Bolt escape - really?

Bolt escape needs to be changed.

I don't possess the vocabulary necessary to articulate just how broken this skill is in it's current state. Sorcerer's abusing this skill are 100% unkillable. It's not uncommon to see a sorc spam this 5-7 times and go from in your face to beyond clipping range.

It should go without saying. This is a ridiculous ability in a true pvp setting. It needs to be changed. Percentage based magic cost would solve the issue.
  • Mange
    People escaping, major problem. Bows killing you before you get up from a horse knockdown at almost any level, that's fine. It's fine in comparison to half the skills in the game, at least it doesn't end up cc locking you to death. Not like we are in an arena setting where killing one sorc makes a world of difference.
  • Terminus
    This ability can be countered by the Dragonknight's Pullchain.
    Think of them as opposites.
    Knockdowns also work very well against it.
    Am I giving away secrets for my own build? You betcha I am!

    Using this ability more than once in a short time has a very negative impact on your magicka regeneration.
  • Carde
    Skill is fine.
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • scy22b14_ESO
    Terminus wrote: »
    This ability can be countered by the Dragonknight's Pullchain.
    Think of them as opposites.
    Knockdowns also work very well against it.
    Am I giving away secrets for my own build? You betcha I am!

    Using this ability more than once in a short time has a very negative impact on your magicka regeneration.

    Read the morphs it gets. Proceed to edit your post. And I've played enough PVP to see sorcs use this in bursts of 5 with very little rest in between. You simply aren't privy to all the facts.

  • grabbintrionb14_ESO
    yea this is probably the most broken mobility skill I have ever seen in MMO pvp. needs a short cooldown or something because you can easily outrun a whole raid with this. wiz will definitely be FOTM for this escape alone
  • ElSlayer
    Mange wrote: »
    People escaping, major problem. Bows killing you before you get up from a horse knockdown at almost any level, that's fine.
    And how many points did you invested in your horse's stamina? Oh, zero...
    @d0e1ow: There is no singular thing within a game's little ecosystem that will convince you that you hate the game, hate your life, and hate everyone around you faster than the game's official forums will.

    @TaffyIX: Life is too short to get upset by a video game.
  • Censorious
    Mange wrote: »
    Bows killing you before you get up from a horse knockdown at almost any level, that's fine.

    While I'm quite happy with Bolt Escape, so I agree with you, I have to say you really shouldn't be riding a horse through a battlefield unless you are absolutely sure there are no enemy around.

    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Mange
    ElSlayer wrote: »
    And how many points did you invested in your horse's stamina? Oh, zero...
    Major whiff, completely missed the message. :D
    Censorious wrote: »

    While I'm quite happy with Bolt Escape, so I agree with you, I have to say you really shouldn't be riding a horse through a battlefield...

    So basically you shouldn't be riding a horse in Cyrodiil? Or are you insinuating that I was in the middle of a siege fight and decided to mount my horse, charged into a lone bow user, and died? Lol

    Either way I wasn't the one killed by the bow before getting up, I was merely a witness.
  • Jitterbug
    I certainly feel like all the classes are OP and that we should nerf mudcrabs and argonian swim speed!
  • Toy
    Jitterbug wrote: »
    I certainly feel like all the classes are OP and that we should nerf mudcrabs and argonian swim speed!
    All classes are overpowered, but some classes are more overpowered than others.
  • Yankee
    So this Sorc outrunning "a whole raid". That raid had no Sorcs with bolt escape to give chase?

    I thought ESO PVP was a team effort......and all competing sides have access to every class and ability including bolt escape.

    Not sure I see the problem.
  • Archaegeo
    He is mad because someone can run away from him. Its sad but a lot of pvp players only want it so that its face to face fighting, no escaping allowed.
  • Tiitus
    yea this is probably the most broken mobility skill I have ever seen in MMO pvp. needs a short cooldown or something because you can easily outrun a whole raid with this. wiz will definitely be FOTM for this escape alone

    Im sry but o fail to see the prob wirh this skill (not a sorc).. why is it an issue that a glass canon class has the ability to escape? Im pretty sure if that sorc is spamming this ability 5 times in a row he will have lil mp to do anything with but escape. Melee user have gap closer, ranged user has gap fillers.

    I see no issue here... are you mad he didnt stand there and let you kill him?

    Edited by Tiitus on April 8, 2014 1:03PM
  • Mantiss
    I have a Sorc and yeah Bolt Escape is stupid OP. Not for running though but for getting into range, bursting and then going behind or getting out of range again. Its also amazing for just hoping away and breaking LoS for healing or regen.

    Should see some of the VR10 Sorcs with very high magika regen and skill cost reduction, that is almost obscene in terms of mobility and kiting. People call the Sorc class the Master Class for very-very good reason. I actually swapped to Nightblade just to have a challenge.
  • joejccva71b14_ESO
    I have a VR4 Sorc and I have to agree. Bolt Escape is too much. I can toy with large raids. I can run up to two players, kill one and then bolt escape before he can even get me down to half. Also with the Breton race, plus magicka reduction gear...I can cast 7+ bolt escapes and go way out of reach of an enemy. The cooldown is nothing and can be cast repeatedly instantly.

    Trust me, it's OP as hell. If you die as a Sorc in a 1v1 or even a 2v1, then you're really bad. That's how easy it is.
    Edited by joejccva71b14_ESO on April 8, 2014 4:37PM
  • scy22b14_ESO
    I have a VR4 Sorc and I have to agree. Bolt Escape is too much. I can toy with large raids. I can run up to two players, kill one and then bolt escape before he can even get me down to half. Also with the Breton race, plus magicka reduction gear...I can cast 7+ bolt escapes and go way out of reach of an enemy. The cooldown is nothing and can be cast repeatedly instantly.

