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I feel like PvE is just a lot of padding to stall you for the PvP payoff

Yeah, you get scaled to 50 stat-wise for PvP, but you're still missing out on all those skills. PvE feels extremely bloated, boring and repetitive, PvP actually looks fun, but in order to do PvP properly I need to be level 50 with PvE in order to have full access to all of my skills.

I really get the impression that they spent time building the PvP stuff and then slapped the PvE in as quickly as possible and did whatever they could to stall people from being able to be properly competitive in PvP too quickly. I mean I don't even have that much interest in the PvE anymore, so many broken quests, dungeons are not fun, dungeons are a pain to get into because the LFD (the greatest creation for MMOs when done right) is only 1/4 of what it should be, I spend more time running on my character than anything else...

I would love to powerlevel to 50 and see the PvP properly before my sub runs out, but they intentionally made dungeon grinding impossible, and took the spammable PvP kill quest and turned it into a daily to prevent that exact kind of thing. They want people going really slow, and the average person (that is 40 hour work week with social obligations leaving maybe 10 hours per week of gametime) is going to take many months to hit 50 and be able to PvP properly. That's the only reason PvE is more of a running-simulator than an enjoyable RPG. They want to chain people to this game as long as possible before they can rightfully say they've seen all content and decide if it's worth subbing from there, instead of making it easy to see all the fun content within the 30 day cycle and then deciding whether to continue to sub from there. I understand business but this game is really not giving the consumer very much at all, yes it is cheap but the time-vacuum is massive for how little you get in return.

They could've made it PvP only and sold it for $30 and the game would've made a lot more sense, almost like they tried to serve too wide of an audience with this one and made an unwieldy game that won't properly satisfy anyone.

They cast a much wider net than they should've, and this game is bullocks because of that.
Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 6:19PM
  • elder42
    Also just want to mention, had some guildies complaining about the no-lives who were somehow already level 50 ganking their level 10 ass in PvP. It even tells you when you start PvP the first time that it scales everyone to 50 statwise. This community is already filling up with idiots.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 6:12PM
  • Xionar
    You sound like the type of person that just dislikes PvE. I typically don't either in most MMOs as I'm more of a PvP guy, however I'm thoroughly enjoying myself in ESO's PvE.

    Also, people were able to get to level 5o in one or two days, through means of grinding. So it is very much possible, just not in dungeons. I would also refrain from calling community members idiots, as most of those community members you speak of, are here on the forums as well :P
  • slander36
    I won't even go into how much I disagree with pretty much everything you said in your main post, BUT

    On the topic of your comment, there definitely are a small group of level 50+ players already running around. The game auto-scales your stats to 50, but you still show up as your current level when people highlight over you in game. Scaling turns off at level 50 as well, so if a level 50 with amazing gear rolls in they will most definitely have an advantage over you in terms of stats as well as abilities. It was stated about a month or two ago that your "level 50" stats are equivalent to a generic set of green level 45 gear. It was in an interview with the head PvP guy (can't remember his name).
  • Xionar
    slander36 wrote: »
    I won't even go into how much I disagree with pretty much everything you said in your main post, BUT

    On the topic of your comment, there definitely are a small group of level 50+ players already running around. The game auto-scales your stats to 50, but you still show up as your current level when people highlight over you in game. Scaling turns off at level 50 as well, so if a level 50 with amazing gear rolls in they will most definitely have an advantage over you in terms of stats as well as abilities. It was stated about a month or two ago that your "level 50" stats are equivalent to a generic set of green level 45 gear. It was in an interview with the head PvP guy (can't remember his name).

    On that note your attribute points are spread evenly through health/magicka/stamina, which can be bad depending on your actual build.
  • Vikova
    I'm assuming you are the kind of person that quests without listening to any dialogue, noticing the surroundings, paying attention to story, enjoy incremental progress, and exploring the world whatsoever.

    So yes, I hope you hit 50 so you can start having fun and leave the enjoyable PvE progression to those of us that enjoy it.
  • JohnD212
    Those who skip the quest dialogue, skip reading the books and various items around the game will burn through this by the end of their 30 days free period and we will be left with mostly those of us who really enjoy the full game. I can't wait.
  • Laura
    I disagree I actually could care less about the PvP in this game. Its nice as a diversion but I REALLY enjoy the questing and dungeons. They are a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to the raids.

