Zerith-Var, a Great Companion!

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  • AzuraFan
    I do like him. I kill every mudcrab I come across because I sometimes run low on mudcrab chitin. I almost fell off my chair when he commented on me killing the mighty mudcrab (sarcastically, of course).

    Haven't picked up Tanlorin yet because I want to level them one at a time. I will eventually.
  • Elvenheart
    Thank the Divines for Zerith-var's perk! I have found so many more heavy sacks that I used to, and my Luminous Ink supply (and progress on the achievement) is growing. I'm over halfway to being able to buy the column achievement furnishing I'm looking forward to using, and that's without specifically trying to farm for Luminous Ink.
  • DP99
    AzuraFan wrote: »
    I do like him. I kill every mudcrab I come across because I sometimes run low on mudcrab chitin. I almost fell off my chair when he commented on me killing the mighty mudcrab (sarcastically, of course).

    Haven't picked up Tanlorin yet because I want to level them one at a time. I will eventually.

    I did the first into quest with Zerith, and it was interesting, but I decided to do Tan first. Finished the whole questline, and it was decent, but nothing overly exciting. I'll switch to finishing up Zerith once I'm done getting Tan all maxed out with levels and rapport. I have to say though, Tan is an absolute laugh riot! Plenty of humorous dialog! :D
  • whitecrow
    Why are people so excited about the sack perk? Other companions have had it. (Though Sharp has been a bit slow lately, only commenting when I pick it up.)
  • SpiritofESO
    His skills are good, with a strong Fear component, and his conversation is deep and rich. His sense of humor is like a perfect dry martini!

    He loves to end his stories with a quickly spoken, "But perhaps I misremember. Pay me no mind!" Which always makes me smile. And, don't get him started about killing mud crabs! You'll see!


    • "Adapt or Die"
  • Erickson9610
    whitecrow wrote: »
    Why are people so excited about the sack perk? Other companions have had it. (Though Sharp has been a bit slow lately, only commenting when I pick it up.)

    I think the big deal is that it's a visual effect tied to a Keepsake, so you don't even need an active Companion to see Heavy Sacks if you have it unlocked.
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • MidniteOwl1913
    I do love Zerith. His storyline is the best. I just wish he would stop speaking to me in a language I can't understand.

    Also I can't quite decide which house to give him...:-) Sleek Creek house feels too small, the water nearby is nice, but then there is the thieves' den...

    Maybe the Sea Bloom Villa... Or Lucky Cat Landing...

  • FabresFour
    I do love Zerith. His storyline is the best. I just wish he would stop speaking to me in a language I can't understand.

    Also I can't quite decide which house to give him...:-) Sleek Creek house feels too small, the water nearby is nice, but then there is the thieves' den...

    Maybe the Sea Bloom Villa... Or Lucky Cat Landing...

    Funny enough, that's exactly what makes he charming to me. I've always been sad that we get so little of the other racial languages in ESO, so it's nice to finally have some of that included in the game. Besides, over time and through the context in which he uses certain words, you can sort of interpret their meaning. I love that—it makes him a unique and special NPC that only enriches the game further.
    @FabresFour - 2223 CP
    Director and creator of the unofficial translation of The Elder Scrolls Online into BR-Portuguese.
  • magnusthorek
    I still need to finish Sharp-as-Night's questline but, compared to the curious but yet really boring questline of Azandar al-Cybiades' I've just finished — and which I literally had to play with a dictionary opened <_< — Zerith-var's was really well written, making him worth the investment.

    I often use Companions either as Healers or Tanks and, so far, Zerith-var is the best, managing to survive even against Vro-Kuul-Sha, the ridiculously overpowered lurker in Apocrypha, while he was only around level 13 without needing to be resurrected even once.
    I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
    I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
    My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
  • Kelenan7368
    Personally I think he is a pain. He hates Vampire's! Kind of counter intuitive for a Necro to be judgmental of the dead don't you think? He is ok if you steal, but not too much then he gets butthurt.
    I found these restrictions from his personality to be a pain in the arse!
  • katorga
    Beckoning armor = best in slot tank companion. Zerith-var's passives and skill cool downs are spot on.

    Azandar is my favorite healer - dishing out damage shields.

