Is this how you treat your most valuable customers, ZOS? We're the ones who are willing to pay $100+ for a game we could have gotten for $30 from GMG with the -20% coupon. We are going to keep paying $15 a month to support ESO for decades to come. Hell we might be the only ones dumb enough to buy your virtual golden mudcrab you no doubt will decide to sell sooner or later.
But we get shafted right up in the ass. We can't even play the damn game in the first weekend, and for some people even worse. Is it okay that we get treated like this? Judging by their inaction, ZOS thinks so.
Well, in truth we deserve much better. If they treat us worse than people who paid $30 for the same game, then we want our money back. ZOS can do this by giving us 6-months of free game time, which is roughly the same amount we over-paid for the Imperial Edition.
Either that or extend the grace period a few weeks ASAP.
Make it happen, ZOS. You don't want to lose your most dedicated customers to something this stupid.
Edited by plenilune on April 7, 2014 4:17AM