spartaxoxo wrote: »
No. Then you get "I investigated myself and concluded I did nothing wrong."
While some are capable of having a reasonable conversation about such things, the vast majority of people are just going to side with themselves. And even the ones that are capable of reasonable conversation and open-minded to changing their mind or being wrong, are still going to be inherently biased.
It's better for a third party, like Kevin, to take a look.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
No. Then you get "I investigated myself and concluded I did nothing wrong."
While some are capable of having a reasonable conversation about such things, the vast majority of people are just going to side with themselves. And even the ones that are capable of reasonable conversation and open-minded to changing their mind or being wrong, are still going to be inherently biased.
It's better for a third party, like Kevin, to take a look.
Their should be a way to refuse and report the action by the forum mod, their also humans and not always right. They tried to final warn me once but was wrong after A few mails with eso support.
It's generally better to learn from the experience rather than challenging it.
And that's why CMs exist, to help facilitate that understanding. There's a big difference between "please help me understand" and "you're wrong; where do I report you?"
Procedural fairness means the application of the rule is explained, and there is opportunity to appeal it. There is transparency about the process.
It means not just the rule is stated, but why the rule applies in that case, to that post.
This isn't usually what happens.
A decision is made 'the post was x' and that's that. There's no explanation, there's no appeal, there's no transparency- it must all be secret, no discussion of moderation.
These forums are very procedurally unfair and it's not a good look tbh.
Also, it's a real shame one can't joke around, why jokes are taken as trolling is beyond me.
MasterSpatula wrote: »They used to actually respond to DMs objecting to their actions and take the time to explain their own reasoning. I don't think any of those mods who actually accepted that our points were worth addressing are still around, though. Now they just ignore you.