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Not too happy....

Soul Shriven
I am not too happy with ESO right now.
I love the game...don't get me wrong.
I bought the Imperial Edition on April 1 and started later that same day.
I play by myself mostly(I usually explore alot before i get down to the story.)
I hit a main storyline quset at level 8 that with the gear available to me both drops and crafted gear I was unable to solo.
Come on Bethesda...really...lvl 8 and your gonna force me into a group to complete something that should be possible on my own. I think ya might wanna tweak it just a tad more so us solo players don't feel forced to group just to advance
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    It is a mmo. God forbid you make friends and socialize.
  • Laura
    i'm almost 50 and haven't grouped once. you are doing it wrong. I sucked at first too but you just have to strategize and rethink how you are doing things. Challenge is a good thing you dont want to faceroll all day do you?
    Edited by Laura on April 4, 2014 4:17PM
  • HiredGun
    Soul Shriven
    It not that I don't make friends i am in a very active guild...but when I start a game I just don't like the idea of being forced into a group like that. Granted it not a problem to call a higher level guildie to come help.....but at level 8...I am just saying they might wanna tweak it a bit
  • Laura
    HiredGun wrote: »
    It not that I don't make friends i am in a very active guild...but when I start a game I just don't like the idea of being forced into a group like that. Granted it not a problem to call a higher level guildie to come help.....but at level 8...I am just saying they might wanna tweak it a bit

    this game is VERY skill based you need to block dodge and interrupt. You will get use to it trust me if an old geezer like myself can do it you can! dont give up :) there is nothing in the main quest line or regular quests that force you to group
    Edited by Laura on April 4, 2014 4:19PM
  • HiredGun
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks..I'll keep plugging at it..I'll get it...but I even mentioned it during beta that the bow damage was a little light...but that just an opinion there

    Edited by HiredGun on April 4, 2014 4:21PM
  • firehawk2324
    You shouldn't HAVE to group with anyone. I had issues on some quests, and KNEW that I could complete them on my own. So I did some other stuff, leveled up a bit more, got better gear, went back and was just fine. The ONLY time I have grouped was to do the 4 person dungeons.
    Why not? Something has to work. Once, I dug a pit and filled it with clouds. Or was it clowns? Doesn't matter. It didn't slow him down. To be honest, it wasn't the best idea. And it really began to smell. Must have been clowns. Clouds don't smell bad. They taste of butter! And tears. - Sheogorath
  • jambam817_ESO
    MMO, Massivley Multiplayer. Get over it, ask for help or don't. But don't come crying on the forums. I seriously just don't get that. I'm not butt hurt when i have to group with someone. Stop playing social games if it bugs you that much.

    I haven't been in this situation, as I've been soloing lvl 15 quests at 13 on my Templar. Maybe take a look at how you are using your skills.
  • Harming
    Level 43 ATM and I've been able to solo everything so far. It's about skill usage and your build really. If your having trouble at lower levels rebuild because it really amps up in difficulty around level 30 or so. Then again at 40. And I hear from the PTS guys once you hit VR content it becomes a whole new game of survival.
    learn your class well and don't be afraid to re spec and rebuild if your failing.
  • kemp.garretub17_ESO1
    HiredGun wrote: »
    I am not too happy with ESO right now.
    I love the game...don't get me wrong.
    I bought the Imperial Edition on April 1 and started later that same day.
    I play by myself mostly(I usually explore alot before i get down to the story.)
    I hit a main storyline quset at level 8 that with the gear available to me both drops and crafted gear I was unable to solo.
    Come on Bethesda...really...lvl 8 and your gonna force me into a group to complete something that should be possible on my own. I think ya might wanna tweak it just a tad more so us solo players don't feel forced to group just to advance

    They aren't to hard I got through most of them fairly easily id just level up a bit and when you have a bit more experience with the game then go back at it.
  • magitsu
    Soul Shriven
    Jus you wait until around lvl 40 and have to match Mannimarco. Way too damn hard. Have died prolly 40-50 times.
  • Harming
    magitsu wrote: »
    Jus you wait until around lvl 40 and have to match Mannimarco. Way too damn hard. Have died prolly 40-50 times.

    Yeah I can't imagine how a straight dps could survive that fight. I'm a survival built self healing magic based DK and I had trouble with the adds. Had to spam heal myself through most of that fight with my one dot constantly ticking on the boss to win that one.
  • Wolfpaw
    HiredGun wrote: »
    I am not too happy with ESO right now.
    I love the game...don't get me wrong.
    I bought the Imperial Edition on April 1 and started later that same day.
    I play by myself mostly(I usually explore alot before i get down to the story.)
    I hit a main storyline quset at level 8 that with the gear available to me both drops and crafted gear I was unable to solo.
    Come on Bethesda...really...lvl 8 and your gonna force me into a group to complete something that should be possible on my own. I think ya might wanna tweak it just a tad more so us solo players don't feel forced to group just to advance

