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Figuring out lock picking? Easy yes, Easy no?

Here's one for every one.

How do you feel on the lock picking mechanics is ESO?
Do you like, dislike or prefer the lock picking mechanics that were Skyrim. Also do you think lock picking should have a skill line?

I'm interested in other folks lock picking experiences in ESO.

Just so you know if took me a bit to figure out the trick to the lock picking, but one I did, I would say I am about 90-95% successful every time.

If folks would like to know what I figured out let me know. (Hint: it is a visual, and a audio que)
A Bear is a terrible thing to tick off, especially when he is trying to be helpful
  • Khenarthi
    I do not find it too difficult, it's quite similar to lockpicking in Oblivion. If I listen for the cue I lock the pick in place more often than not. The Skyrim / Fallout 3 system was a bit easier but it's just a matter of getting used to it.

    I was surprised that there wasn't a skill line and it's entirely up to player skill with no ways to perk it up to make it easier though.
  • Stautmeister
    i used to be to late, but after some practicing i can now do every chest in 1 try.
    TBH they should place practice chest in the starter zones so people can actually practice them. Because if you dont take the chest instantly someone else probably will.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • ursacorb14_ESO
    Khenarthi wrote: »
    I do not find it too difficult, it's quite similar to lockpicking in Oblivion. If I listen for the cue I lock the pick in place more often than not. The Skyrim / Fallout 3 system was a bit easier but it's just a matter of getting used to it.

    I was surprised that there wasn't a skill line and it's entirely up to player skill with no ways to perk it up to make it easier though.

    Interesting, well at least you do get experience that helps you level for succeeding

    A Bear is a terrible thing to tick off, especially when he is trying to be helpful
  • Holmes
    It was a lot easier than it was to get used to the Skyrim method. It's just a matter of timing, really.
    Listen for the slight jiggle, and as soon as you hear it, release. 90% of the time it's flawless.
  • Gaudrath
    Totally easy - I actually can't remember the last time I broke a pick or ran out of time. Haven't ran into too many hard chests though, but intermediate are a piece of cake.

    It might be fun to let more than one person pick the lock at the same time. Let the best burglar win! ;)
  • Usstan
    Once you get the hang of it, it's very easy, maybe to easy. And it's refreshing that some skills are totally dependent on the player and not in-game skills :wink:
  • Coggage
    I have a bit of carpal tunnel syndrome plus a bit of arthritis in my hands and it makes lockpicking a waste of my time, sadly. I'll just have to do without the phat lewt. :(
  • Gaudrath
    Coggage wrote: »
    I have a bit of carpal tunnel syndrome plus a bit of arthritis in my hands and it makes lockpicking a waste of my time, sadly. I'll just have to do without the phat lewt. :(

    It's not that epic, trust me. I get most of my phat lewt from gutting mobs in the wild. Chests are just an occasional bonus.
  • Rhylanna
    Sadly, I must admit that I am and forever will be utterly lock-challenged. Having gone through countless lock picks on several simple chests, I was finally able to open one. I have no idea what I did besides break about 40 picks (pathetic, isn't it? lol). I have decided to make other non-lock-challenged players happy by leaving these chests for them!! :blush:
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  • UnknownXV
    Purely a reactionary test. Nothing difficult about it. But honestly, this doesn't surprise me. People would be crying non-stop on the forums if lockpicking was actually difficult enough to require genuine skill to use it. As in, practical real life skill; not in game numbers.
    Rhylanna wrote: »
    Sadly, I must admit that I am and forever will be utterly lock-challenged. Having gone through countless lock picks on several simple chests, I was finally able to open one. I have no idea what I did besides break about 40 picks (pathetic, isn't it? lol). I have decided to make other non-lock-challenged players happy by leaving these chests for them!! :blush:

    It is not difficult. Fear not. All you have to do is maneuver to each pin, press the left mouse button and hold it down until you see and hear the tumbler moving slightly. The instant you hear this, let go of the left mouse button. Do this for all 5 tumblers before the time runs out and you unlock the chest.
    Edited by UnknownXV on April 7, 2014 12:25PM
  • oxcraig
    Soul Shriven
    I can't seem to figure out lockpicking. I have broken all my picks or I never get a second try as someone takes it from me. I may never learn how to do this.
  • beriiel
    It took me quite a while to figure out the lockpicking system. Now that I have, I'm opening 100% of the simple to medium chests, and about 95% of the hardest chests.

    I like it and have no problem.
  • Gothlander
    I still don't know how to pick a lock. Can I get some help here.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    TESO needs a wardrobe system badly. Something similar to WoW's tmog system would make this game one of the best mmorpg out there!
  • beriiel
    Yeah, I'm still waking up, but I'll try to explain. I'm not in at the moment and don't remember the buttons to push so this will be vague.

    As you move the lockpick and make one of the bolts go down you will see it shake slowly then it shakes a lot, and then the bolt goes back up. When it very fist shakes release the lockpick and the bolt will snap into place.

    That's the best way I can explain without being in. If that doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll find the time to make a video.

    Gothlander wrote: »
    I still don't know how to pick a lock. Can I get some help here.

  • Alyrn_Grey
    Once you get the trick of it, it is fairly easy. The system used is very similar to lock picking in Oblivion.
  • Vikova
    I was surprised that it wasn't a skill to be leveled up. I would have preferred it be a little more difficult, but I understand why they didn't.

    For those who don't know how to do it: click the left mouse button on a pin. As it goes down, release as soon as it starts to wiggle a little bit. Repeat process for rest of pins.
  • jmido8
    Lockpicking is way to easy, I didn't even break my first lockpick until like 20+ chests later. Not even master chests are challenging.