    The quality of leveling and dungeons in this game is absolutely immersive and amazing. I almost wonder if we are playing the same game? maybe you are just THAT into pvp in this game.
  • elder42
    Xionar wrote: »
    I would also refrain from calling community members idiots, as most of those community members you speak of, are here on the forums as well :P
    I am so terrified, I hope someone in one of my trading guilds doesn't discover I called them idiots, then kick and force me to join one of the hundreds of other trading guilds that are currently spamming non-stop for members.

    I just don't know what I'll do.
  • Metella
    I have little to no interest in PvP, particularly given I'd lose equipment quality every time some little sod jumped me, I certainly don't want it as the general rule (at least unless there were separate servers for people who don't want it). And I don't really understand why you need to see everything in the game to know whether you want to keep playing, doesn't it get a bit boring after that point? (Other than replayability of doing the different factions and things, obv.)
  • elder42
    Metella wrote: »
    And I don't really understand why you need to see everything in the game to know whether you want to keep playing, doesn't it get a bit boring after that point?
    Not when it's designed well. There are plenty of online games that give you a good taste of all the content in a short period of time and then you are in a good position to decide whether you want to pay to continue playing that or not. Or if we look at a game like Counter-Strike, that is purely competitive and I see all the content within an hour. Yet I keep going back to it, because competition is fun, so it doesn't matter that I am doing and seeing the same things over and over.

    I can't even begin to start to build myself for PvP competition until I have invested enough time to get my character to 50, which at this rate looks like it will take at least 100 hours of /played in what I consider boring ass PvE. I just do not have the desire to take 100 hours to wait to play something properly to see if I like it enough to stay, especially when it'll likely take me 2 or 3 months of $15 subs to get that 100 hours played in this game.

    They should either give you a lot more experience in PvP settings to help people who just want to PvP (or powerlevel in PvP and skip the PvE content, which it sounds like none of you PvE lovers would dislike) get to competitive-level PvP asap, OR give you full access to all skills and skill points in PvP when you PvP regardless of PvE level. There is just no reason not to, especially when they already try to compensate (although they do it poorly) by scaling people to level 50 stats when they PvP so they aren't just getting ganked and standing no chance.

    This game is just a big bundle of bad leadership decisions. There is a good game in there, but it's almost like they went out of their way to make people trudge through a bog of **** to get there.

    And then they ask payment for that experience. lol. I might as well pay someone to relieve themselves in my breakfast each morning.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 8:35PM
  • Melian
    I'm mostly a PvE person and I don't get that feeling at all. The leveling in this game is refreshing compared to other games, with an engrossing storyline and decent bosses to fight even at low levels, and a world made for exploration.
    @Elder42, you just keep coming back with a different complaint about this game: too time-consuming, Cyrodil is buggy, PvE is boring... I guess it just isn't for you? Why are you so invested in discussing it, then?
    Edited by Melian on April 5, 2014 8:39PM
  • Teroh
    Why pve if you dont like it? just go straight to PVPing because honestly doesn't matter if you go now as a lvl 10 or as a lvl 50 your still gonna be food for the wolves, your just that kind of player. LVLS are not going to help you.
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • RaZaddha
    elder42 wrote: »
    Metella wrote: »
    And I don't really understand why you need to see everything in the game to know whether you want to keep playing, doesn't it get a bit boring after that point?
    Not when it's designed well. There are plenty of online games that give you a good taste of all the content in a short period of time and then you are in a good position to decide whether you want to pay to continue playing that or not. Or if we look at a game like Counter-Strike, that is purely competitive and I see all the content within an hour. Yet I keep going back to it, because competition is fun, so it doesn't matter that I am doing and seeing the same things over and over.

    I can't even begin to start to build myself for PvP competition until I have invested enough time to get my character to 50, which at this rate looks like it will take at least 100 hours of /played in what I consider boring ass PvE. I just do not have the desire to take 100 hours to wait to play something properly to see if I like it enough to stay, especially when it'll likely take me 2 or 3 months of $15 subs to get that 100 hours played in this game.

    They should either give you a lot more experience in PvP settings to help people who just want to PvP (or powerlevel in PvP and skip the PvE content, which it sounds like none of you PvE lovers would dislike) get to competitive-level PvP asap, OR give you full access to all skills and skill points in PvP when you PvP regardless of PvE level. There is just no reason not to, especially when they already try to compensate (although they do it poorly) by scaling people to level 50 stats when they PvP so they aren't just getting ganked and standing no chance.

