josephirothb16_ESO wrote: »WHY!? would you use that pile of *** Engine! LOL why to go F2P in 8 months! SWTOR bad FPS all over again! Now I'm sad I pre-ordered this game!
CrimsonThomas wrote: »My Nvidia GTS 250 1GB card memory leaks all over the place, and I still get a solid 55-60 FPS with this game. You might want to check your video card or RAM.
josephirothb16_ESO wrote: »WHY!? would you use that pile of *** Engine! LOL why to go F2P in 8 months! SWTOR bad FPS all over again! Now I'm sad I pre-ordered this game!
ESO is NOT using HeroEngine. Where in the world did you get that idea? They made their own in-house engine.
josephirothb16_ESO wrote: »WHY!? would you use that pile of *** Engine! LOL why to go F2P in 8 months! SWTOR bad FPS all over again! Now I'm sad I pre-ordered this game!
ESO is NOT using HeroEngine. Where in the world did you get that idea? They made their own in-house engine.
You can saw it in the game installer popup screens.
Well SWTORversion of HeroEngine, because this is not a actual HeroEngine lol!
And SWTOR coders are pretty lazy and dumb to fix it.