    I think the system is fun, it's just way to easy. I feel like on the harder chests, lockpicks should break way easier. Or maybe, if you mess up at all, it should just break your lockpick and make you exit the lockpicking screen and wait a couple seconds to try again.
  • KerinKor
    jmido8 wrote: »
    Lockpicking is way to easy, I didn't even break my first lockpick until like 20+ chests later. Not even master chests are challenging.

    I think the system is fun, it's just way to easy. I feel like on the harder chests, lockpicks should break way easier. Or maybe, if you mess up at all, it should just break your lockpick and make you exit the lockpicking screen and wait a couple seconds to try again.

    I've never had one pick last for 20+ chests and I've picked over 100 of them by now.

    Also, there IS a timeout if you fail, it's maybe around 5 seconds.

    Edited by KerinKor on April 7, 2014 1:24PM
  • Gedalya
    Gothlander wrote: »
    I still don't know how to pick a lock. Can I get some help here.

    Read here; it is fairly simple.

    Also, I prefer the new method to Skyrim. I loved Skyrim but it is hardly an archetype for how modern Elder Scrolls games should be made. I'm very happy with how Zenimax Online Studios crafted this game.

    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

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  • Coggage
    UnknownXV wrote: »
    It is not difficult. Fear not. All you have to do is maneuver to each pin, press the left mouse button and hold it down until you see and hear the tumbler moving slightly. The instant you hear this, let go of the left mouse button. Do this for all 5 tumblers before the time runs out and you unlock the chest.
    As mentioned above, I can't do this as my fingers are stiff, so releasing the mouse button at the right time just doesn't happen fast enough. Never mind, I'll just leave them for other people, like the guy above. :)

  • Kiash
    I like the lockpick mechanic. It's a little bit easy, but at least it's not frustrating. Even master lockpicks are too easy imo, but I realize they need to appeal to everyone so I'm ok with it :)
  • Killum
    I am pretty much deaf so the sound everyone talks about I can't hear. I just watch for the 'wiggle'. After a few attempts at the start I caught on rather quickly. Pretty easy to open them now.
  • RustyBlades
    I just wait for the jiggle - when the thing starts to jiggle let up, if that doesn't snap into place, slide the tumbler down to where it started jiggling and let go before it jiggles. Also, there are only 4 positions to worry about - each stop is 1/4 from the next - 1/4 down, 1/2 down, 3/4 down, full down. I can't hear the thing myself - never have, just do the jiggle and let go.
  • AlienSlof
    I can't figure the lock picking out at all. I end up just trying to force them out of frustration.
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • ursacorb14_ESO
    Gothlander wrote: »
    I still don't know how to pick a lock. Can I get some help here.

    Okay here it is, when you are picking a lock:
    1.it doesn't make a difference what order they are done in.
    2. when you are pushing the lock cylinder down watch for when it starts to shake/rattle. if you go past that point you will break the lock pick.
    3. Stop just before the rattle and shake stage. The trick is noting how far down you need to go, so you have to watch it. Some just take a minor tap. While other must be pressed down much farther.

    Once you notice these clues you will begin to eliminate any issue you have with locked chests.

    Hope this helps
    A Bear is a terrible thing to tick off, especially when he is trying to be helpful
  • Sallakat
    took me a while to know what is the right moment to let go of a string when it starts wiggling but as soon as you figure it out you should not have problems with them, unless you're hasty like I might sometimes be and break the damn lockpick :D
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

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  • Thete
    Also do you think lock picking should have a skill line?

    No, making it a skill line just means the game will do it for you after you've bashed your head against enough chests. As it is, it gives something for the player to do.
  • Azzuria
    Lock picking has become quite easy.

    The only challenge now are the Master level locks and I can only open those if I break a pick in the process.
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    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • MaxBat
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    I can't figure the lock picking out at all. I end up just trying to force them out of frustration.

    The first couple of days, I had a frustration, mostly from following other people's advice. Here's how I do it; maybe it will help you, maybe it won't. But this is how I do it:

    (1) Know that there are are only 4 possible spaces for tumblers: Three-quarters up, half down, three-quarters down, all the way down.

    (2) When you see the tumbler tremble, release it. It probably won't stay, but now you know what level your at. Push the tumbler down to just the top of that level and release. It should stick.

    (3) Once you have one level, you can guess pretty accurately at the other levels. Remember: line the tumbler up with the top of the level.

    (4) It's easy if two or more tumblers are at the same level. Just match the level of the tumblers.

    (5) Get an general idea where the other levels are, and push down to about that level. The shaking is an indication of the level for that tumbler.

    This is my method. I tried the "tumbler shaking" method and trying to release as it started shaking, but it never worked for me. I always have to release like a moment before it starts to shake - or at the top of the level.

    Now that I have an idea where the levels are, I can usually pick anything but a master lock in a few seconds. And I don't break lockpicks any more. One character has like 220-ish picks.

    Edit: Oh, and with five tumblers and four levels, you'll have at least two that are at the same level - often more than that. Once you have one pushed down to the right level, you're more than halfway done - I promise. :)
    Edited by MaxBat on April 8, 2014 9:26PM
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • SadisticSavior
    Here's one for every one.

    How do you feel on the lock picking mechanics is ESO?
    Seems a little on the easy side IMO (especially since the reward is usually pretty good). But it is definitely more entertaining than just finding it on the ground or having to kick a puppy (kill an easy mob) to get it.

    Edited by SadisticSavior on April 8, 2014 9:39PM
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