get your head checked.... 1 person surviving can set up a Forward camp, or come back and rez. Totally negating the previous fight of killing everyone but the lone survivor... That is why escape abilities that cannot be countered are bad...

    Lets see...100% heal debuff from nullifying field..sure, if the healer is dumb enough to stay there and not move a few feet in any direction and continue healing while you're left with no ultimate points (and nulifying field costs alot). For the purpose of this discussion i wont even go into the randomness that it has in picking the targets if more then 6 people. Please stop giving ultimates as counters for spammable skills, its just not viable.

    I am perma using magelight in Cyrodiil when i run my magika build, it doesnt work most of the times, i use pulse to reveal people when i know a stealther is abouts (since using detect invis potions on a regular basis is just not possible unless you like to roam the countryside all day long picking flowers). How can you say it works when one is forced to use pbaoe (with short range) to reveal enemies when magelight doesnt show u anything. Further more, i have the same detection chances withouth mage light on when i run my stamina/magika hibrid spec...if there is any bonus its neglectable.

    A healing templar doese no damage? :) Not sure where you got that from, compared to other classes they dont even have to put a resto staff in the build in order to self heal effectively. I guess what you say might be true if they stuffed both of their bars with only healing skills and completly ignore any direct damage skill..but then the problem lies with the player and the bad smallscale build so...anyhow besides the point in this thread, there are plenty of good templar buids out there if u were to only search.

    What exactly did u prove wrong in the other thread? Cant argue on this if i dont know what its about :)

    Immovable lasts 8 seconds and costs over half your stamina pool, its not something you will be able to use more then once in a fight. Anyone can use it and it makes you immune to hard CC. Block is also a mechanism that anyone can use it, that incidentaly also drains alot of magika. I agree with you, the CC mechanism is broken in this game and generates alot of trouble but your issue here should be with cc not with bolt escape. I can bring you exactly the same arguments for any spamable skill: there is no way whatsoever to prevent someone from casting an istant skill while they have immovable on, the only very situational (and unreliable in big groups) is the nullifying field that you mentioned above, very easy to counter. Same goes with block, people will continue to ignore hard cc as long as they have stamina, if i cant knock you down while you spam your instants on me why should you be able to knock me down while i reposition myself?

    Yes, in big fights a sorc surviving can get a forward camp up, sure and so doese a dk that takes focus fire for over 10 seconds and so doese a templar healer that keeps the group alive or a nb that takes down that pesky healer from the back. What i am trying to say is that any tool will provide an advantage in the right circumstances. Furthermore, taking your forward camp example: any class can summon a forward camp, any class can stealth away from the fight, what is it to you if a sorc uses his resources to bolt away (and not contribute to the fight) or if a random is staying away from the fight (not contributing to the fight) and summon a forward camp for the fallen camrades?

    I am sorry but your arguments are biassed, you made up your mind, bolt escape is the supreme skill and needs to be nerfed and formed a faulty reasoning regarding it. Many people (including me) keep enumerating a large amount of counters to a bolting sorc, tactics that worked quite well against myself and other sorc players. What i can tell you is this: make a sorc, get bolt escape and go out there and fight people while using bolt escape and see for yourself just how often you will get killed when engaging the enemy.
  • popatiberiuoneb18_ESO
    Before I report this bug I would just want to make something very clear. I have quit gaming all together for about 2 years and came back just to play your game since it was a fresh twist to the MMO genre. I love the game and see its potential to compete with WOW /rift/ Ion etc... I pray it takes over since I love the idea behind it with the lore and community. Now that being said I would like to report and link you examples on how unbalanced PVP/PVE is at the with multiple videos that I took the time and edited just for this bug report. Now if you don't know already One hand and shield is completely over powered in PVP/PVE to the point where every class has a sword in shield. For a defensive build to put out so much damage with little cost to your resouces even though it a completely defensive build. Here is a video dedicated just to that . Now moving forward the second and probably the worst of them all is the fact the Dragonknights & Socerers are the most over powered classes by far with no competition in your game. Its to the point if you play anything else your basically not knowlegable of the unfair advantage you have in PVP/PVE. It just seems that certain weapon abilities completely allow them to dominate since their class abilities compliment the other abilities perfectly, that it makes these calsses divine. Here are two examples of this via video now for the sorcerers broken builds here are 2 which I have personally ran into. Here is example one where the sorcerer basically made me feel like a *** for going nightblade for being such a useless class since I have no abilities to control or avoid his broken bolt rift stun/disorientate that allow him to proc instant cast of crystal fragments that not only does a ton of damage but also knocks me down/ or hits me with charge that does damage depending on the distant between me and him. Now here is the link to the 2nd broken build sorcerers are starting to build that allows them to sustain maxium defensive state while still doing crazy damage and recovering resources at the same time, . Now in the last video linked I was A VR10 with 3 legendary items and the rest of my gear was legendary while he was a VR3. All this being stated I would greatly appreciate if you could contact me through the game or email allowing me to know your team has taken the time to read my report and reviewed the videos I have spent the time to edit or source to you showing you these obvious inbalances in the game. Thank you I hope you guys are doing your best to fix these things cause people are getting impatient.

