Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

How do I call these guys?

I do not want to send them an email or file for a callback on their time when I may not be able to answer or give the conversation the attention it needs. I am fine to call and be put on hold for an hour or two now because this game is in an absolute **** state, and I want my money back.

Where is their support number?
Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 7:38PM
  • Vikova
    Click on support. Click on the phone button. Also, they have emailed me back within two hours every time I've contacted them.

    Also, game is in an awesome state and I am having a blast.
  • elder42
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Click on support. Click on the phone button. Also, they have emailed me back within two hours every time I've contacted them.

    Also, game is in an awesome state and I am having a blast.
    I wish I could say the same, but every time I try to PvP, within 30 seconds I am dropped from my campaign and I cannot log onto my character for 30 - 45 minutes. When I try to do quests, the majority I am trying to do are bugged.

    I did send them an email about this, and they have not got back to me yet. I would love to enjoy this game but it is painfully obvious that it is not in a state that is going to deliver that. Maybe I will check back in a year, but as it is, this should be getting marketed as buying a beta key. With all the titles that do that these days and still see success, there is no reason for them to try and keep it secret.
  • elder42
    And no, that advice does not let me call them, that lets me sign up for them to call me whenever they are ready. They might call in 8 hours and then I am not available. They might call two days from now when I am at work. I am fine to call in and wait when I am able to this garbage support they have set up for this garbage game.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 7:43PM
  • elder42
    I am guessing they are not responding to email tickets because it's the weekend, so I probably won't hear back from them until Monday at best. I just cannot believe what a bad experience this game is right now. They should have people working on the weekend right now to be working on fixing these issues asap, things need to improve very very quickly now that this is out in the world.
  • Vikova
    I've had three emails responded to today alone.
  • Flashingblade
    Soul Shriven
    elder42 wrote: »
    I do not want to send them an email or file for a callback on their time when I may not be able to answer or give the conversation the attention it needs. I am fine to call and be put on hold for an hour or two now because this game is in an absolute **** state, and I want my money back.

    Where is their support number?

    Well I don't know what quests you are doing but I have only come across 2 that needed me to log out and back in again to make them work. Can't comment on PvP as only level 9.
  • elder42
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 9:33PM
  • elder42
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 9:33PM
  • elder42
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 9:33PM
  • Laura
    bye bye I'm enjoying myself all my friends are having a blast and most of them were the games biggest critics. See you on the flip side.
  • mutharex
    There is millions of people playing, could it be something on your side? Repaired the client? Clean reinstall?
  • elder42
    mutharex wrote: »
    There is millions of people playing, could it be something on your side? Repaired the client? Clean reinstall?
    Oh yes it is my problem. I installed it wrong or I am a failure at handling a game launcher. I see so many people in-game making the same complaints I do. You cannot erase this reality by trying to put it on my end. I cannot correct their bad data or server setups, that's up to them. If they knew what they were doing, none of these issues would be the big problems they are, so this game is already lost.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 8:26PM
  • Lalai
    elder42 wrote: »
    There is just too much content having issues right now for anyone to honestly say that this game is in acceptable condition for worldwide launch.

    There are millions that pre-ordered the game. Out of that there are a few thousand (best guess looking at forum complaints and assuming some folks aren't coming to the forums to complain) that are having major issues playing. Not to say your issues aren't real, and aren't big, but the players experiencing them make up a very, very small percentage of total playerbase. From a developer standpoint, trying to replicate the bug so it can be fixed issue, the small percentage thing makes it extremely difficult to track down, and thus takes longer to fix.

    Most players are going to experience a bugged quest here or there, but the vast majority of the game is working, and staying connected for them. It actually is doing very well, and many people I know are stating it's the smoothest launch they've experienced recently simply because they can actually play and there's nothing that completely halts their progression (the bugged quests that exist are skippable).

    You're understandably upset, and I can see why you'd personally want to return it, but don't mistake personal issues you're having playing the game with how the game is performing for the majority, and there's no reason to insult the developers. It is literally impossible to have a software launch (not just game) that works on every single computer that meets it's minimum requirements. Computers are too different from each other for that to happen.

