PvP templar status

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What are your thoughts about Templar's state in PvP?

PvP templar status 78 votes

Absolutely fine!
IngenonCliquePrionyxThumbless_BotayonnisNArt 6 votes
It's med, but nothing to write home about
KayshalnigomeekeyceeSpearbladeJierdanitxylena_lazarowTheNeckerCubeErhasthe1andonlyskwexAfteripFunjacTheAwesomeChimpanzeeBillium813Necrotech_MasterVaqualJust_Attivinecro_the_crafterMajor_ToughnessTheist_VIIMajor_Mangle 20 votes
One trick pony, but that's a good trick
The_MeatheadbirdikDeimusMartoUrzigurumashTurtle_Bot 6 votes
One trick pony, but this old meteor-javelin trick is too old and became uneffective
Joy_DivisionSynozeerc4bloyb16_ESOmmtaniacKartalinRomoPink_ViolinzSleep724Militan1404MJalldayMashmalloManUrvothEzhhJman100582IshtarknowsWilku1909GoddessHelSkaraMinocluchttTechMaybeHic 27 votes
Traaaaaaaash. D tier.
ArctosCethlennKarkas_76SmokedpyrotechRhaegar75KickimanjaroZabagadnotyuumoosegodGregaallan0nLeonis3491PeacefulAnarchyKS_Amt38Cast_ElgariondaveyJustLovelyLPapiriusNavaac223Skulptro 19 votes
  • SkaraMinoc
    One trick pony, but this old meteor-javelin trick is too old and became uneffective
    Templar defensive toolkit is good and makes them annoying to kill. But the damage just isn't there.

    Edited by SkaraMinoc on October 8, 2024 5:46PM
    PC NA
  • The_Meathead
    One trick pony, but that's a good trick
    As much as I want changes for Templar, I'm not gonna say we're entirely cooked. So, I answered honestly, given the choices provided.

    Meteor, Javelin, J-Beam and a ranged spammable is indeed a legit build... it's just not the one I want or the one I signed on for when picked Templar and made it my Main for the past almost-decade.

    I think our passives are poor, sustain is a weakness, our Maj Brut/Sorc buff is too short, and we're stuck being the "balanced" class while several others slide by being varying degrees of overpowered atm. Somehow we're the one held accountable on a spreadsheet somewhere, while most others aren't (sorry, Necromancer. You are indeed getting hosed.) I don't mind having specific class weaknesses, but uh... why doesn't Sorc have a weakness?

    More than anything, I want a return to when the bulk of our damage was done with Jabs, Burning Light, and Backlash, and I'd like an update on our passives and buffs.

    Being a slightly lesser copy of everyone else with a Ranged build is doable, but dull and a waste of a great class.

  • necro_the_crafter
    It's med, but nothing to write home about
    Kvatch gladiator crafted set + 3 bloodthirsty on jewelry = jabin like never before
  • gariondavey
    Traaaaaaaash. D tier.
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Templar defensive toolkit is good and makes them annoying to kill. But the damage just isn't there.

    Even in 8400 spell damage with maelstrom 2h on back bar, damage is just not acceptable for viable pvp specs.

    Spammable was nerfed by 40 percent or so damage, is reduced by major and minor evasion.
    Delayed damage is virtually non existent.

    Both need a rework.
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Skulptro
    Traaaaaaaash. D tier.
    I am so glad, people participating in my poll! I really hope for some updates on my favourite class, because right now it's becoming more and more unplayable due to more and more players switch to meta classes. I didn't even log in on live server for about 12 days, as it frustrates me a lot.

    When I tried to post a link to my poll in different topics, ZOS considered it spamming and deleted links. So I don't know, how to make this poll to reach massive audience.
  • Major_Mangle
    It's med, but nothing to write home about
    Templar is not quite as bad as people make it out to be. Only place I find it to struggle is in heavily outnumbered situations. But put the class in almost any group scenario (duo and up) and the class is actually quite good. As long as your partner/group has some kind of crosshealing to allow the templar to get an offensive window the damage the class can do ain't bad either. I'd also say the class is easily one of the best dueling specs in the game (if not the strongest).

