katanagirl1 wrote: »Biased poll.
Please stop requesting major changes to a 10 year old game when it is not an issue. Pay the fine or run away and wait out the bounty.
The guards in Cyrodil is to make taking objectives harder and more time consuming to take. Now for resources I say the flag turning time is the main issue if solo.
Aggrovious wrote: »
Then why do the forums exist?
Poll is kinda biased, I think the necromancer thing is dumb, but other than that, I do not think guards should be killable nor should we be able to sic them on other players.
The devs at one point considered that, and then decided against it thankfully. Way too many ways to grief people....
Have a friend kill you, split the profits. Problem solved. Now you just made gold off of someone trying to have you killed. Also, placing a bounty on someone who already has a bounty should then put that bounty on your head and have it so whoever gets killed first gets the gold and the bounty is claimed.
What you see as an inconvenience, I see as a valuable limitation. It doesn't make sense that they're invincible but they need to be for a lot of valid MMO gameplay reasons. I understand your perspective, there are lots of people who play TES games that love to kill every guard and cause chaos in a city but in the context of an MMO it doesn't really work, and other MMOs have found this out the hard way only to make their guards invincible too.Aggrovious wrote: »
They inconvenience the player. Do you like that? In other Elder Scrolls games, you can kill them...
Hapexamendios wrote: »I want a little nostalgia and have some guard call the players "criminal scum"
Aggrovious wrote: »
They inconvenience the player. Do you like that? In other Elder Scrolls games, you can kill them...
Aggrovious wrote: »
Prime example. My friend had bad lag. Who is about to leave the city and the guard pull him away from the door even though he interacted with the gate. All because he accidentally picked up a stolen item next to an NPC he had to talk to, but the hit box is bad
Bradyfjord wrote: »I remember times in vanilla wow when alliance would raid crossroads on the way to other objectives.
Also in vanilla, I organized a small raid of leveling people in strangle thorn vale. We used water walking to go around the side of the map with water. Our objective was to stir up some action near dead mines.
I'm not saying it would be like that in ESO, but my point is that crazy stuff starts to happen when you take the rails off of an online game. And the developers and community here are generally afraid of the crazy things that I'm talking about.
At least, that's how it seems for ESO. Since I'm older now, I wouldn't do any of that. But I guarantee you that someone will try something, and it's going to be nuts until it gets fixed. So it might be better for ESO to leave it alone at this point.
Stafford197 wrote: »
^^^ Exactly this.
This game is 10 YEARS OLD. Even if the idea has potential, changing the fundamentals is already a terrible idea.
I said the same for NB cloak becoming a toggle next patch. If it was a third morph then it would be fine, but to change the core ability in such a way is not cool.
Rishikesa108 wrote: »I like this system exactly how it currently is.
It makes sense.
I'd like 1 day in a year when the guards are killable tho.
A sort of crazy day where we can have a revenge.
Just 1 day in a year: "the day of the dead guard" !!!
It would be funny...
Stafford197 wrote: »
^^^ Exactly this.
This game is 10 YEARS OLD. Even if the idea has potential, changing the fundamentals is already a terrible idea.
I said the same for NB cloak becoming a toggle next patch. If it was a third morph then it would be fine, but to change the core ability in such a way is not cool.
There's a setting to turn off stealing random items. The fix for that is literally already in the game. No one is FORCING you to participate in the Justice System
Based on the voting, I'd say the term you're looking for is "ratio'd"
What you see as an inconvenience, I see as a valuable limitation. It doesn't make sense that they're invincible but they need to be for a lot of valid MMO gameplay reasons. I understand your perspective, there are lots of people who play TES games that love to kill every guard and cause chaos in a city but in the context of an MMO it doesn't really work, and other MMOs have found this out the hard way only to make their guards invincible too.
If you're a criminal, I think it's important to have hard limitations in order to feel like tension and danger are present when you're committing crimes. If anything, they should probably be beefed up and made harder to avoid, purely in order to make things more exciting for those who engage in extralegal activities. My vampire assassin/thief is almost completely undeterred when committing whatever crime they like, and frankly, it's a little boring.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »The Justice System mini-game is that you cannot hack and slash your way to success. You have to ideally not get caught in first place. If you do get caught, you have to escape. Them's the rules. You are supposed to use stealth and speed and outlaw refuges to "win" at the Justice System. Asking to hack and slash your way through a stealth mini-game is like asking to be able to sneak past trial bosses.
I genuinely don't understand the objections to making guards killable other than "it's been this way for 10 years". Yes, they've been implemented poorly for 10 years, lol.
If guards were made killable, what would really change? Cities would be full of dead NPCs? They already are. Players would steal everything not nailed to the ground? They already do. Guards don't actually prevent ANY crime in the game and even if they were completely removed, nothing would change. So why not allow them to be killable so players have another way to confront the justice system other than running away? It feels very bad mechanically to have a guard be able to damage/kill you but you cannot do the same to them.
katanagirl1 wrote: »Please stop requesting major changes to a 10 year old game when it is not an issue. Pay the fine or run away and wait out the bounty.
WoW is 20 and they still change basics. The flying mechanics had been the same for 18 years, now there are multiple differently flying types based on other versions they introduced over time. It's easy to change a lot of things.