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[SPOILER] Enchanting - List of Rune translations and Glyph combinations

Below is a description of ESO Rune types and combinations used to make Glyphs that can be applied to Weapons, Armor and Jewelry.

post-2-1444878435.pngPotency Runes (Square shape)
Potency Runes either have additive effects or subtractive effects. Examples would be a Glyph that adds elemental damage to a weapon or a Glyph that reduces the amount of damage taken from attacks.

Additive Runes
Rune - Translation - Potency Level - Glyph Title - Gear Level
Jora - Develop - Level 1 - Trifling - Level 1 - 10
Porade - Add - Level 1+ - Inferior - Level 5 - 15
Jera - Increase - Level 2 - Petty - Level 10 - 20
Jejora - Raise - Level 2+ - Slight - Level 15 - 25
Odra - Gain - Level 3 - Minor - Level 20 - 30
Pojora - Supplement - Level 3+ - Lesser - Level 25 - 35
Edora - Boost - Level 4 - Moderate - Level 30 - 40
Jaera - Advance - Level 4+ - Average - Level 35 - 45
Pora - Augment - Level 5 - Strong - Level 40 - 50
Denara - Strengthen - Level 5+ - Major - Level CP10-CP30
Rera - Exaggerate - Level 6 - Greater - Level CP30-CP50
Derado - Empower - Level 7 - Grand - Level CP50-CP70
Rekura - Magnify - Level 8 - Splendid - Level CP70-CP100
Kura - Intensify - Level 9 - Monumental - Level CP100-CP150
Rejera - Amplify - Level 10 - Superb - Level CP150
Repora - Reinforce - Level 10+ - Truly Superb - Level CP160

Subtractive Runes
Rune - Translation - Potency Level - Glyph Title - Gear Level
Jode - Reduce - Level 1 - Trifling - Level 1 - 10
Notade - Subtract - Level 1+ - Inferior - Level 5 - 15
Ode - Shrink - Level 2 - Petty - Level 10 - 20
Tade - Decrease - Level 2+ - Slight - Level 15 - 25
Jayde - Deduct - Level 3 - Minor - Level 20 - 30
Edode - Lower - Level 3+ - Lesser - Level 25 - 35
Pojode - Diminish - Level 4 - Moderate - Level 30 - 40
Rekude - Weaken - Level 4+ - Average - Level 35 - 45
Hade - Lessen - Level 5 - Strong - Level 40 - 50
Idode - Impair - Level 5+ - Major - Level CP10-CP30
Pode - Remove - Level 6 - Greater - Level CP30-CP50
Kedeko - Drain - Level 7 - Grand - Level CP50-CP70
Rede - Deprive - Level 8 - Splendid - Level CP70-CP100
Kude - Negate - Level 9 - Monumental - Level CP100-CP150
Jehade - Divest - Level 10 - Superb - Level CP150
Itade - Plunder - Level 10+ - Truly Superb - Level CP160

post-2-1444878446.pngEssence Runes (Trapezoid shape)
Essence Runes determine the effect type of the Glyph created.
Rune - Translation
Dekeipa - Frost
Deni - Stamina
Denima - Stamina Regen
Deteri - Armor
Hakeijo - Prism
Haoko - Disease
Kaderi - Shield
Kuoko - Poison
Makderi - Spell Harm
Makko - Magicka
Makkoma - Magicka Regen
Meip - Shock
Oko - Health
Okoma - Health Regen
Okori - Power
Oru - Alchemist
Rakeipa - Fire
Taderi - Physical Harm

post-2-1444878441.pngAspect Runes (Round shape)
Aspect Runes determine the quality of the Glyph created.
Rune - Translation - Quality - Aspect Level
Ta - Base - White Item - Level 1
Jejota - Fine - Green Item - Level 1
Denata - Superior - Blue Item - Level 2
Rekuta - Epic - Purple Item - Level 3
Kuta - Legendary - Yellow Item - Level 4

Glyphs (Combine 3 Runes to make a Glyph)
This is a list of Rune combinations and resulting Glyphs. To make a Glyph listed, simply replace “Add” with an additive Potency Rune or replace “Sub” with a subtractive Potency Rune, chose the desired Essence Rune and set the quality of the Glyph using an Aspect Rune.

