Online Support

Anyone know if you have to stay on the "Waiting for an agent" screen in order for this to work or if you exit it is closes your request? Also, how long has they been taking for others to get through - I am wondering if it is best to just leave an email and play another character while I wait.

It would be nice to have a "you are [n] in the cue" or someway to estimate the length of time.
  • MasterCyria
    If you close the screen, it'll change from a chat support to an email support. I kinda wish there was a way that you could minimize it and do other stuff, but sadly not at the current time.

    Yesterday I had a wait of ~30 minutes, the day before that ~6 hours for a technical issue due to my video card.
  • SilentVigil
    Thanks for the response MasterCyria. When you say waited was it for the online or email support?
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