    I found myself in some hurt too, some things I figured out that has helped, I was not a beta tester either so the game is very new to me.
    • I skipped the starter island on accident, I didn't realize it til around level 11, went back knocked it all out. The quests were grey but I still got decent xp, and it made going back much better.
    • I started w/Dstaff, seems to be pretty rough to solo w/and I've noticed staffs are better when grouped.
    • Swapped to 2h & tried the bow, either made leveling far easier.
    • Snare, control, stun, knockbacks, food, & potions help a ton. Some chain quests that ended w/a boss type npc I couldn't finish til later level. Lack of experience and learning is all.
    • Gain a few levels in public dungeons, great way to sit around and farm a lil bit.
    • Combat has got far better for me level 15+, hang in there.
    • Other mmo's have definitely dumbed down my skill w/carebear content that can be done watchin tv & one hand tied behind my back, this is not that kind of game.

      hope this helps~
    Edited by Wolfpaw on April 6, 2014 2:01AM
  • SootyTX
    OP, I feel your frustration and while others make some very valid points (it is an MMO after all) I think they've got thinks switched around as far as difficulty goes.

    The main quest is clearly designed to be done by you as an individual. It's the epic tale, the heroic journey, the lone hero trying to save the world. yet some of those missions seem to be far too over-balanced towards pure combat builds made by experienced players. And therefore, they cause some frustrations and harsh language when regular folk come along.

    The public areas, especially public dungeons, are the opposite - designed for multiple people charging through at the same time. yet they are face-roll easy. No challenge whatsoever, eat a pizza and left-click to victory.

    Its all backwards. Public dungeons should be the ones where, if you get there alone, or even with one other person nearby, you stop and wonder should you grab another body or two before heading in. And the heroic main quests should be tweaked to challenge an average player, someone that probably messed up a few points in his/her build, that hasn't done hours of research on what skills do and what monsters are resistant to.

    And on that note, I have to say the game seriously needs some feedback to the player on what's happening in a combat. I have no idea most of the time if my dots are working, or attacks are being resisted or what effects are even on me as the player. It's hard to learn when we aren't given the tools to do so.
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    SootyTX wrote: »
    And the heroic main quests should be tweaked to challenge an average player, someone that probably messed up a few points in his/her build, that hasn't done hours of research on what skills do and what monsters are resistant to.
    I think the better answer would be a pre-built type system that you can choose to follow that gives recommendations for the first say 15 skill points and 10 stat points or so. It feels like the people in the most trouble are the ones having the most problems planning out a build.
  • Perseas
    HiredGun wrote: »
    I am not too happy with ESO right now.
    I love the game...don't get me wrong.
    I bought the Imperial Edition on April 1 and started later that same day.
    I play by myself mostly(I usually explore alot before i get down to the story.)
    I hit a main storyline quset at level 8 that with the gear available to me both drops and crafted gear I was unable to solo.
    Come on Bethesda...really...lvl 8 and your gonna force me into a group to complete something that should be possible on my own. I think ya might wanna tweak it just a tad more so us solo players don't feel forced to group just to advance

    I cant understand you, because I did all solo... Only dungeons need a group.
  • SootyTX
    I think the better answer would be a pre-built type system that you can choose to follow that gives recommendations for the first say 15 skill points and 10 stat points or so. It feels like the people in the most trouble are the ones having the most problems planning out a build.

    Maybe. I think what these main quests are doing though is killing the concept of playing a "character" as opposed to playing a game. My character is a medium armour wearing, S&B Dragonknight who makes her own weapons and armour as she doesn't trust the locals (she's an imperial with a bit of an elitist streak). I'm a decent player, have played MMOs for a long time now and have no issues whatsoever with most content, taking on 3 or 4 same level mobs in the general areas and, as I noted early, public dungeons are a face roll.

    But several of the main quest fights have been ridiculously frustrating (in part because the AI for a certain giant-kin companion character is so woeful she spends most fights looking at the walls). I feel like Zenimax doesn't have a good handle on how to balance these in light of a totally open point system. It is entirely likely that a min-maxer with every point in combat abilities played by a good player has a challenge but can get through these fights - I'm saying that's the wrong benchmark and will, bottom line, lose them subscriptions, because I've seen it happen in SWTOR, COH, EQ2 and Vanguard, to name a few.

  • inchdixprb19_ESO
    I have never played an MMO before this, so my comments my come across as invalid. However I noticed a massive difficulty spike after passing level 8.
    Surely, If I'm level 11, a level 12 boss should not be able to obliterate me with me only taking off a quarter of his bar at best?? And no I'm not just standing toe to toe.
    The most annoying part of this is the fact that your armour degrades every time you die.
  • KrovaxUK
    Soul Shriven
    The main storyline is very soloable, it's been done by many people, as far as I know, the game has even been designed to be that way. Some encounters may be tougher than others, but they can all be done.

    Learn to dodge, block, interrupt and use your skills to your advantage. But for the love of the Gods, please don't whine for them to make the game easier! Embrace the challenge, improve your skill. If you can't do it solo, then look to your guild.

