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only 5 quickbar slots?

is there any way to increase that?
  • nerevarine1138
    Oh Mara, not this again.

    You have 12 slots total after level 15. The point of having a limited number of slots is that it forces players to use strategy. Your build and playstyle are determined by your hotbar loadout, not your skill selection.
    Edited by nerevarine1138 on April 6, 2014 5:05PM
  • mutharex
    Oh Mara, not this again.

    You have 12 slots total after level 15. The point of having a limited number of slots is that it forces players to use strategy. Your build and playstyle are determined by your hotbar loadout, not your skill selecting.

    Get used to it for at least for the next 30-60 days
  • Metella
    I've so far not had any fights where I've thought 'drat, I wish I'd also had X on my bar'. Mind you, I haven't quite figured out what the bar at the bottom of some of the ability descriptions is - fills up like the levelling bar and so on, doesn't seem to work if the bar's not full though I may be wrong about that, and I have no idea if I can do anything to fill it...
  • Alyrn_Grey
    @nerevarine1138 actually the limit on the number of slots for the control interface is because the game is designed to also be played on the Playstation and Xbox. It is because controllers can't have an unlimited number of control slots setup and it would give an advantage to the PC players.

    That said you are correct that at level 15 you unlock the alternate weapon which comes with it's own full set of 5 regular and 1 ultimate slot. On consideration it would be nice to have more alternate weapon slots... :wink:
  • SpearDusk
    lol, consoles :\ Anyway I'm still at lvl 9 and only just had more skills that I plan to use than the 5 quickbars. I already modified my skills.
  • nerevarine1138
    Alyrn_Grey wrote: »
    @nerevarine1138 actually the limit on the number of slots for the control interface is because the game is designed to also be played on the Playstation and Xbox. It is because controllers can't have an unlimited number of control slots setup and it would give an advantage to the PC players.

    That said you are correct that at level 15 you unlock the alternate weapon which comes with it's own full set of 5 regular and 1 ultimate slot. On consideration it would be nice to have more alternate weapon slots... :wink:

    Is GW2 a console game? Limited quickbars have everything to do with combat mechanics and nothing to do with console limitations.
  • mutharex
    No the limit is not for consoles, TES games never had quickslots for skills AFAIR.
    Morrowind was even morel limiting AND it came out on console a lot AFTER it had been released. Most games nowadays go for a limited amount of skill that you can use but chosen from a large pool (TSW, GW2 etc)
  • Blackhorne
    Metella wrote: »
    I've so far not had any fights where I've thought 'drat, I wish I'd also had X on my bar'. Mind you, I haven't quite figured out what the bar at the bottom of some of the ability descriptions is - fills up like the levelling bar and so on, doesn't seem to work if the bar's not full though I may be wrong about that, and I have no idea if I can do anything to fill it...

    It is the leveling bar for that skill. You level it (if the skill can be levelled) by using the skill or having the skill equipped during combat. Once a skill has been leveled enough (4 or 5 ranks, I believe), you can choose to spend a skill point to morph it, which extends the original ability or adds a new effect.
  • Metella
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Metella wrote: »
    I've so far not had any fights where I've thought 'drat, I wish I'd also had X on my bar'. Mind you, I haven't quite figured out what the bar at the bottom of some of the ability descriptions is - fills up like the levelling bar and so on, doesn't seem to work if the bar's not full though I may be wrong about that, and I have no idea if I can do anything to fill it...

    It is the leveling bar for that skill. You level it (if the skill can be levelled) by using the skill or having the skill equipped during combat. Once a skill has been leveled enough (4 or 5 ranks, I believe), you can choose to spend a skill point to morph it, which extends the original ability or adds a new effect.

    Ah, of course! *facepalm* Thanks :smiley:
  • Vikova
    It certainly isn't because of consoles. This is the new trend of MMOs. NWO, TSW, ESO, GW, etc. The goal is to have a tactical choice of what you want to bring into a fight and what you want to be able to swap to (after L15) instead of having a huge array of skills available at any time that turns the game into theorycrafting between 1% more here or 1% more there. The decisions you have to make are larger and more impactful.
  • Psychic_Kitty
    Actually there is 5 plus the ultimate and one.

    Those slots all change if you switch weapons....so you sort of have 12

    In other words....you will eventually have skills you will never be able to use.....because the people who designed this game don't actually play it.

    Quick slot mistakes like this....are a design flaw usually done by people who design things on paper and don't actually test.

    Its like putting anchor effects on ranged attacks and then making the build ups too long.....yep they did that too. That's another mistake developers make when they don't actually test what they do.....

    Sadly most developers who do this...immediately dismiss what anyone says....until you can actually make them sit down and play with their own rules you probably will never see a change(its because they have to get smacked around by their own mistakes)......another way to get them to change is to ridicule mercilessly their flawed system....like what happened with AION.