For Weapons:
Rune - Glyph of … - Description
Add + Dekeipa - Frost - Deals (x) Cold Damage
Add + Deteri - Hardening - Grants a (x) point Damage Shield for (y) seconds
Add + Haoko - Foulness - Deals (x) Disease Damage
Add + Kuoko - Poison - Deals (x) Poison Damage
Add + Meip - Shock - Deals (x) Shock Damage
Add + Okori - Weapon Damage - Increase your Weapon Damage by (x) for (y) seconds
Add + Rakeipa - Flame - Deals (x) Flame Damage

Sub + Deni - Absorb Stamina - Deals (x) Magic Damage and restores (y) Stamina
Sub + Deteri - Crushing - Reduce target's Armor by (x) for (y) seconds
Sub + Makko - Absorb Magicka - Deals (x) Magic Damage and restores (y) Magicka
Sub + Oko - Absorb Health - Deals (x) Magic Damage and restores (y) Health
Sub + Okoma - Decrease Health - Deals (x) unresistable damage
Sub + Okori - Weakening - Reduce target Weapon Damage by (x) for (y) seconds
Sub + Hakeijo - Prismatic Onslaught - Deals (x) Magic Damage to Undead and Daedra

For Armor:
Rune - Glyph of … - Description
Add + Deni - Stamina - Adds (x) Maximum Stamina
Add + Makko - Magicka - Adds (x) Maximum Magicka
Add + Oko - Health - Adds (x) Maximum Health
Add + Hakeijo - Prismatic Defense - Adds (x) Maximum Magicka/Health/Stamina

For Jewelry:
Rune - Glyph of … - Description
Add + Denima - Stamina Recovery - Adds (x) Stamina Recovery
Add + Kaderi - Bashing - Increase Bash Damage by (x)
Add + Makderi - Increase Magical Harm - Adds (x) Spell Damage
Add + Makkoma - Magicka Recovery - Adds (x) Magicka Recovery
Add + Okoma - Health Recovery - Adds (x) Health Recovery
Add + Oru - Potion Boost - Increase the duration of potion effects by (x) seconds
Add + Taderi - Increase Physical Harm - Adds (x) Weapon Damage

Sub + Dekeipa - Frost Resist - Adds (x) Cold Resistance
Sub + Denima - Reduce Feat Cost - Reduce Stamina cost of abilities by (x)
Sub + Haoko - Disease Resist - Adds (x) Disease Resistance
Sub + Kaderi - Shielding - Reduce cost of Bash by (x) and reduce cost of Blocking by (y)
Sub + Kuoko - Poison Resist - Adds (x) Poison Resistance
Sub + Makderi - Decrease Spell Harm - Adds (x) Spell Resistance
Sub + Makkoma - Reduce Spell Cost - Reduce Magicka cost of Spells by (x)
Sub + Meip - Shock Resist - Adds (x) Shock Resistance
Sub + Oru - Potion Speed - Reduce the cooldown of Potions below this item’s level by (x) seconds
Sub + Rakeipa - Flame Resist - Adds (x) Flame Resistance
Sub + Taderi - Decrease Physical Harm - Adds (x) Physical Resistance

Happy crafting!

Edited by SirAndy on June 2, 2019 5:37PM
  • Zimpin
    Thank you :D
  • Froobert
    Wow! Thank you! Very happy someone posted this, cleared thing right up!

    Thanks again!
    Froobert the Tank
    When In doubt, Bash it out! :)

    "Member of Noore"

  • Gungnr
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks. I was wondering why no Armor Glyphs ever came up. I see now that there are only 3 in ESO. Which is ok, probably best for balance, but very different from Skyrim-Oblivion, etc.
  • eeeladin
    wow. thanx a lot for this. just awsome
    Ugh...Who cares about signatures anyways?!?
  • Pele
  • SirAndy
    I need to update this with some of the newer info, probably has to wait until this weekend ...
  • AureateRN
    THANK you so much!