    The one problem that I do see at the moment is that people may be rushing through the main quest line too quickly and are not high enough level for the quests they are doing. I ran into the issue myself this weekend on my SB. He's now level 12 and doing level 15 quests. Why? I believe the areas are overpopulated, with the lack of mobs standing in my way, the quests become easier and then I miss out on a lot of exp.
  • Asava
    Well I can say that it's not much fun doing quest 7 levels above you because you ran out of quests due to bugs.
  • foxsyd
    It is a mmo. God forbid you make friends and socialize.

    It's a perfectly valid choice to solo an MMO, there are many who do this. Some just like the feel of being in a populated area. Some have other various reasons.

    Join my guild!
    "Thank Sanguine its Fredas"
    North America Server, Ebonheart Pact, PVE/PVP, friendly & funny community. Welcomes all types of players!
    Preachers of #TeamIsland - Share your adventures and screen caps on our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/268541133324278/
  • foxsyd
    Asava wrote: »
    Well I can say that it's not much fun doing quest 7 levels above you because you ran out of quests due to bugs.

    I think you were disadvantaged because you accidentally skipped the starter island. Which is a bummer. Have you thought of going to start island, just to enjoy the story for a bit. And don't let your higher level put you off, there are still many opportunities in the island to add more levelling and skill points. Like sky shards, level point rewards for completing quests there :)

    All optional of course :)
    Join my guild!
    "Thank Sanguine its Fredas"
    North America Server, Ebonheart Pact, PVE/PVP, friendly & funny community. Welcomes all types of players!
    Preachers of #TeamIsland - Share your adventures and screen caps on our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/268541133324278/
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    Asava wrote: »
    Well I can say that it's not much fun doing quest 7 levels above you because you ran out of quests due to bugs.

    Most cases a reload will fix the bugged quest. With doing that, I've had one quest I couldn't quick fix for myself. Also unless you are talking about much higher levels I question if you haven't skipped much more than quests. You really do have to explore and hit the public dungeons or you will be underleveled.

  • Asava
    I'm just deleting the quests now and moving on. I'm almost 20 now and going back to do L4 thru L16 quests just isn't worth the pittance of xp that I'll get for the time wasted going back to restart it.
  • mrtobiasjohnson_ESO
    KrovaxUK wrote: »
    Learn to dodge, block, interrupt and use your skills to your advantage. But for the love of the Gods, please don't whine for them to make the game easier! Embrace the challenge, improve your skill. If you can't do it solo, then look to your guild.

    Typical answer from players who are not trying to understand what the poster is saying. Perhaps you could solo it. Perhaps you had no issue. But to say that someone blatantly does not have the skill is the wrong answer. I love the "learn to..." answers because it shows complete ignorance whereas the OP does have a valid point. If you build your character wrong, you will inadvertently make it harder for yourself. This has nothing to do with skills, but a lack of knowledge. "Learn to...." build your character, right?

    What I think he is saying though is that there is many things that don't jive when it comes to some encounters. If you are 30 and the quest line is 30, then you should have a fair chance of defeating it. I know for me, when I was going through a ton of trial and error, that I was initially frustrated that I was doing like 0 damage to a mob that was my level. And yes, I know how to block, dodge and roll. I am not saying they should dumb the encounter down, but perhaps help teach people how to build their toon. It's annoying to be forced into a cookie cutter mold but that is what will happen. We will have to choose the same certain skills which ensure survivability or deal with having to do the encounter at such an advantage of level it becomes trivial. I see his point.

  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    foxsyd wrote: »
    It is a mmo. God forbid you make friends and socialize.

    It's a perfectly valid choice to solo an MMO, there are many who do this. Some just like the feel of being in a populated area. Some have other various reasons.
    You can solo yes, but mmos arent designed for anti-social people who want to play a social game.
  • Asava
    MMO's just means massive multiplayer not massive socializing.
    Edited by Asava on April 9, 2014 1:28AM
  • amysue23_ESO
    In an MMO, you should never be FORCED to solo any quest. Period.
  • Shaun98ca2
    Most of the content people are complaining about being too hard is the FORCED solo stuff. And at that time they all KNOW how to block and dodge and PROBABLY even have some crowd control on their character.

    The difficulty itself is just ramped up too hard too fast.

    Im glad you facerolled the same content watching tv with the window minimized and cant understand even remotely how MAYBE the player isn't so incompetent they cant tie their own shoe stupid, MIGHT have found the content SLIGHTLY more difficult than it should have been.

    But keep your heads in your asrses long enough and you MIGHT see people quitting this game by the flocks as having to out level content JUST to still struggle to complete isn't fun.

    But im glad you facedrolled it enjoy your game when it goes F2P.
  • Jonnymorrow
    Really OP...... Your trolling right? This has to be one of the easiest mmo's I have ever played! Only time I ever group is for group dungeons.

    I'm actually starting to get bored of the pve due to how easy it is.
  • Shaun98ca2
    Really OP...... Your trolling right? This has to be one of the easiest mmo's I have ever played! Only time I ever group is for group dungeons.

    I'm actually starting to get bored of the pve due to how easy it is.

    Its people like you that are going to be the death of this game.
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