    The developer for that game literally made spirits unable to fly....it took merciless videos ridiculing his system before he changed it.

    Because the truth was he never played with the powers....he wrote them on paper and thought that was good...then put them into the game...thought they where good but never thought about a 3d game with damage happening in less then a second or with flying...ie what he wanted....didn't happen because he never actually tried to play his own game to test the powers in differing ways.

    Another design flaw while I am on the subject is the 2.5 stealth.....it literally has a cast time that eats part of that time...also the stealth doesn't work with everything....and it never gets better....even with your maximum of 16% more stealth time...you still get less then 3 seconds.......
    Again showing it was on paper...they theory crafted it must be really bogus to be able to hide....so they thought lets lower its duration a lot....and then lets lower its amount of damage bonus....because that's way too powerful....yet they failed to realize they gave all the other classes a build up power that doubles or triples those attacks for other classes.....yet failed to realize a stealth that lasts less then a few seconds wont do anything all because of their imposed speed of the animations.
    Stuns for example have this same flaw in this game...again another theory craft/paper error yep you stun for 2 seconds...the same amount of time it takes for your character to recover and attack again......so basically you are wasting time even trying to stun something or do much of anything like that most of the time.

    Yes this is long.....I post this....because I too once fell into the hole these developers have in designing systems with out testing them....as they looked good on paper and in theory but in actual usage....didn't work so well...and made the game experience not that good.

  • nerevarine1138
    I think you're confusing "something I don't like/understand" with a design flaw.

    The hotbar is limited to force you to make choices. Some skills are more useful in certain builds or in certain situations (for instance, silver bolts is useless if you aren't fighting undead/daedra). And the stealth skill you take issue with lasts plenty long. It's meant to be a quick aggro-dropper and a chance to land another stealth attack mid-combat.
  • hurricane198
    Well like in WoW you can have so many skills on your bar this gets very confusing people had over 4 bars of skills they used in a raid it was continueously switching bars to search that one skill. I wish for example that i had soul thingy also in a bar but i learned to deal with it. maybe in the future we get more choices?
    When we talk, we tell what we know, when we listen we learn something new
  • Vikova

    Yes, I'm sure they designed a game without ever testing it. As someone else said, you are confusing design flaw with a style of game you dislike. Not the same thing.
  • Metella
    It took me a couple of days to get used to the quickbar, but I really like it, makes me think about what I'm likely to face and what will be useful against it - like someone said, what's the sense having an ability that works on Enemy Type A in your great long list of available hotkeyed things if you're only going to be facing Enemy Type B, C and D in the next quest? 5 is a sensible number that gives me a few different ways of dealing with the foe right in front of me, without being so many that if I'm finding a fight stressful I'll forget which is which and use something completely useless. Why over-complicate things, it's no better than over-simplification.
  • Blackhorne
    In other words....you will eventually have skills you will never be able to use.....
    That's completely false. You are free to change up the layout of your quick slot bar anytime you're not in combat. So you can use any combination of 12 skills, and switch to another combination for another set of combat.
    because the people who designed this game don't actually play it.
    Actually, they did and they do, and they also communicated quite a lot with the beta testers about this and many other "issues" which have been brought up in the past few days.

    I think more likely you haven't played this game enough to understand the options available to you. The whole point is to get players thinking about dealing with different situations differently, focusing on the skills needed for the particular situation.

    For example, perhaps you put mostly CC abilities on your quickslot for a cave where you know you're going to come up against monsters in groups; then some friends come on and want you to heal for them, so you reconfigure your quickslot for healing abilities; then you decide to go to Cyrodiil, so change your bar once again for the skills you like to use in PvP.

    Now instead of a long 15-slot action bar where you have to remember where your CC abilities are vs your healing abilities, you have three focused action bars which you can reconfigure at will when you're not in combat, so in combat you can act and react smoothly.

    You may say that's a lot of work before actually playing, but in actuality, you don't necessarily need to change up that often, especially if you keep your two most used sets of skills configured with your alternate weapon sets. Plus you can use an addon like Wykkyd's Outfitter to set up all of the action bar sets you want and quickly switch between them.
  • circilion
    lmao, I love how people say that these systems weren't tested, and assume that Dev's are morons because it is easier than trying to figure out the reasons the game mechanics are such as they are.

    Another popular complaint is the bank space, "It's broken!!!" No it seems to be designed to limit the amount of professions you can level at once.

    or the combat system, "Give me my Tab Spam!!" . How about you play a game that doesn't hold your hand and develop a modicum of skill.

    To each his own, but instead of thrashing the game, and making the assumption that little thought went into a multimillion dollar development, use your head.
  • mutharex
    It is an unfortunate state of things but yeah some people won't be able to adapt to something they aren't used to and will always considered it a flaw and start ominous chants about all "MMO Veterans"(wow players...) going away and leaving the game to die...

