Rkindaleft wrote: »
This is my main complaint about the story as well. TBH the best quest in the whole questline was the one where she's sitting at the inn and you talk to her. We really needed more Ithelia and less wood elf drama especially considering that it was like half of the questline while not really being that related to the main story outside of retracing her steps.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
yeah i think the outcast inn was probably the best zone POI quest
Hey Obviously, I wasn't talking about the quest but the following (per character):
11 grimoires (for now, more will probably be added with future updates)
21 focus scripts
20 signature scripts
26 affix scripts
67 scripts in total (for now, more will probably be added with future updates)
1 x luminous ink for each script applied to a grimoire each time you do it (3 skills per grimoire = 3 x luminous ink)
So, for 20 characters, it would be:
220 grimoires
1340 scripts
660 x luminous ink if all grimoires used on each character just once (more if multiple times, and obviously, less ink if not all grimoires used)
That's quite a grind in my grimoire but ofc we may disagree as to what constitutes a grind
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
there are unbound scripts that can drop, but they are exceptionally rare, ive only seen a handful of people link them since gold road came out
i get significantly more scripts just opening various daily boxes, and put extras in my bank to trade to alts that need them, and with the 3 per week that can be bought from the scholarium, i dont feel i will ever have to buy an unbound script
Shara_Wynn wrote: »
Yes, I've since heard there are unbound scripts, but I think they are too few and far in-between and it would be nice if all scripts were made tradeable. I am however, finally on my last alt for getting all the scripts. The affix ones for me, have been the bottleneck and despite my dislike of PVP, I have been a good girl and made sure I did my IC dailies every day in order to get it "over and done with" as soon as possible!
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
if you didnt like pvp, you could do other options for affix scripts, unless you were trying to maximize your script gains per day
bolgrul undaunted daily and incursion daily quests both also give affix scripts
i agree that the unbound scripts are not useful both with how infrequently they drop, but also due to all the other sources (the guaranteed daily ones + vendors that sell scripts)
Shara_Wynn wrote: »
Yes. I know them all off by heart now. Which scripts need what quests. As I play off peak, it actually wasn't that harsh in IC, I only got ganked maybe two or three times max (during MYM). Sometimes not at all.
Rkindaleft wrote: »I see the orange thing argued here on the forums a lot.
Am I the only one who doesn't hate the saturated autumn look of the zone?