    Edited to add: At level 17, playing on the Daggerfall side. I've hit two quests that I can't actually complete (skipped it, still got the Glenumbra quest achievement..can't complete Banished Cells, but I can go back and do that when it's fixed too). I've had no issues with PvP, and no issues with disconnecting. All of my friends, and guildies, are reporting similar experiences.
    Edited by Lalai on April 5, 2014 8:34PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • mutharex
  • elder42
    As for insulting the developers, this is an online game they've made. I am insulted when I play, I am insulted when I post, I am insulted when I try to politely make suggestions that will make the game better. I need a thick skin to be online, they also need thick skins if they want to make a successful online game.

    Aside from that, this attitude does fly a lot more in real-world business than you might like to think, but it does depend on where you work and your position in that environment. Bottom line, if you want to make money, you need to be able to take a full-frontal assault from your customers when they're in that mode. No need for you to get all white knighty when it isn't even your business in question. I am looking at a botched job right now, and as a carpenter, if I made a botched job I would get even worse than what I have given right now, because I make things people have to live with. This is something I can thankfully walk away from because it's just a game, but that does not make it any less disgraceful that the job is so botched. It needs to be dumped on. It's the way people react to botched jobs, people do not improve themselves if you handle them with kid gloves and tell them it's okay and to take their time and blah blah blah, and I am not the only one that will be coming here to express how botched this job was over the next week or two, so you better thicken up if you plan on staying on these forums.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 8:48PM
  • Melian
    You'll be missed.

  • elder42
    Melian wrote: »
    You'll be missed.
    The playerbase will not miss me immediately, but the company will be missing all the $ that people like me will not be giving to this game, which will ultimately end up making you wish Zenimax Online had made a better game that could hold onto people like me so they would have more money to make the game even better.

    Do not be so easy to dismiss people who are just consumers like you. No matter how much more favorable your opinion of the game may be than mine, you are $15 to ZO and I am $15 as well. You might give them warm fuzzies, but if they want to continue to maintain their current staff and grow to go on to bigger and better things, we are on equal footing, because both opinions are $15.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 8:52PM
  • Vikova
    elder42 wrote: »
    Do not be so easy to dismiss people who are just consumers like you.

    Don't make yourself so dismissible.
  • Lalai
    Wasn't at all being white knighty, or I was on behalf of programmers maybe, not necessarily ESO. I just have an understanding of the development process for computer software and how technology realistically works with said software. A small percentage of users are going to experience errors. You're one of those users, it sucks, but doesn't mean the game (or software) is a failure as a whole. I was trying to enlighten you to this, for better or worse, because you seem to think because it's broken for you and the small handful of players (by comparison of the rest of the playerbase) agree in zone chat, it must mean the game itself is in shambles. That's not the case, and you can't compare software to carpentry. Apples and oranges. Reminds me of a guy that said a shipping mistake from Amazon was unacceptable because if he made a mistake in his job someone would die.

    I've worked in technical support, at a call center. If a customer is being abusive and insulting, we are 100% encouraged to warn them and then end the call. The same went for when I worked at Gamestop, and other retail stores in customer service (we could ask them to leave). Name calling and insulting people actually isn't allowed in the real world (or at least having to tolerate it from a customer service standpoint). If you are not a good enough person to maintain civility even when angry, or see why that may be a beneficial thing to do, then I'm not really sad to see you go.
    Edited by Lalai on April 5, 2014 8:57PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • elder42
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Don't make yourself so dismissible.
    I am only dismissible to people who would rather dismiss my honesty and try to cover their ears and pretend nothing is wrong, than stomaching it and accepting that my opinion, while extremely pessimistic, is not incorrect.

    If you want all the people like me to leave, well, it doesn't matter, because that's up to ZO. If they want all the people like me to leave so they can make a tiny game for a tiny group of people and run a tiny operation as a result, that's their choice, but it does not take any balls or talent at all. It is just hiding cowardly from improvement.
  • Vikova
    elder42 wrote: »
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Don't make yourself so dismissible.
    I am only dismissible to people who would rather dismiss my honesty and try to cover their ears and pretend nothing is wrong, than stomaching it and accepting that my opinion, while extremely pessimistic, is not incorrect.

    If you want all the people like me to leave, well, it doesn't matter, because that's up to ZO. If they want all the people like me to leave so they can make a tiny game for a tiny group of people and run a tiny operation as a result, that's their choice, but it does not take any balls or talent at all. It is just hiding cowardly from improvement.