  • magnusthorek
    Personally I think he is a pain. He hates Vampire's! Kind of counter intuitive for a Necro to be judgmental of the dead don't you think? He is ok if you steal, but not too much then he gets butthurt.
    I found these restrictions from his personality to be a pain in the arse!
    It's understandable his despise for vampires, after all, at least the way I understand it, in Elder Scrolls, a vampire isn't just an undead. It's a soul sold to Molag Bal, forever trapped in Coldharbour, denied from eternal peace. And that's exactly what the Order of the Hidden Moon does, guiding souls through the warm sands to The Sands Behind the Stars, the afterlife.
    I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
    I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
    My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
  • Sakiri

    I can't blame anyone for wanting a translation I suppose. Personally I love all the ta'agra and him not translating. It feels really natural to me. I moved to a foreign country in my early twenties and while I do speak the language fluently there's just a difference in certain contexts, like, of being excited where things come out in a certain flow where it just feels right to use my native language to express it and translating it after would be kinda weird.

    It would be cool though if there were more translations/details on the TES languages like ta'agra, jel, (whatever the dunmer speak with the sera, f'lah), etc in the world to find and learn about.

    I also like figuring out the meanings of things in the context. It makes the TES world feel much more real. But, I've been into learning languages my whole life.

  • RedTalon
    I've been shocked by how he responds to my vampire and their drinking habits

    Though very nice touch him responding to little details of everything love it! Have not even summoned another one since getting him
  • Ttree
    Been questing with my buddy since the first day we meet
  • LalMirchi
    I wish all the companions stories were as deep and moving as our encounter with the awesome Zerith-Var.
  • RedTalon
    <u mrvtp,smvrt bs,[itr ytsveling with a kitty necromancer has been fun
    LalMirchi wrote: »
    I wish all the companions stories were as deep and moving as our encounter with the awesome Zerith-Var.

    Would be nice.oddly almost maxed out his approval
  • TwiceBornStar
    If anything, I would love to encourage ZOS to add even more dialogue and more quests to existing companions, because they really add something to the game.

    I was a bit skeptic about companions at first because of my experiences in SWTOR (they took all companion gear away some time after I spent a whole year grinding to equip them with unique and set pieces!) and after a while they seemed generic and stale, but I have to admit, Mirri really grew on me, and now I find myself unlocking other companions as well.

    I know you guys have a business to run, so I don't expect you to pour time, energy and resources into stuff if the returns aren't too great, but maybe a serious poll or two wouldn't hurt?

    I for one, would love to see more companion stories, more interaction and more dialogue options with Mirri, and I'm pretty sure people must feel the same way about their favourite companions.

    Let's go?
  • SolidBeast
    TaSheen wrote: »

    And probably INFINITELY better than something like "proxy"!

    I hate 'proxy' with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Maybe even more than 'vestige' which sounds like a useless appendage of some sort to me, like calling the PC a dangly bit.
    "Many fall, but one remains."
  • sjansenb16_ESO
    AzuraFan wrote: »
    I do like him. I kill every mudcrab I come across because I sometimes run low on mudcrab chitin. I almost fell off my chair when he commented on me killing the mighty mudcrab (sarcastically, of course).

    Haven't picked up Tanlorin yet because I want to level them one at a time. I will eventually.

    I love that line. I needed mudcrab chitin for my daily alchemy tasks and had zerith'var at my side farming mud crabs, i laughed so hard after zerith'var praised my "heroic" action.
  • GraysonPower
    I am slowly increasing my friendship with him. The character I play as is a nordic vampire so I'm sure we make a great duo.
  • Sadras
    Zerith-var is by far my favourite companion, hands down, what a great character.
    I was actually surprised by how well-written he is and how much I liked him and his story. There are so many things coming together that I didn't even expect anymore.

    His story delves into the actual lore of the world, with obvious care to stay faithful to the lore, and originality at the same time - his focus is unusual and not overdone, and he brings his own theological perspective and opinions that dare to differ from the "accepted opinions" voiced by other friendly NPCs in the game. The kind of varied perspective I've always loved in the older TES games and the older ESO story content as well and thought lost.
    He's got his own personality, he's sincere to a fault, everything has gravitas, even the delivery of the jokes, and that's so refreshing after all the quippy quirky cheerful never-serious characters we've been saddled with for a while. He's a joy to have around and actually feels at home in the setting (somewhat ironically with him being the relic imported from ancient times), and unlike other companions he actually feels like my friend, not like hired help. It's credible that he and my character travel around because they want to and like each other. This is the first companion with whom I really felt that was the case, and who can "officially" be part of my character's story.

    I've been critical of the recent years' turn of ESO's writing, but Zerith-var budges the trend and avoids the issues I've been having; so congrats: Whoever wrote him singlehandedly restored some of my faith that seriously good writing is still happening in this game and is possible going forward. Please more in this direction.

    (Edit for typo)
    Edited by Sadras on January 25, 2025 7:32PM
  • Dax_Draconis
    I don’t think I will ever get his rapport leveled up. He seems to dislike everything I do.
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