I really love the fact that we can search in almost anything in houses to find craft components, and the fact that we can be any craft profession at the same time.
But this experience is really made difficult with bank and inventory being too small. I can't even store the several components i find in the bank since its full so the inventory become full and the exploration becomes frustrating since we cannot carry all that we need for crafting.
Given that Alchemy, Cooking and Enchanting require so many different items that count as separate slots in inventory, would it be possible to either:
- Reduce the cost for enlarging bank and inventory
- Do not count crafting materials in inventory and bank so we can store anything we want to craft later
All my teammates that craft have the same issue, everyone is full most of the time and cannot loot anything, so we spend hours in the inventory wondering what item we can destroy to loot that mob or ressource.
It becomes really an issue that reduce the huge amount of fun brought by all these in-games possiblities

Edited by Ghorgoth on April 5, 2014 4:34PM