Login Information Incorrect

What is going on? - I know my password and account information, and am currently in a 100+ que to log into the account page on the website. It shouldn't occur because of not having payment information submitted because my account said I was credited with 30 days of game time. I have no problem entering it but due to the fact I can't get onto the account page really pisses me off. I would have done it long ago if I know something like this would happen. Sub par quality servers. You guys might want to ask around for hardware help because you seriously underestimated your traffic.
Edited by Silverhaze on April 6, 2014 1:12PM
Val'anyr [v14|Breton Templar] (AA[HM]4/4) (HRC[HM]4/4) (SO 4/4)
Dreams [v14|Bosmer Nightblade]
  • snorlockb16_ESO
    Me too. I guess the 100+ queue is for the thousands with the same problem?
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