Edit: With today's patch notes I've made some amendments below.
I've played a number of MMO's in my time and while it's not unusual for quests to be broken in the first month, I've never in my life seen so many problems with quests on launch. Right now, I have several quests in my Journal that are simply broken and no amount of dropping the quest or re-logging will fix them. And yes, I've bug reported everything I've encountered.
The Ghosts of Westtry: You're supposed to observe 2 ghosts talking towards the end of this quest. They never appear and so it doesn't progress. Fixed on April 7th, 2014 in patch 1.0.2.
Children of Yokuda: You're supposed to destroy 3 barrels of poison in the sewer. Only 2 will spawn. No 3rd barrel will appear, thus it can't be completed. Fixed on April 7th, 2014 in patch 1.0.2.
The Heart of the Beast: Here, you have to fight Aspect's of Speed, Strength and Guile. However, the Aspect of Guile appears where the Aspect of Speed is supposed to be (it's actually in 2 different places simultaneously) and so you can't get credit for the quest. The duplicate also respawns immediately so people were sitting there farming it. Not fixed yet
Now, up until this point none of these are progress blocking quests I've run across. It's frustrating that I've gone all the way through them and I can't finish them, sure, but I was able to move on. However, now I'm on the final questline and there's a major problem with "A Graveyard of Ships". Not fixed yet
You're supposed to protect a Khajit that's breaking a door down, but after fighting the 3 waves of mobs his animation resets and, even if he verbally says that he's good to go, he'll reappear and you can't enter the ship. This is part of the main quest, folks, and you can't get the last Skyshard in Coldharbour without completing it.
These are all just quests on the Daggerfall side (not counting the main quest of which we all do). Now, with that being said, this isn't where the problems stop.
There's some serious problems with quest NPC's not working, portals not appearing (they'll be there, but they're invisible), and objectives not spawning. In most cases these issues can be resolved by logging out of the game and logging back in. However, the fact that you have to do this on a seemingly constant basis is ridiculous. I've had to re-log at least 20 times while leveling through the game to fix things that bugged out.
For the game to be released in this state is just an embarrassment. What pisses me off the most is that ESO is a damn fun game with an amazing world, memorable characters and I've legitimately had more fun than I've had in years whilst playing through it.
But, these bugs are seriously unacceptable. I don't know how they managed to leave bugs this severe in the game months after they were initially reported (having to re-log to fix things is something we were doing even back in December in the first closed beta period I participated in).
And I haven't even gotten into the dungeons yet, which I'm told are a buggy mess with the same issues with quests as outlined above (except, in some cases, even worse).
They better roll out some serious patch notes on Wednesday's maintenance period this week. If they don't get this fixed quick, fast and in a hurry it's going to boil over when the masses all start running into the same problems.
tldr; Game released with numerous glitches in side quests, a main quest line that can't be completed, and constant problems with NPC's and objectives not working right or not spawning unless you re-log or drop the quest and pick it up again.
Edited by strikethub17_ESO on April 7, 2014 4:52PM