    Trust me, it's OP as hell. If you die as a Sorc in a 1v1 or even a 2v1, then you're really bad. That's how easy it is.

    You summed it up perfectly. It's just a matter of time before this skill utterly takes over the meta game. Unless of course they figure it out and make some much needed changes to it.

  • Kewljag_66_ESO
    Having no problem with killing these sorcs, you just need some kind of CC on one of your bars.
  • joshisanonymous
    Why is a whole raid chasing one sorceror?
    Fedrals: PC / NA / EP / NB

  • ThatHappyCat
    Having no problem with killing these sorcs, you just need some kind of CC on one of your bars.

    All they have to do is use their CC break (seriously, don't people ever use this?) and they're immune for 8s, plenty of time to Bolt Escape to somewhere you'll never touch.

  • Toy
    Why is a whole raid chasing one sorceror?
    Because that's the point right...riiiight?

    All I can say about this broken skill is: "to the ground baby!" In general sorcs need some looking at, they are a little too good at just about everything.

  • Demetric
    Toy wrote: »
    they are a little too good at just about everything.

    Nightblades are a little too good at just about everything. So is DK's and Templars, nerf them.

  • Semel
    Nerf everyone. Starting from the OP.

    I'm getting tired of this nerf-this-nerf-that crowd who starts whining and howling whenever a new mmorg is released.
    sorc is spamming this ability 5 times in a row he will have lil mp to do anything with but escape.

    You are right. It's not a cheap spell.
    Edited by Semel on April 9, 2014 9:14AM
  • Toy
    Demetric wrote: »
    Nightblades are a little too good at just about everything. So is DK's and Templars, nerf them.
    It's funny that people always mention how "everyone is op/it all depends on the spec"...and so on, with the truth being that sorcerers excel at every single role, while the other classes playstyle is way more limited. Believe it or not, class choice DOES matter.

    DK: beasts....but in melee/CQC mode only, ranged wise they downright suck.

    Templar: they're what I'd call the games average Joe's, they used to be the best healers until ZOS decided to destroy them. From what I've seen they're not really well suited for tanking, aedric spear offers some nice melee burst but other than that they're pretty mediocre.

    NB: I can't really say much about them, as I don't know the class mechanics well enough, all I know is that most of them I encountered in Cyrodiil were 24/7 bow huggers that for some reason didn't pose much of a threat.

    Sorc: their only apparent "weakness" is that they're not the most efficient stamina users. Their superior magicka management makes more than up for it though, since by design magicka > stamina. It makes sorc the most versatile class. They're the best healers, viable tanks, more than viable melee dds and ofc the most fearsome ranged dds with the best mobility in game to top it off.
    Semel wrote: »
    Nerf everyone. Starting from the OP.
    Let's just be reasonable and start with outright broken skills can we? Pointing out things that are not quite so balanced is a necessity, whether you like it or not.

  • Semel
    There is nothing unbalanced with bolt escape whether you like it or not.

    sorcerers excel at every single role

    After this I stopped reading.
    Edited by Semel on April 9, 2014 11:40AM
  • MorHawk
    I'd love to see how this crowd would have reacted had Bolt Escape not been nerfed during beta...
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • joejccva71b14_ESO
    Semel wrote: »
    There is nothing unbalanced with bolt escape whether you like it or not.

    After this I stopped reading.

    Actually he's correct. Look up Entropy Rising's videos regarding the Sorc. They are the masterclass. They can do pretty much everything the other classes can, and better in some ways. They can tank, heal, single target and aoe dps, and have great CC, and have amazing utility. Did I mention they make excellent tanks? My VR5 sorc tanks 4 man's pretty effectively to the point of where one person thought I was a DK at first.

    Sorcs ARE the meta class in ESO whether you want to argue about it or not.

    And let's not even go into Bolt Escape. With me as a Breton with magicka reduction cost passives and gear. I can cast 8 bolt escapes if I really need to get away, but realistically you only need 3 at the very most, and you're at 75% magicka so I can still kick a player's ass which happens often.
    Edited by joejccva71b14_ESO on April 9, 2014 1:22PM
  • Semel
    I looked at the video What a sad bunch of elitists.

    There are ways to get bolt escape sorcerer.

    It has already a high cost and regen debuff. Move on and stop whining.

    Btw morphed mist form is even slightly faster than this teleporting ability.
    can tank, heal, single target and aoe dps

    Other classes can do that just fine.

    And some quotes in regard to elitists jerks video:
    Another one filming himself in his bedroom… I had a 1vs1 fight with an sorc that tried to bolt escape, ending with a 3rd and final Critical Charge killing him. So if he is to fast, you are to slow.
    Lol my group was there. What I found absolutely hilarious was that ER which had more men lost the fight to a group of pugs and 2 guild grps (seperate guilds) of 4 people. We also had no problems running down your sorcs using bolt escape. Sui can cofirm this

    PS Ah you are the same dude from ridiculous Pulsar thread. Now everything is clear to me.
  • Baphomet
    Ah, it's the same guy who is panicking over impulse? Well, it's to be expected. Players new to the game don't quite have the routine in PvP that the more seasoned beta testers so many abilities might seem overpowered at first glace. If I was new to PvP in this game and saw impulse and bolt escape, I would most likely also consider them overpowered. However, being one of the lucky individuals who have had the privilige of having PvP'ed for months already, I can say that bolt escape is pretty much spot on right now.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Semel
    That one? joejccva71b14_ESO

    Yup ;)

    Well. he claims to have VR4 rank sorcerer so he is not new to PVP although what he says doesn't make much sense anyways.
  • Zaldoras
    An ability that allows someone to run away is... OP? What?
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