    You ever thought you might not be the segment of the market they catering to?
    The devs have a 'vision' and this is what sold the game to a lot of people in Beta. Please respect that at least
  • koldmiser
    Soul Shriven
    I love it. It's such a nice change from the WoW hot bar mess with skills no one needs or uses. There's no reason to have 100+ skills sitting in front of you. This keeps combat quick and clean and, IMHO, much more fun.
  • SpearDusk
    koldmiser wrote: »
    I love it. It's such a nice change from the WoW hot bar mess with skills no one needs or uses. There's no reason to have 100+ skills sitting in front of you. This keeps combat quick and clean and, IMHO, much more fun.

    yeah I dont mind it. I only ever played SWTOR and GW2
  • Sarenia
    Both answers were correct.

    It's for controller compatibility AND emphasis of tactical preparation.

    Personally I can't imagine playing any TES game without a controller, and I don't even own a console. It just feels natural. So I'm glad they didn't add 50 active abilities -- as someone with RSI I just can't play games like that anymore.
  • Psychic_Kitty
    I think you're confusing "something I don't like/understand" with a design flaw.

    The hotbar is limited to force you to make choices. Some skills are more useful in certain builds or in certain situations (for instance, silver bolts is useless if you aren't fighting undead/daedra). And the stealth skill you take issue with lasts plenty long. It's meant to be a quick aggro-dropper and a chance to land another stealth attack mid-combat.

    We call that a design flaw.

    The reason you have a skill bar in the first place is to eliminate that need to do just what you describe.

    That's the only reason any game has a skill bar in the first place....its a quicker way to access those skills with out having to constantly open a menu and then equip and then do it that way. There should be no reason for you to constantly have to swap around powers this is 2014 not 1980.

    But you are right lets stay with the 5 skill system.....then people will simply create programs to bypass that on their end....and since the game has load issues and lag already this will just add to it as people will simply have hotkeys to swap skills on their end that increase the server traffic.

    And by the way the stealth skill doesn't drop agro.....it does stop some enemies for less then a second if the enemy is only using a melee attack...you cant get away with it though...enemies will chase you and attack as normal. I did try.....having a lot of skill using stealth in the other elderscrolls games combined with invisibility and using stealth in city of heroes and rift and marvel heroes online and a plethora of other games.
    I seriously think you need to try to use the skill since it looks like you have not ever....in fact try against two or more enemies....that's always a lot of fun to try to escape that many.

    In addition it doesn't add to damage....it gives an increase in critical hit by 1%.(yeah so powerful....I don't know maybe it needs to be decreased a bit) The duration is less time then any build up power...and just enough time for a melee attack...it also doesn't work with any staff or bow weapon...it also drops to any area of effect, enchantment or most enemies who are above level 10.

    It in no way shape or form does it give you a reprieve...its like using a 2 second stun attack which is actually more effective as it works on all targets...and doesn't require a second skill to do damage. You will notice that enemies will still attack you at their same speed...it will look like they stop....but they will still hit you just as fast and still the same damage they can do. You can stand still and let this happen...simply use stealth every so often and time how much damage they do....and you will notice their is no damage change over a time period...because it doesn't actually effect the enemies for long enough.
    For example the wolves in a certain area...might in 1 minute do 200 damage....if you actively use stealth you will see the wolf pause but it will still in the same 1 minute do the same 200 damage.
    The actual passive skill in fact that adds duration adds up to 16% to the duration....which means you then have a duration of 2.8 seconds....does not seam to help with this..it display you have a longer stealth duration but that's about it.
    The stealth power also auto eliminates any disguise or normal stealth you might use. It also cancels any other stealth effects cast on you....so you have a choice....you your own sneak....or the 2.5 second stealth...which does the same thing as if you where in sneak mode.

    Oh and speaking of agro...try getting into a team with your self only using stealth......and attack something anything...then use the stealth....notice the enemy will turn away from you then turn back and simply attack you again....yep the rotating enemy....kind of funny...you can actually make a group laugh by doing this.....highly suggest doing this on the really big enemies...because the enemies turn around slower for the animation...still hit you whether they have their back turned to you or not....but it does look very funny.

    oh that's right....you can use it in combat...oh and that's right it actually doesn't do anything if you are under a status effect from the enemy.....so I suppose if you think spending 89 energy for the 1% bonus to critical is better then spending 49 energy for assassin blade then go for it.

    oh and you cant use it while you are in the air falling....did try that...doesn't let you do it in a jump either.

    But hey looks like you read what the skill does and made a judgement on it...sort of like someone having only made a skill on paper and never actually using it....hmm....how coincidental.

