Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Inventory and bank are too small.

I really love the fact that we can search in almost anything in houses to find craft components, and the fact that we can be any craft profession at the same time.

But this experience is really made difficult with bank and inventory being too small. I can't even store the several components i find in the bank since its full so the inventory become full and the exploration becomes frustrating since we cannot carry all that we need for crafting.

Given that Alchemy, Cooking and Enchanting require so many different items that count as separate slots in inventory, would it be possible to either:

- Reduce the cost for enlarging bank and inventory
- Do not count crafting materials in inventory and bank so we can store anything we want to craft later

All my teammates that craft have the same issue, everyone is full most of the time and cannot loot anything, so we spend hours in the inventory wondering what item we can destroy to loot that mob or ressource.

It becomes really an issue that reduce the huge amount of fun brought by all these in-games possiblities :)


Edited by Ghorgoth on April 5, 2014 4:34PM
  • AngryNord
    Inventory is OK, agree on the bank, I find myself having to create a couple of alts just to store overflow stuff...
  • Dreddpool
    What 60 slots not enough for you?
    The personal bank has extra bank slots for1000 gold, So buy some and stop complaining.
  • Fenbrae
    I upgraded my inventory twice (80 slots) and my bank once (70 slots) and i have never ever ran out of space...and my bank also has all the pre-order crap in it.
    The prices don't seem like that big of a problem since any player who's in a trading guild can use the guild shop to sell crap and get the money to upgrade the slots.

    If you really run out of space, you should probably throw out stuff you aren't using.
    Making crafting materials weigh nothing means you might as well remove the bag slots entirely and make them bottomless since 95% of the stuff you carry with you is crafting mats. Noone walks around with 60 weapons or armor pieces.
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    I like my healing like i like my characters: generic
  • Staal
    It's actually a huge problem when you play more than one character, I love playing alts, and it's getting extremely expensive to upgrade the space, I love the shared bank but really wish we had a bank dedicated to resources or something.
  • Incarnatus
    It's an even bigger problem when due to the vast amount of gatherable items in game you need alts to craft and rely on a bank that just happens to delete all the contents .....
  • Zershar_Vemod
    You can buy upgrades in game via gold for bank and inventory space.

    And we had 30 slots originally in Beta. I am more than happy to start with 60.
    House Nyssara (NA)
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  • remlish
    The inventory and bank slot numbers are a little low for a game that has SOOO many crafting ingredients but not too small to live with. The problem is that the bank is shared over all of your 8 possible toons...

    If they insist on such a minimalist banking and storage system then they need to reduce the number of Items in the game... As it stands the bank is not really large enough to support 2 characters let alone 8.
  • Rotherhans
    Don´t care how ridiculously small the beta bank was, 60 slots is really small when one wants to actually do some crafting.

    Due to the banking bug scare I banished only the crappy provision mats&recipes into the bank and the frikken thing is already half full!
    Granted that´s from alts in all 3 Alliances but it´s still only the damn cooking!

    Now you want to do some blacksmithing/woodworking or even *gasp Alchemy&Enchanting aaand yer fracked. :(
    The mat stealing in the world and this hoarding problem really is a throwback to the bad old times. :(
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
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  • Fenbrae
    That's where the problem lies: playing a character from each Alliance at the same time.

    Each Alliance has it's own recipes and it's own crafting materials. No wonder your banks fill up so fast.
    You should probably start off with one character and earn some actual money before you decide to level a new one...
    Currently playing:
    Swims-In-Sap - CP200+ - Argonian Templar

    I like my healing like i like my characters: generic
  • Ghorgoth
    It is an issue only when you craft. There are various components that do not stack that just does not fit in bank, and you have to keep them all to be able to craft.
  • SloppyG
    bag/bank space is fine? you can upgrade your horse, pack and bank.

    If anything it makes you think about what you want to carry around with you and team up with others for crafting (IE.. send all enchant stuff to your enchanting buddy).

    this isn't a solo game :)
  • SK1TZ0FR3N1K
    Dreddpool wrote: »
    What 60 slots not enough for you?
    The personal bank has extra bank slots for1000 gold, So buy some and stop complaining.

    Firstly, its 1000 for the first 10. It goes up from there. Secondly, there is no reason to be rude and non constructive. His opinion is more valid than anything you are posting, as it is laid out constructively. The forums are here for support issues and constructive feedback on the game. This person is providing the later.