    I'm always fine with jerks leaving. Even if they are right, which you are not judging by the responses from others.
  • elder42
    Lalai wrote: »
    That's not the case, and you can't compare software to carpentry. Apples and oranges. Reminds me of a guy that said a shipping mistake from Amazon was unacceptable because if he made a mistake in his job someone would die.
    It can be compared, it just explains why the guy at Amazon makes less than the guy who does things where people might die. More stress = more money, because you need to take things more seriously. Apparently game design is a big joke of a process, because this game plays like noone took it very seriously at all, because it's just a game, if people don't like it, they can just leave! No harm done.

    Except that is very short-sighted, because it hurts the business big-time with that mentality. I would not be surprised if the development team was mostly composed of a bunch of man-children, but I would think that whoever was heading it was a businessman that understood the realities of things and was the *** boss a group of man-children would need to make a good product.

    And I do not take dumps on customer support. If I were face to face with whoever did this then I would still speak this way to them, because it's their work, but customer support are there to shield the people who make the problem from the people who are angry about the problems. I get that. I do understand the social structuring of this and direct it accordingly. I have not insulted you, have I? Only the people that made this. And they deserve to be insulted, because I paid them for a service, and they did not do their job.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 9:11PM
  • Melian
    elder42 wrote: »
    Melian wrote: »
    You'll be missed.
    The playerbase will not miss me immediately, but the company will be missing all the $ that people like me will not be giving to this game, which will ultimately end up making you wish Zenimax Online had made a better game that could hold onto people like me so they would have more money to make the game even better.

    Do not be so easy to dismiss people who are just consumers like you. No matter how much more favorable your opinion of the game may be than mine, you are $15 to ZO and I am $15 as well. You might give them warm fuzzies, but if they want to continue to maintain their current staff and grow to go on to bigger and better things, we are on equal footing, because both opinions are $15.

    Their reviews would indicate there are a lot more people like me than, uh, people who mindlessly lash out as if their only goal was to find something to hate, or whatever tribe you consider yourself a representative of.

    There's a big difference between constructive criticism and what you're doing; if you think you are successfully disguising your comments as the former, you're wrong.
    Edited by Melian on April 5, 2014 9:04PM
  • Vikova
    elder42 wrote: »
    I paid them for a service, and they did not do their job.

    I'm fairly certain that service came with terms. Are you saying they violated their own ToS? That would be interesting. I don't recall any ToS ever having "elder42 must enjoy this game" in there.
  • elder42
    If I just wanted to hate this game, I would not have spent hours trying to get myself to like it. All the pieces are there, they just are not assembled properly, which is the whole reason I pay people for entertainment. To assemble it properly and present it to me. I know they're "just games" in the sense that we should not take them seriously when playing them, but there is still an exchange of money going on, saying they're "just games" so we should not care about our money when spent on games, is foolish.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 9:06PM
  • elder42
    If I play a game to unwind by not taking something seriously for a while, but instead I have to take it seriously because it's broken and requires my constant intervention to try and correct things, then it is not well-made. They are "just games", but that does not excuse them from being shipped as broken.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 9:10PM
  • pysgod1978b14_ESO
    You're a whiner is what it comes down to. I haven't had any real problems except for a few quests broken here and there. I expect things to to be slightly broken. If a game launch ever went completely 100% perfect I'd be scared and wonder what dark gods the developers were praying or sacrificing small animals to.
  • Vikova
    It should be readily apparent to you that when many others respond saying they are not having the same frustrations you are that it is not as simple as "assembled properly." In all of my guilds, I've yet to see others having all of the issues you seem to be having. Wholesale condemnation when it is obviously not wholesale issues is just being a raging martyr.
  • nerevarine1138
    Well, I have yet to experience a bug, and support has been very quick so far. Maybe you're just unlucky. Or your connection is the issue (if you keep getting dropped).
  • elder42
    In all of my guilds, I am seeing a lot of similar complaints, so it likely is based on individual experience remembering comments that align with our experience, instead of the opposing. This is natural human behavior.

    And I do not expect 100% function. I know RPGs are generally buggy. Bad triggers, NPCs not showing up, etc. This is not my first rodeo.

    But it is different when I can't play or progress.

    Also, most people do not take the time to complain. My complaints amount to maybe 100 people thinking the same thing, but not bothering to share it. This is also human behavior. 100 people have a mentality, 1 opens his mouth and gets shot for it.
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