  • Psychic_Kitty
    koldmiser wrote: »
    I love it. It's such a nice change from the WoW hot bar mess with skills no one needs or uses. There's no reason to have 100+ skills sitting in front of you. This keeps combat quick and clean and, IMHO, much more fun.

    No you are right there is no reason to keep 100+ skills in front of you.

    But there is ample enough reason to have more then 5.

    Because remember those potions you need to hot key as well.

    So then a Mage is going to be using 2 of them for health and mana...leaving only 3 slots left...and most likely the two differing weapons will be either rnaged and non ranged or area of effect and single target.

    Templars its even worse....they have 3 slots remaining....that's the two they will probably use for potions....then they will have 3 heal powers only...no radius debuffs no attacks.....maybe if their other weapon has debuffs and attacks...slotted.

    SO anywise....given a player is using 2 hot key slots for that mana and healing or stamina and healing....they will probably end up using a third for the build up or extra damage boost power....with one for the damage reduction power or a taunt or something and then 1 for the attack. The ultimate having a cool down cant be used as a main attack very well.

    fairly tight on skills to choose....and of course you wont be helping anyone else in your party ...because any other skills you might have for that...you wont have room to slot to use.

  • Psychic_Kitty
    SnowFury wrote: »
    is there any way to increase that?

    There might be a way....since you can open up the skill menu and alter things on the fly...there should be no reason a program couldn't be created to do just that.
    It could easily be set to select the specific skills you want and hot key them.. maybe based on function keys.

    Going a step beyond their shouldn't be a reason you couldn't implement a program to dynamically alter a specific power slot and have specific keys for specific powers that way. In essence you would have the program bind say f1 for example to some heal effect...what he program would do is load that skill onto say button 5 and activate it as soon as you hit f1....f2 could do the same loading a differing skill in on slot 5 and using it.

    Of course since I believe the skill slots are saved server side...and altering them does server traffic this might lag the game....might do it a lot....that is if a lot of people decide to use a program that does what I describe.

  • Bob
    Same 5/10 (mostly 5, i don't have enough stamina/magika for all 10!) skills all the game. THIS is BORING!
  • Psychic_Kitty
    Bob wrote: »
    Same 5/10 (mostly 5, i don't have enough stamina/magika for all 10!) skills all the game. THIS is BORING!

    as I said on the upper posts being super long.

    You probably want to slot some potions.
    Yes that takes away some skills...but oh well...that's the way the game works right now.

  • RaZaddha
    Bob wrote: »
    Same 5/10 (mostly 5, i don't have enough stamina/magika for all 10!) skills all the game. THIS is BORING!

    as I said on the upper posts being super long.

    You probably want to slot some potions.
    Yes that takes away some skills...but oh well...that's the way the game works right now.
    HAHAHAHAHAHAH.Oh wait you are serious, let me laugh even harder.

    Wtf are you talking about dude? Did you ever play the game? You put potions on your radial quickslot, you can't put potions on your skill bar, all players will have 5 skills, one ultimate and a quickslot radial wheel, you put potions on your radial wheel, not on your skill bar.

    Yeah, having 5 skills is a "design flaw" like League of Legends and DOTA have also the same design flaws for having 5 skills, like Guild Wars 2 and Neverwinter Online are also completely flawed beyond repair for limiting your skill slots. This is tactical combat, should I bring this skill for pure damage or one more CC? Should I bring a self-heal or a support buff for my allies? The way this game is if you have unlimited slots you will have no need for roles, why have someone dedicated to healing if you can CC, DPS, tank, buff everyone and heal yourself withouth the help of anyone else?

    Can we vote that we ignore this guy? He has no idea what he's talking about, even a 10 year old that played the game would understand that he's wrong.

    Also, stop with the suspension points.
    Edited by RaZaddha on April 7, 2014 7:07AM
  • Skeksi
    You probably want to slot some potions.
    Yes that takes away some skills...but oh well...that's the way the game works right now.

    Potions use the quick slot hotkey and don't use up a skill hotkey.

    Do you even play this game?
  • mutharex
    Skeksi wrote: »
    You probably want to slot some potions.
    Yes that takes away some skills...but oh well...that's the way the game works right now.

    Potions use the quick slot hotkey and don't use up a skill hotkey.

    Do you even play this game?

    You don't need to have played a game to troll its forums. Sometimes it's even counterproductive....

    Thank god for the ignore option...
  • Singular
    I agree with the OP in that I'd like to have all my abilities on hot bars. I play DDO and have roughly 40 keys memorized, each w/different abilities. It's no problem - we're all typists, we can all do this.

    Additionally, it's strange to have potions slotted to 'q.' It's one of the hardest letters to press, making your potions the most difficult of your powers to use in combat.

    Lore-wise: why can't my character remember to use all her skills? Why does she forget all but 6 at a time before level 15 and all but 12 after? It's very strange.
    War, give me war, give me war.
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