How long does it generally take to get a refund?

I know the customer service is busy and all, but how long does it take to get a refund, or even a response to an email? Anyone know?
  • lelink88
    they don't care about refund , they have many problem need solving now , poor you , i think it take very very long time for you to get money back
  • otomodachi
    Aylasa wrote: »
    I know the customer service is busy and all, but how long does it take to get a refund, or even a response to an email? Anyone know?

    It took about 28 hours to get my first response. I had been updating the gmail conversation with the fixes and other issues going on, which apparently moves you to the bottom of hte support queue.

    That rep looked at the most recent email, ignored the text in it, slapped a automated response on and closed the ticket.

    Had to come back to forum to get ticket re-opened by a Mod Admin (thanks again Hugo) 8 hours later, I fire off an email in response to the ticket chain again (still had no idea it was moving me to the bottom of the queue) and someone jumped on THREE MINUTES later asking me to explain my issue.

    Today I got my refund. It took 68-ish hours all in all.

    Hope this helps in expediting things for you. They're just swamped, is all, and the ticket system has some interesting quirks.

    EDIT: I bought digitally through the ZO online store, as I assume @Aylasa did, but if anyone else bought from someone else digitally you NEED to contact them instead of ZO, and if you bought a physical copy godspeed to you.
    Edited by otomodachi on April 7, 2014 4:40PM
    What do you gain by criticizing a CSR complaint?
  • SamLoomis
    I want my money back too. I can't subscribe and I can't play.
  • Aylasa
    Sweet, thanks. I do know that they're swamped with a bunch of things, but at this point even just an automated response would be better than nothing. I'll try sending another email (unless someone on the @zos team want's to open a ticket from here :P ) tomorrow if I don't get a response.

    lelink88 wrote: »
    they don't care about refund , they have many problem need solving now , poor you , i think it take very very long time for you to get money back

    Really, I was just asking how long it generally takes to get a response. If you're going to troll, do it elsewhere and do it right.
  • otomodachi
    Aylasa wrote: »
    Sweet, thanks. I do know that they're swamped with a bunch of things, but at this point even just an automated response would be better than nothing. I'll try sending another email (unless someone on the @zos team want's to open a ticket from here :P ) tomorrow if I don't get a response.

    lelink88 wrote: »
    they don't care about refund , they have many problem need solving now , poor you , i think it take very very long time for you to get money back

    Really, I was just asking how long it generally takes to get a response. If you're going to troll, do it elsewhere and do it right.

    You rock, @Aylasa and if you have time, spread information about not replying to CS tickets and stuff where you can cuz once I head to work I'll be done with the forumn. :)
    What do you gain by criticizing a CSR complaint?
  • Aylasa
    I'll try, lol. I'm just hoping to have the $80 back soon, since, you know, an extra $80 is always nice to have.
  • Elvikun
    If you are filling for a refund, it means you are not a customer anymore, so I would hope your case will be solved after all ticketsof the actual customers are closed.

    I know, that sounds unfriendly, but it actually makes sense. Even so, likely beween 1-4 days.
    Edited by Elvikun on April 7, 2014 5:23PM
    Failing is a lifestyle too.
  • baknox04_ESO
    Hello 6 years later. Is there still a 1-4 day timeframe? I want a refund for my ESO plus I bought. I want to pre-order Greymoor instead. It's been almost 24 since I started a ticket, no response yet.
  • Qellian
    Trying to refund Greymoor Update (bought wrong one basically), it's been 11 days (we're on the 12th day as i'm typing this)

    I opened a post here few days ago, which didnt get any attention for 2 days and afterwards i learned at least nothing is bugged and they're just on the way of processing my ticket and that i should just... wait...

    Then on top of it, i read someone else's post about how he did applied for a refund, got what he asked for but damn MONEY never reached back to him, and that he was trying to fix that...

    For a company this big, it feels sooo scummy... I honestly wondering if I will get a refund before Greymoor actually launches, then they will say "but oh hey! look, it's launched, you technically played it, we wont giving ya money back yoo" or something...

    To think, 10 days ago i was so enthaustic about this game, i was going to make a recurring subscription for crown points... level a necromancer...
    Now, even my friend who I persuaded to come play with me asking me "why aren't you playing"... Sorry, for rant... i just had to get it off...
  • baknox04_ESO
    Yes. Not having a customer service phone number seems sketchy also. 12 days is way too long to respond, even with the covid situation. Good luck on your refund, and I hope they get everyone taken care of soon.
  • baknox04_ESO

    I know you are probably overwhelmed with tickets and issues, but I would love some updates. The faster I can get this taken care of, the faster I can pre-order Greymoor
  • ZOS_Volpe

    We have closed this topic as it was originally created in 2014 and the information contained within may longer be relevant to the game. In many cases, it's better to create a new thread on a topic that you want to discuss as opposed to bumping one that is rather old.

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