I have no problem with you not liking my choice of names. I can see why *** Galore from James Bond violates your thin skin TOS.
I have no problem changing my name either, even to one of your statist liking.
What I have a problem with is the unannounced 72 hour ban on a first offense without warning. As I am deciding between this and Wildstar, it is this form of customer dis-service that clenches the deal for me.
A simple tell from a GM saying - "Hey, we have some folks who are offended, can you change your name?". My response would have been, "Sure, let me do that right now".
Instead I get no warning by email just an nice 326 Error which is about as descriptive as a standard BSOD.
I was on the brink, the precipice, nay - I say the edge ... of being a loyal customer. Paying my dutiful $15.00 a month. The same $15.00 a month I had paid to WOW for about a decade (plus all the expansion, etc.). Alas, that is not to be the case.
Being only level 9, and the game only being $60.00, I enjoyed my 20 hours of gametime. Thanks for the memories. I would give away my stuff but I can't get in to my toon to do so. Sorry folks!
Edited by seschu01b14_ESO on April 6, 2014 2:14AM