Constantly being disconnected from the server

Ever since I started playing eso on day 1 of the 5 days early access I persistently loose connection to the server. This happens anywhere from once every 5-10 minutes or at best about twice in an hour. I never had these issues during the open beta weekend and I have a rather powerful PC and an internet connecting that consistently gets 60Mb download and 10Mb upload. I don't have this issue with any other online games I play so I doubt the fault is on my end.

I understand the launch of any mmo will always face server connection and lag issues but I honestly haven't ever experienced it as bad as i have with eso. so my question is does anyone else have these issues and if so is anything being done about it?

I'm playing on the EU server.
  • sinz_xb16_ESO
    Playing on the EU as well and have not been disconnected once in the past week. Maybe it could have something to do with firewalls/antivirus?
    "We will make sure that no matter where you live, every player in North America, Europe, Oceania, and many places beyond will have a polished, lag-free launch experience" - Matt Firor

    Proud second-rate customer (PC-EU)
  • glen.lewisb16_ESO
    If you're getting 'an unknown error has occured', you have the same issue as quite a number of people.

    It appears ZoS are working on a fix, but we haven't heard anything from them for a few days.
  • Tuonelan
    An update on the issue would be nice though.
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