    That being said, crafting gear results in some of the better gear in the game overall. With this in mind, the bank situation does seem to fall slightly short of the mark.

    I have seen numerous posts on this topic, and the general consensus is to have at least some bank space that is not shared between characters. This would prove extremely difficult, though, to implement in my opinion. I could see everyone suggesting maybe 15 spaces per upgrade, but I still don't see that fixing the issue.

    I myself have characters existing for nothing more than holding 60 items on their person. It does kind of suck not remembering exactly what's in their bags, and having to switch over all the time to see, or creating a list on paper to see.

    Last note, I only think the bank space is falling short, not bag space. Just my opinion.
    “There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.” -Will Rogers
  • Enimus
    I would atleast make the bank 5 times bigger by default. Other mmo's have alot more space to work with from the start. We shouldn't have to fight inventory space this early in the game.. :\
  • Felyae
    Yeah I definitely support this, we need more space. 60 slots is what I have in other games for just one character. And ever since my beta and pre-access playtests on this game, I quickly ran out of space with just the crafting materials for Blacksmithing, clothing, Enchanting and Woodworking up to level 15. Very limited past this level. I play 3 characters (one in each factions) and mostly do crafting, exploring to find materials and disassemble stuff.
  • babylon
    Felyae wrote: »
    Yeah I definitely support this, we need more space. 60 slots is what I have in other games for just one character.
    Shared bank space should be 500 slots (60 slots per character times 8 characters = 480 slots, rounded up = 500 slots).

    Then increase guild bank to like 2000 slots or something.
    Edited by babylon on April 5, 2014 3:30PM
  • dragonsquarterb16_ESO
    Some MMO's expect you to purchase extra bank space with real money even if you pay a subscription.

    And of course they make sure to introduce lots and lots of different crafting mats and loot into the game in order to force you to purchase upgrades. Unfortunately this kind of double/triple dipping has become commonplace.

    But hopefully this is only an oversight and soon they'll realise that individual characters should have their own bank space as well as shared. Many F2P MMO's have this basic feature let alone subscription based.
  • Sakura_Rose
    Honestly there is a lot of limited space. There are tons of components for crafting especially. Also if you're someone that picks up every mat you find when you're questing then yeah. You tend to run out of space rather quickly. I think the the bank and inventory buyables should be lowered a bit because I think that spending 5.9k gold on 10 slots is a bit much. They could always make it so the bank has several slots for crafting components only and everything else stored in the main bank. I think it would just make things simpler for everyone.
    Sakura Rose - Imperial Templar - Daggerfall Covenant
    Trying to be helpful as much as I can. ^-^
  • remlish
    Ideally every character would have its own full sized bank and a much smaller shared bank. Worked great in STO.
  • Rylanor
    The bank system in Guild Wars 2 works pretty well, with a slot for each type of material etc plus your shared bank. I do like that you upgrade your bank in ESO with in-game money and not expensive gems bought for tons of gold or real money. That is a plus.
    If at first you don't succeed, keep trying. And again. Eat a cookie, read a wiki, I dunno, just try to relax, the frustration will only give you a headache.
  • Hyperventilate
    Guild Wars had it ideal. You had your bank + a tab for materials only. That would be perfect.
  • Tavore1138
    I suspect there are multiple (good) reasons for this limitation... here's a couple of possibles...

    Most players are probably going to focus on one, maybe two crafts because your aren't going to want to burn all your points on crafting and ignore combat skills. Personally I am focusing on two and already finding myself having to trade off combat skills for crafting skills.

    It's a good way to deal with inevitable money inflation and drain money out of the system (as are paid repairs and travel costs etc.)

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  • Ghorgoth
    Yeah but even with 2 tradeskills it becomes impossible to manage.

    Lets say you want alchemy and enchanting : Tier1 only will overflow the bank and it won't be possible for any player to keep materials for multiple tiers to be able to craft for multiple ranges of levels.