    Haha, spamming shadow cloak when in melee and whining about people taking distance :) All i see in your post is a person complaining about loosing a couple of fights. You also do not attempt in any way to adapt your build and meybe...just meybe...include a gap closer skill in there...or whatever other counter for kiters. You cant possibly expect to beat every other build out there with the same 6 skills on your bar...i'd normaly say l2p but i'm feeling nice today so: adapt of fail.
  • popatiberiuoneb18_ESO
    Niffo wrote: »

    Haven't missed anything. The ability to teleport instantly trumps the other escape modes since they require you traverse the terrain while Bolt Escape moves you instantly.
    1. Rapid Maneuvers costs 2/3rds of your stamina bar meaning you won't be able to stun break.
    2. Elusive Mist is available only to Vampires and they have a 50% increase to fire damage, which happens to be the most prevelant damage type.
    3. Path of Darkness is 4 meters long and has a higher cost than Bolt Escape also anything that crosses over it will pull you out of stealth if you happen to be in it.
    4. Shadow Cloak breaks on any damage and sneaking is slower than running so you're not getting out of range of any damage before it breaks invis.
    5. Hasty Retreat higher cost than Bolt Escape also requires you blow through your defensive pool for less speed than Bolt Escape gets, and it has a short duration.

    What else is there that lets people escape a fight? Gap closers? Like all the ones that require a target within range to even use? What else have I missed?

    Bolt escape doese not move you instantly else you would see a sorc insta chaining 10 bolts and moving 150 feet in less then 1 ms, in reality it has an animation delay window and a global cd (like any other skill). I agree with you, in many situations is superior to other escape mechanisms but that wouldnt be needed in the 1st place if a sorc could stand its ground. Fact is that you will get your face melted by preaty much anything else if you're dumb enough to sit in melee range, sure, we have access to some mediocre defensive abilities. So tell me again, where is the problem with having a superior escape mechanism above other classes when your survival capabilities are inferior to them?

    Im yet to see anyone who whines about bolt escape to say "nerf bolt escape to match the other classes but boost their survival skills so they stand a chance if not able to escape".

    What you missed about gap closers: Its a skill that you use to catch up to someone escaping not an escape tool. There you go, the target is the escaping person, you use the skill to prevent them from escaping thus the need for target.

    In shorts, in a fight there are way more elements involved then the mobility. Its like saying a motorcycle is superior to a tank for warfare since its clearly faster (and should have its mobility nerfed to make it fair).
  • Gremlis
    All I really see in this post are a bunch of melee jugheads standing around complaining about why I wont "just stand there so I may brain thee".
    Grow a pair, suck it up or roll a sorc.
  • Niffo
    Gremlis wrote: »
    All I really see in this post are a bunch of melee jugheads standing around complaining about why I wont "just stand there so I may brain thee".
    Grow a pair, suck it up or roll a sorc.

    Great post. Most people are already either Sorcerers or Dragonknights, lets have more people roll those classes. I guess you didn't bother actually reading.
  • Niffo
    Bolt escape doese not move you instantly else you would see a sorc insta chaining 10 bolts and moving 150 feet in less then 1 ms, in reality it has an animation delay window and a global cd (like any other skill). I agree with you, in many situations is superior to other escape mechanisms but that wouldnt be needed in the 1st place if a sorc could stand its ground. Fact is that you will get your face melted by preaty much anything else if you're dumb enough to sit in melee range, sure, we have access to some mediocre defensive abilities. So tell me again, where is the problem with having a superior escape mechanism above other classes when your survival capabilities are inferior to them?

    Im yet to see anyone who whines about bolt escape to say "nerf bolt escape to match the other classes but boost their survival skills so they stand a chance if not able to escape".

    What you missed about gap closers: Its a skill that you use to catch up to someone escaping not an escape tool. There you go, the target is the escaping person, you use the skill to prevent them from escaping thus the need for target.

    In shorts, in a fight there are way more elements involved then the mobility. Its like saying a motorcycle is superior to a tank for warfare since its clearly faster (and should have its mobility nerfed to make it fair).

    Bolt Escape moves you instantly across the terrain meaning you don't lost time running over it. Is the ability to have heavy armour defense while wearing full light armour mediocre? Everyone gets melted in melee except for Dragonknights, so what about the other classes, do they have something that can guarentee they will survive like a Sorcerer can?

    All gap closers move slower than Bolt Escape does, and none of them will keep a Sorcerer from escaping if they want to.

    Sorcerers are more like attack choppers, they have free reign to move about and blow people up from range, Dragonknights are like tanks, Nightblades and Templars are the fodder for the other two.
  • maxilaub17_ESO
    I agree it's totally OP broken, the escape is annoying but worse is when they Streak across you 7 times and you're pretty much dead, it's makes for a *** PVP experience.

    And when the Sorc's using it are telling you it's broken, then it's broken.