    This game is just a big bundle of bad leadership decisions. There is a good game in there, but it's almost like they went out of their way to make people trudge through a bog of **** to get there.

    And then they ask payment for that experience. lol. I might as well pay someone to relieve themselves in my breakfast each morning.

    Dude, a guy managed to get to lvl 50 in 17 hours and you even said you were getting ganked by level 50's... There are ways to powerlevel, just go around and ask, or use your brains a little and try to see which activities gives you the most xp. There are maps of skyshards and lorebooks and guides for anything on this game already, it's super easy to level, it's only slow if you read the dialogue, collect every node, fish and watch the scenery. No way it's going to take 100 hours for you to get to 50 if you really want to powerlevel
    Edited by RaZaddha on April 5, 2014 8:56PM
  • Metella
    elder42 wrote: »
    Not when it's designed well. There are plenty of online games that give you a good taste of all the content in a short period of time and then you are in a good position to decide whether you want to pay to continue playing that or not.

    Fair enough, I guess. I don't really see the need to experience a bit of everything to know if a game is for me or not, but OTOH I don't think I'm going to enjoy PvP and this particular game obviously suits that mindset better than one where you are not keen on PvE.
    They should either give you a lot more experience in PvP settings to help people who just want to PvP

    Why, though? I'm not really seeing any particular reason why it would make sense to make one particular way of playing (either PvP or PvE) significantly 'better' for levelling quickly, other than 'because I want it to'. If you seriously reckon there are a lot of people who are of the same opinion as you (quite possible) then wouldn't it be better to lobby for some sort of 'PvP test character' option, i.e. 'let me create a character who is at level 50 with all the skills and abilities unlocked that would be if I'd made that character the normal way and play up to a set number of hours [maybe 4 or 5, i.e. roughly an afternoon/evening's play] as that character in the PvP environment to get a proper feel for whether I'm going to enjoy playing PvP, after which the character is auto deleted'? Possibly even some sort of option where everyone in PvP is temporarily properly level 50 (but reverts to a lowly 10 and loses the cool extra abilities when they leave Cyrodiil) but then, why should someone who hasn't put in the work either questing or grinding (another thing I don't really get, it seems so dull!) to get to level 50 legitimately find they're mostly playing PvP against people who haven't done the same? Maybe they could figure out some way where people in PvP are... is the term 'instanced'? or is that different? Anyway, roughly speaking have multiple versions of Cyrodiil, or regions per level bracket or something, where if you're a level 10 you're not coming up against anyone over about a level 15, and if you're a level 50 you're playing against real level 45-50s.
    Edited by Metella on April 5, 2014 10:09PM
  • byghostlightrwb17_ESO
    Not at all. I found this PVE content to be amazing and as interested as I am in PVP I dont want to do too much of it and level there meaning I out level the PVE stuff.

    These games for most are about the journey not the destination. There are easy a month or two (wish the xp took longer infact) of PVE, i think i idea of powerleveling is a complete waste of such a diverse and well constructed world.

    Look at it this way instead of taking five years odd to make 50 levels on content, they should have just made one level and battleground. That would have taken a year, instead they spent another four years creating something epic... why would people want to fly through all that.
  • Lalai
    You really just don't like the game, it seems. I highly, highly disagree. This is the first MMO in a very long time (around 8 years) who's PvE I'm actually enjoying, and where I'm not just rushing to end game. I find the game world to be immersive and rewarding. I find myself wanting to explore and take my time while laughing at the little easter egg type content hidden through-out the game.

    I fully expect this thread, however, to turn out like your other one. Where anyone who posts against you is obviously wrong, and your opinion is the only right one.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
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  • elder42
    Lalai wrote: »
    I fully expect this thread, however, to turn out like your other one. Where anyone who posts against you is obviously wrong, and your opinion is the only right one.
    No, because my other thread was me stating the fact that the game was broken for me and some people trying to convince me that I was wrong, when I can't be wrong in that case because I'm the one experiencing the issues. When I can't log in to one of my characters, but can create another one and play fine, there's no way to argue that as a non-issue, but people sure as hell try.