    Lets not talk about storing other kind of items in the bank on top of that if you have other characters!
  • Elvikun
    Inventory is good enough, no need to make it ridiculous, tho bank should prolly be bigger to make it all more comfortable without the need for 1-4 mule characters.
    Edited by Elvikun on April 6, 2014 11:06AM
    Failing is a lifestyle too.
  • IronMaiden_burnout
    I agree, I am constantly fighting bank and pack space. At least make some bags to hold all resources like runebag, alchemy bag and such. you can fill your pack with just runes and flowers in no time.
  • otomodachi
    I agree that it's workable, and that there are workarounds, but it's annoying that it's another thing that FEELS not quite right to me, i.e. maybe not what I'd call "complete", and we have to work around it. Like when people could make chat messages so long that you couldn't get to their name to ignore it.

    EVE's the healthiest economy I've ever participated in, IMO, in an online game and I never had any trouble with non-ship storage space there. :/

    And then the lack of inventory management tools... for started, being able to sort items by maker would be nice, when doing craft skill deconstruct trading.

    Or having, like, any kind of store search tools AT ALL for hte guild store. I love how when I search for "materials" it lists "every thing ever".
    Elvikun wrote: »
    Inventory is good enough, no need to make it ridiculous, tho bank should prolly be bigger to make it all more comfortable without the need for 1-4 mule characters.

    Edited by otomodachi on April 6, 2014 11:20AM
    What do you gain by criticizing a CSR complaint?
  • Markuseb17_ESO15
    You can upgrade your bank slots. Costs some decent gold. Worked fine for me for the first day. But now due to a bank bug my slots were reset to 60. I lost money deposited in the bank and the investment for the upgrades. Hope to get that restored at least. Just wonder if I will trust the bank system again.
  • KidKablam
    Honestly, while at first I felt the same way as the OP, over time I've liked that the lack of space has caused me to have to take a narrower focus on crafting.

    However, there is a problem that the more active alts you have the more heavily you rely on that one bank account. I can't think of a solution to the problem that wouldn't cause people to create more alts to mule items.

    Whatever, the dev staff decides to do, I hope they don't throw the doors wide open for inventory and bank space, because one should have to think strategically about what matters and what needs to be tossed away.

    At the very least, maybe collectibles like pre-order bonus items and pets could get a special place to go that doesn't take away from your space. It's tough to throw away sentimental items (like your mara ring, your pre-order or beta pets, or trinkets you earned in quests, and costumes) in order to make way for your crafting habits.
  • Audigy
    I think that people need to consider a few things.

    1. Not everyone has enough gold for a horse or a freebie horse from the imperial
    2. Not everyone has just one character, but many
    3. Not everyone is crafting
    4. Not everyone is a loothorder

    Based on those variables, people have a different view on the whole topic.

    I don't have a horse or enough gold to buy many bank slots, but since I only play one char its ok for now - the bank is full nonetheless. (level 10)

    What I would like to see is that our crafting professions can increase the storage space in our private home. A woodworker could craft a chest, our clothing guy bags the blacksmith build a cellar etc.

    Of course this needs a housing system and I hope we get one very soon.

    The bank or inventory itself is fine in my opinion and also with a house we shouldn't get those things mentioned for free. That's what wow does so wrong, you get everything instantly, it feels wrong.

    Bank is ok, but we players need options to store items in our own home and the limit of 100 is a bit low as well for the material.
  • otomodachi
    KidKablam wrote: »

    Whatever, the dev staff decides to do, I hope they don't throw the doors wide open for inventory and bank space, because one should have to think strategically about what matters and what needs to be tossed away.

    I agree, BUT. I already do that with my inventory when I am out and adventuring. The stuff that makes it home with me, I want to have room for. It's okay if your opinion differs! :) But for me, it's a big deal. To get home and then hit the bank to deposit duplicates, so I have room in my inventory to deconstruct stuff and refine materials, which fills my inventory and then back to the bank and then I can craft stuff and then back to the bank... that... is not a game, to me.

    For me, it's exacerbated by the fact that food ingredients don't give you any idea of their relative 'level' and AFAIK you can only check known recipes at the cooking fire, so I have to go there and I guess... write down the ingredients I actually use and then go clean house? Again, just not what I look for in a game, personally.
    Edited by otomodachi on April 6, 2014 11:55AM
    What do you gain by criticizing a CSR complaint?
  • sylviermoone
    My solution: Quit hording, start crafting. You have 8 freaking character slots. Dedicate 2 or 3 for crafting, problem solved.
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