mollyirma2000b16_ESO wrote: »They won't ever do a bite attack... Even Skyrim and the other TES game didn't have it. No idea if it's because of laziness or what but i agree channeling a funnel of blood looks really dumb. And i really have no idea why they didn't add fangs? It's actually amazing why they didn't SEEING AS THAT IS WHAT MAKES A VAMPIRE.
I agree with the above statement. Vampires, (When continually going through stages of vampirism) should gain changes in appearance as well.
This was in all the other games, and comments on the appearance of player with Vampirism from NPCs made the game seem more real; same with Werewolf, you have more hair, eyes are darker and you have bigger canines.
I'd like to agree that Vampires AND Werewolves should have changes in appearance upon gaining the abilities.
heroofnoneb14_ESO wrote: »I felt they got the look right with Morrowind and Skyrim with fangs coming out (even Khajiit and Argonian having the long sabertooth like fangs)
heroofnoneb14_ESO wrote: »Love the dynamic appearance of vampires as they progress through their blood starved states, but can we please add in fangs? I felt they got the look right with Morrowind and Skyrim with fangs coming out (even Khajiit and Argonian having the long sabertooth like fangs) but seeing the blunted teeth with the pale skin makes a lot of vampires look a little less scary.
Also, a side request to that, if possible would a melee biting ability be possible? I don't mind the blood funneling, but it would be a neat alternative.
for all those other players out there, give your support if you'd like to see your vampires with a set of sharp fangs =^,,^=
shenron_killerb14_ESO wrote: »Bottom line is. It changes the skin for anyone not a khajiit. So why is it changing the fur for Khajiit and not skin? This one could see the idea of Khajiit looking a little lighter if the skin was white but the fur should be the same. This one blood was drained from him. He did not stay in a dark place for a millennium letting his fur go pale. As this one progresses into each stage of vampirism and getting lighter which each stage would be understandable. BUT NOT A 180 ON COLOR OF THIS ONES FUR AND ALL NON-KHAJIIT VAMPIRES HAIR STAYS THE *** SAME COLOR. (why are non-khajiit vampires hair the same color when this one's fur is stolen from him?)
ArgonianAssassin wrote: »I'd like more active abilities as a vampire, like the ability to charm people as a cc, or to infect someone and turn them into a thrall to fight for me for a short time before they die. Also yeah, giant crocodile fangs for my argonian plz.
mollyirma2000b16_ESO wrote: »They won't ever do a bite attack... Even Skyrim and the other TES game didn't have it. No idea if it's because of laziness or what but i agree channeling a funnel of blood looks really dumb. And i really have no idea why they didn't add fangs? It's actually amazing why they didn't SEEING AS THAT IS WHAT MAKES A VAMPIRE.
No problem with that, as long as it cost you 1000 ultimate, same what it cost for a werewolf just to turn into underpowered doggy like thing, which can be killed by a wasp.heroofnoneb14_ESO wrote: »Please give Vampires their fangs
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Actually there is a bite attack for vampire lord in skyrim.
they're invisible (mist form, bat swarm) 99% of the time so why bother?
No problem with that, as long as it cost you 1000 ultimate, same what it cost for a werewolf just to turn into underpowered doggy like thing, which can be killed by a wasp.
Would be cool if they added in sleeping NPC's or something to feed on, or be able to bite during/after combat. Would add in something in towns for the guards to catch you doing haha
Would be cool if they added in sleeping NPC's or something to feed on, or be able to bite during/after combat. Would add in something in towns for the guards to catch you doing haha
heroofnoneb14_ESO wrote: »Moved to Feedback & Suggestions
MornaBaine wrote: »
Ah yes, where threads go to die. Forum readers don't look at anything here and I have to wonder if the Devs do either.