    Now, if anyone has pointers on finding the ones we need? I'm a very dedicated crafting harvester, do my daily grind...and still can't find enough to keep enough of each kind and end up having to purchase in bulk. Fortunately I do also sell some I no longer need, but it's a really merry-go-round, especially if you run more than one character, which beats waiting out bounty time. *smile*

    "...people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
    ~Friedrich Nietzsche~

  • SirAndy
    AureateRN wrote: »
    THANK you so much!
    Now, if anyone has pointers on finding the ones we need? I'm a very dedicated crafting harvester, do my daily grind...and still can't find enough to keep enough of each kind and end up having to purchase in bulk. Fortunately I do also sell some I no longer need, but it's a really merry-go-round, especially if you run more than one character, which beats waiting out bounty time. *smile*
    I haven't updated my maps in many months but they include spawn points for all sorts of resources, including rune stones.

    I'll try to get all my updated data up there, i have the updated maps on my desk, just need to scan them in.
  • jmaldona29
    Awesome information. Thanks a bunch
  • DarthPaxis314
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the info, it really helps.
    Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead

    - Darth Bane
  • God-eater
    Dilemmas... do I tag it 'awesome' or 'insightful'? WTB 'awesightful' button... ☺
    "M'aiq is glad he has a compass. Makes it easy to find things. Much better than wandering around like a fool." - some cat I met on the road
  • GABS116
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks man! This helped a lot. I'm glad people like you do what they do to help the community.
  • cjhhickman39
    Thank you
  • SirAndy
    I updated the initial post with some new info and made a few corrections.

    I'll also be adding the new VR16 related Runes and Glyphs shortly ...
    Edited by SirAndy on October 16, 2015 6:05PM
  • i3ig_Gun
    Great post
    GT: i3ig Gun
    Legion of Many - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Paazhahdrimaak
  • CGPsaint
    Very informative! Thanks!
    "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs—horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
  • SirAndy
    First post updated, everything should be up to date now.

    If something is wrong or missing, please let me know.
  • Drakilian
    You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
    Just call me Drak
  • NeKryXe
    i'm missing some "Prismatic" rune to complete the Ruby Potency achievement, but i have no idea what rune is that. i think that i already translated all and i can't find any in the stores that i may miss. is this a bug or there is another potency rune not listed anywhere?
  • cjhhickman39
    Hekijno is prismatic bottom of the weapon list
  • cjhhickman39
    Hakeijo misspelled it also on bottom of armor list
  • NeKryXe
    isn't Hakeijo an essence rune? why is it listed on potency achievement?
  • cjhhickman39
    Know idea haven't looked at the achievements for enchanting yet
  • SirAndy
    NeKryXe wrote: »
    i'm missing some "Prismatic" rune to complete the Ruby Potency achievement, but i have no idea what rune is that. i think that i already translated all and i can't find any in the stores that i may miss. is this a bug or there is another potency rune not listed anywhere?

    Hakeijo is a essence rune that can be used to make either an armor glyph (Add + Hakeijo - Prismatic Defense - Adds (x) Maximum Magicka/Health/Stamina) or a weapon glyph (Sub + Hakeijo - Prismatic Onslaught - Deals (x) Magic Damage to Undead and Daedra).

    Hakeijo runes are rare and if i recall correctly only drop in the imperial city.
  • NeKryXe
    @SirAndy @cjhhickman39

    forget it! i just noticed that i misunderstood the "Ruby Potency" achievement because of the name and the potency rune icon. i thought that it was an all potency rune achievement but it's not that. i already got it. thanks for the tips ;)
  • JuZ
    Useful :)
  • Aelthwyn
    Thank you so much for making this!
  • ArchMikem
    I've completely neglected Enchanting...maybe this is why I suck so much.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • NBAballar18
    My Man! Going to help out alot
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