    This thread is a matter of opinion, so there's no right/wrong, it's preference.
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 11:14PM
  • pysgod1978b14_ESO
    Really, if all you want is Medieval style PvP just go play Chivalry or something. There's no RPG in those types of games at all. And as a bonus all you do is PvP, no PvE at all! Not a single NPC for you to talk to or kill. Right up your alley!
  • elder42
    Really, if all you want is Medieval style PvP just go play Chivalry or something. There's no RPG in those types of games at all. And as a bonus all you do is PvP, no PvE at all! Not a single NPC for you to talk to or kill. Right up your alley!
    Nah, because I like the gearing-up element and the massive map filled with players in ESO. Chivalry doesn't have the same level of progression or group coordination. I've tried it, it was a weekend-rental type of game for me.
  • Alurria
    Well I guess you can't have it all. o:)
  • elder42
    It just doesn't seem like a very difficult thing to implement. And with what little PvP I have done, a large complaint from people who are trying to get things done is all the low-level players (like me) doing PvP and not having access to end-game PvP gear and the high-level skills, so while we aren't dead weight, we're pretty close anyway.

    But I'm not going to go through all of the PvE to hit 50 just to get access to something I want to do, and PvP leveling is way too slow in comparison, so yeah. I would've been much happier with this game if it brought new players up to the full PvP experience much sooner, but I guess that just isn't the way they're going to do it.

    If I can get my refund, then this will be good-bye!
    Edited by elder42 on April 5, 2014 11:34PM
  • Getorix
    Cant disagree with the OP more. When I first started the game I was just going for pvp I figured the pve would be meh like daoc's was. I was dead wrong, im having the most fun with pve in an mmo since eq1. im 32 now and it just keeps getting better with every zone, every dungeon and even the quests are fun and cool.
  • JD2013
    Couldn't disagree more with the OP. The PVE is just brilliant. The quests are fun and well thought out, the writing is superb, the world is a joy to explore and head off the beaten track into, and the fact that every NPC is voiced just tops it off. I spent a while just watching the sun come up over the buildings of Stros M'Kai.

    This is the most fun I've had doing PVE in an MMO in the longest time. I even love the PVP in Cyrodiil and I'm not a huge PVP player.
    Sweetrolls for all!

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    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • RubyTigress
    Are we even playing the same game?

    Look, you don't want to do PVE, don't do it. Run around in cyrodill and level up.
  • Metella
    JD2013 wrote: »
    I spent a while just watching the sun come up over the buildings of Stros M'Kai.

    One of my best bits so far was when I was up on the top deck of the ship you travel to Stros M'Kai on, looking out over the smaller islands and the bay and the general loveliness of it, thinking 'hey, if I jumped up onto this ledge, I could jump down onto the prow, and dive into the bay', dithering for a moment or two, and then doing it. I'm absolutely loving this game, the world is lovely to look at and full of interesting things to do. Other people are free not to like it, but I hope enough do that the game continues to develop and grow.
  • elder42
    Are we even playing the same game?
    No, I thought this was the WoW forums for some reason. Oops! Disregard everything I've posted here.

    Sorry everyone!
  • Enteum
    C'mon folks. Stop slappin' each other. Some people like it, some don't. Let em' complain and we'll go enjoy this world for everything it has :smile:
    Asira Avalis - Mage
  • Gohlar
    A lot of the questing does feel like filler, but it's an mmo.

    Some more variety would be nice. It's a shame the dungeons had their exp removed, they are fun. Group play in ESO is terrible in PvE.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 6, 2014 1:06AM
  • PBpsy
    The PVE is awesome and it is the main selling point of the game. Most people bought this game because it is a TES game and hoped for PVE at the level of the single pLayer games. I think they manged to satisfy those expectation to some degree. There are plenty of competitive games out there and I don't see why somebody interested in only that would be interested in this game.
    On the other hand the size of Cyrodill makes PVP one of the most boring crap I have ever experienced.
    The PvP = run run run run run some stupid *** for 10 sec.decide for a new running destination run run run run run stop change destination run run run run run run run run run you the picture run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run kill run kill run run die run run run run run run kill die run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run
    Edited by PBpsy on April 6, 2014 3:21AM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
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  • circilion
    Yea, you are way off base about the PvE in this game. It has very deep complexity and immersion. the whole game is designed around not being able to rush through the PvE pinging off objectives.

    the Auto Bump to 50 for PvP is another big bonus for the players that want to jump into the PvP Grind.

    Honestly I don't know what else you could have asked for, If you wanted a game that you just show up and fight I recommend Call of Duty.
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