    But sure, if you try to 1vX with it you're most likely not gonna have a good time.
    Ps4 EU 2016-2020
    PC/EU: 2020 -
  • notyuu
    Traaaaaaaash. D tier.
    As somebody who plays Templar, let's just say I miss being able to do more than laughably bad levels of damage With jabs, sure we have a super powerful asdfg laser execute, but that ain't worth a damn thing if you can't get the targets health low in the first place, and outside of (Boring) zerg surfing, that ain't happening.
    Edited by notyuu on October 9, 2024 12:08PM
  • VinnyGambini
    One trick pony, but this old meteor-javelin trick is too old and became uneffective
    Rangeplar is not that bad - you build glass cannon, you stand inside rune all the time, so yea, you can get one trick pony, and you are something like B - C tier. However, this build is just totally boring to play.

    When it comes to melee plar, you can try blood for blood or good old wat of fire, maarselok and masters dw, and you will prolly end up B - C tier as well.

    Jabplar is absolutely unplayable.
  • Jman100582
    One trick pony, but this old meteor-javelin trick is too old and became uneffective
    Jabplar may be one of the worst specs in the game. But on the flip side, rangedplar is one of the strongest specs in the game. Most people who have mained plar for a long time don’t want to play rangedplar though…it’s not the og class identity. I’ve tried lots of jabplar builds. From torc, essence/rally, mech, various vma 2h builds. And not a single one felt “complete” or “aids” or even just “strong” they all felt mediocre at best. Which sucks. I’m having fun on bashcanist though, so I guess I’ll be maining that for a bit. Standard bash hits harder than jabs on those builds anyways lol
  • Joy_Division
    One trick pony, but this old meteor-javelin trick is too old and became uneffective
    Two trick pony. Falling asleep waiting for ulti + Mech Acuity is another option.

    Just log your sorcerer while ZoS devotes all its energies on its crusade ro make Templars desirable PVE tanks
  • Thumbless_Bot
    Absolutely fine!
    Templar is not quite as bad as people make it out to be. Only place I find it to struggle is in heavily outnumbered situations. But put the class in almost any group scenario (duo and up) and the class is actually quite good. As long as your partner/group has some kind of crosshealing to allow the templar to get an offensive window the damage the class can do ain't bad either. I'd also say the class is easily one of the best dueling specs in the game (if not the strongest).

    But sure, if you try to 1vX with it you're most likely not gonna have a good time.

    This is a great statement on plar. They own high end duel tourneys I've seen since prolly when they nerfed maras. I would add that two plars in a high mmr bg is really not fun to go against, especially when they're smart enough to NOT run tickling jabs... that's what it's called fr right?
  • mmtaniac
    One trick pony, but this old meteor-javelin trick is too old and became uneffective
    I want my jabplar back! Current jabas builds not working. Jabs is not good spammable anymore it's worst spammable in practice but best on paper only.
    I made this class because jabs was look cool and i want this to work on pvp too. Right now it's not.
    Edited by mmtaniac on October 10, 2024 9:56AM
  • MJallday
    One trick pony, but this old meteor-javelin trick is too old and became uneffective
    Jabs right now is laughable. You might as well be tickling enemy’s and players with a wet pool noodle

    The only spamable is force pulse and due to the other nerfs that’s not massively effective

    Templars are basically D list and pathetic
  • Skulptro
    Traaaaaaaash. D tier.
    Hello everyone! I want to say "Thank You" for participating in poll. New patch will go Live tomorrow(or something like that, if Im not mistaken), so I don't see any hope for us to get any support from ZOS. But I will continue my holly crusade to make templar great again. You may ask your friends to go and participate in poll. Just remember: it's about PvPlar only. In PvE templar is more or less viable.
    Edited by Skulptro on October 13, 2024 11:22AM
  • Theist_VII
    It's med, but nothing to write home about
    Skulptro wrote: »
    Hello everyone! I want to say "Thank You" for participating in poll. New patch will go Live tomorrow(or something like that, if Im not mistaken), so I don't see any hope for us to get any support from ZOS. But I will continue my holly crusade to make templar great again. You may ask your friends to go and participate in poll. Just remember: it's about PvPlar only. In PvE templar is more or less viable.

    No, they just gutted Jabs in PvE this update.
    Templar is now certifiably mid everywhere.
  • Skulptro
    Traaaaaaaash. D tier.
    @Theist_VII you mean Malestorm 2H? Yeah, that's gonna hurt. But I usually use destro staff with wall of elements.
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