neverending crashes

Soul Shriven
Yesterday around 4am UK time my game crashed, and then it did again about 10 times right after logging into Stormhaven every time. I've repaired the game(nothing was missing) and it still does that today(tried ab 10 times again).
  • Yshaar
    Try to change your graphic settings. Try to log with a different character.
  • Adrianlech6b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    changing graphics settings didn't help, trying diffrent char now
    EDIT: lolwut? i logged with a fresh char in AD in worked, but i already have my lvl 25 breton, with first 4 locations finished, i want him back ;(
    Edited by Adrianlech6b16_ESO on April 7, 2014 12:47PM
  • Adrianlech6b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Ok, so I died apparently, and I was fast enough to press e before it crashed again, then i repaired the game again, changed graphics on minimum, and it logged me in next to a wayshrine, seems to be working now, thread can be closed.
  • djodars
    It might be the specific area you're in that your graphics card doesn't like. Do you know if you're on Direct X 11 or 9?
  • Adrianlech6b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    It was few dozens metes south from Scrag's Larder.
    Edited by Adrianlech6b16_ESO on April 7, 2014 3:19PM
  • djodars
    If you want to test, you can try going into:
    C:\Users\*YOUR USERNAME*\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live

    Open "usersettings.txt" and look for this line:

    SET GraphicsDriver.7 "D3D11"

    You can change the "D3D11" to "D3D9" or "OPENGL".

    If it fixes your problem, high five! If not, I have no idea. Good luck though :)
  • Adrianlech6b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    my problem fixed itself, i had few seconds ingame every time i logged in, i died, i resped at wayshrine, started working.
    Thx for help tho.
    Edited by Adrianlech6b16_ESO on April 7, 2014 2:28PM
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