I don't see how "God" is offensive or derogatory at all. In some times we have had multiple gods, and even goddesses. It's just a word that covers the idea of a figurehead to follow or worship (deity). It shouldn't be assumed it's tied to the Christian religion at all.
Maybe the word God is not offensive. But having that as a character name opens up all kinds of issues.
I mean look at how he posted here. When he goes in game, they will be calling him all kinds of names and when they say it in chat it will be God is being a ____.
No, he knew what he was doing. Fortunately so did Zenimax.
Personally I don't see the issue with "Virgin." I was RPing a celibate paladin, it only makes sense.driosketch wrote: »It's my guess, because I don't know who Todd or Art are, but you have a number of names worthy of flags here, and they likely just did a blanket name ban.Virgin, Todd Howard, Elder Scrolls Online, Art Vandelay, Zenimax, Obama and ***.eq2imora_ESO wrote: »
VERY disheartening to see these names gone.
Censored word is the leader of the third reich
Also, someone only mentioned it was a religious reference. No one initially named a specific religion. Please don't make don't make assumptions or drag the discussion in that direction.
ldwulfub17_ESO wrote: »My frustration was paying for early access to have a shot at getting the name I wanted and then finding it wasn't available because they opened the servers before the 7AM EST time they said they would open them at. I was on by 6:40 AM and the name was already taken.
The best advice i can offer you is to take from this a learning experience. Read the terms of service, and when in doubt ask before hand. A quick feedback ticket to customer service would have enlightened you to the fact that the names you wished to use would be flagged for rename. In fact common sense should have told you that despite getting past the initial filters that you would have been brought to the attention of customer service sooner or later anyway. In any public forum, intentionally being offensive, even if you think you have some clever gimmick on how to get out of it, is flirting with disciplinary action. I'm sorry, I really can't feel bad for you on this one. Just choose more appropriate names and move on.
I can understand that, guess I just wish people were more live and let live, and more understanding when people don't share the same beliefs.macdomagb16_ESO wrote: »This is what happens in the age of unrealistic religious tolerance if there is but a whiff of a potential to cause offence.I don't see how "God" is offensive or derogatory at all. In some times we have had multiple gods, and even goddesses. It's just a word that covers the idea of a figurehead to follow or worship (deity). It shouldn't be assumed it's tied to the Christian religion at all.
The word itself is not offensive, but to impersonate the character, which is what you are doing when choosing that name, is considered blasphemous by many.