    Anyway, I'm off to level my new PVP character...see you in Sorcodiil

    I agree too, Bolt Escape in it's current form it totally broken and obnoxious, it's not the mere escape ability that it should be. It's an abused charge through groups and around the map 10X faster and farther than anyone else. They just need limit the number of consecutive uses, or the number of uses in short succession. It shouldn't be spam-able so many times in short succession.
    Edited by maxilaub17_ESO on May 22, 2014 5:55PM
  • ErilAq
    1.) if it takes you 4 seconds to mount a horse you're doing it wrong ( you have a longer time window if you mount up after he runs instead of following him (which plays to his strength)
    2.) anyone can rez, or stealth to the freshly killed zerg. (which is honestly better than having a blue beacon saying "here I am! rezzing my buddies!)
    3.) bolt escape has a shorter distance traveled than the offensive gap closers.
    4.) you can block the stun (try it, it works!)
    5.) you need to have an ability slotted for heavy armor stats, plus bolt escape, plus immovable plus dark conversion= severely nerfed dps (yes I know, two bars.... if he's running he only has one bar active with all the defensive cooldowns, and to keep the buffs, he needs to have them on two bars. Also, you need to have crystal shards on both bars to keep the "free" cast)
    6.) bolt escape does not guarantee a proc on crystal shards. now you will usually get one in the 5-7 times you use it, but by then you usually only have enough mana for 1 attack. (which means it's a not going to kill anyone unless you follow him, since a sorc will not pop dark exchange on your face, and if he does and you let him then idk how to help you)

    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
  • Niffo
    ErilAq wrote: »
    1.) if it takes you 4 seconds to mount a horse you're doing it wrong ( you have a longer time window if you mount up after he runs instead of following him (which plays to his strength)
    2.) anyone can rez, or stealth to the freshly killed zerg. (which is honestly better than having a blue beacon saying "here I am! rezzing my buddies!)
    3.) bolt escape has a shorter distance traveled than the offensive gap closers.
    4.) you can block the stun (try it, it works!)
    5.) you need to have an ability slotted for heavy armor stats, plus bolt escape, plus immovable plus dark conversion= severely nerfed dps (yes I know, two bars.... if he's running he only has one bar active with all the defensive cooldowns, and to keep the buffs, he needs to have them on two bars. Also, you need to have crystal shards on both bars to keep the "free" cast)
    6.) bolt escape does not guarantee a proc on crystal shards. now you will usually get one in the 5-7 times you use it, but by then you usually only have enough mana for 1 attack. (which means it's a not going to kill anyone unless you follow him, since a sorc will not pop dark exchange on your face, and if he does and you let him then idk how to help you)

    Had no idea you could mount in combat, great to know! Shorter distance faster animation. Oh no, you have to give up something to have actual defense like all the other classes have to? What a shame. Crystal Fragments has a 35% chance to proc not whatever you seem to think it is. I'm wondering if people that are defending Bolt Escape are running around with base magicka or something, I have yet to see someone cast Bolt Escape as few times as you guys are saying even after fighting for an extended period of time.
  • GhenghisRex
    Soul Shriven
    The sorcs who can spam bolt are just built that way. They can cast a bunch, but they usually cant last long in close combat. I'm a sorc, and I can only cast bolt escape 4 times in a row before running out of mana. That being said, I have more speced in hp than into mana, so my strength is being less squishy than most mages. Everyone is going to use different builds. Some work very effectively against other builds. But instead of crying out for nerfs, how about trying out different things and finding effective counters. Before everyone cried about mist form and got that nerfed, I didn't even use bolt escape. My build was about being able to run away quickly, and was mostly effective for just ganking and scroll running. But then the best move for mobility in the game was nerfed, which was sad because it was something anyone could get if they became a vampire. I know bolt escaping enemies can be annoying, but its one of the things that makes my class unique. I really don't see why enemies escaping is such a terrible thing. It even says in the loading screens: Fleeing is a perfectly valid tactic.
    -Leader of The Evil Tyrannos
  • dahl.lucas_ESO
    The sorcs who can spam bolt are just built that way. They can cast a bunch, but they usually cant last long in close combat. I'm a sorc, and I can only cast bolt escape 4 times in a row before running out of mana. That being said, I have more speced in hp than into mana, so my strength is being less squishy than most mages. Everyone is going to use different builds. Some work very effectively against other builds. But instead of crying out for nerfs, how about trying out different things and finding effective counters. Before everyone cried about mist form and got that nerfed, I didn't even use bolt escape. My build was about being able to run away quickly, and was mostly effective for just ganking and scroll running. But then the best move for mobility in the game was nerfed, which was sad because it was something anyone could get if they became a vampire. I know bolt escaping enemies can be annoying, but its one of the things that makes my class unique. I really don't see why enemies escaping is such a terrible thing. It even says in the loading screens: Fleeing is a perfectly valid tactic.

    very true. If BE did not exist then many of you would be demanding that sorc abilities should require stamina to be used as well because damn it, how dare those sorc attack with magika and STILL be able to run around!
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