I am posting this here as there appears to only be two technical support options and I am on a mac but I believe this is a server issue (slightly long tldr may apply).
Yesterday morning I was exploring Cyrodiil and tried to jump over this large rock and fell through. after running around trying to jump out I realized there was no way out so I typed /stuck which I then found out you can't use in Cyrodiil. Next I tried /reloadUI and relogging - I am in the same spot - stuck.
Now since you can't teleport or whatever back to anywhere in Cyrodiil unless you are in a keep etc I went to the interwebs for suggestions and found that my only option was to guest to another campaign. I tried that but nothing happened for like 5 minutes and then when I tried again it said guest campaign locked and you have to wait 24 hours.
After waiting for online support for over an hour I sent my report detailing everything - including everything I've done to support. The email back told me to do exactly what I stated I had done. I replied back again. The second email support person told me to use /stuck. I replied back again that you can't use /stuck in Cryrodiil. On the 4th reply I typed in all caps READ THIS BEFORE ANSWERING and the reply was that they were escalating my problem.
So now we are on day 2 and I have 10 hours left before I can re try to guest to another campaign and nothing has happened to move my character from his rock prison. So caution when wandering around Cyrodiil because if you get stuck you may be in for a long wait.
Screens to follow including location for tech support