Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Please suspend Whitestrake Mayhem event until servers can handle the load

ZOS, please suspend the Whitestrakes Mayhem event until you can stabilize, upgrade or whatever needs to be done with your servers so an event like this can actually be playable.

There is no excuse for server performance this bad. People can not play if they can't stay connected.

We've been posting on this forum for months now about how bad the server performance has been and ZOS has not done anything to improve the situation. This situation has been handled so poorly that it breeds conspiracy theories about how ZOS is trying to kill the game because it looks like that's what they're trying to do at this point.

So please just suspend the Whitestrakes event until the game can actually handle the event.
  • Poss

    We get two events a year dedicated to PvP, let us have our events and quit the moaning with your suggestions to cancel/suspend every single time

  • Elsonso
    Is there some indication that they are still working on Cyrodiil performance?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Kikazaru
    I got into Cyrodiil and DC'd within the first minute. Truly amazing.

    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • Theist_VII
    Poss wrote: »

    We get two events a year dedicated to PvP, let us have our events and quit the moaning with your suggestions to cancel/suspend every single time

    While you’re more interested in the event tickets, from the sound of it, @CrazyKitty just wants to be able to enjoy it.

    When you’re in queue for hours trying to get into a popular campaign, just to crash minutes after using a transitus shrine, it’s soul crushing… and it’s been happening to people all day.
  • CrashTest
    This happens every year, and every year nothing changes.
  • Jaraal
    CrazyKitty wrote: »
    ZOS, please suspend the Whitestrakes Mayhem event until you can stabilize, upgrade or whatever needs to be done with your servers so an event like this can actually be playable.

    While I understand the sentiment behind this, I am strongly against shortening the rare PvP event duration. Because you know good and well they're not going to extend the event to make up for down time. Look at how the 10th anniversary event was cut short despite downtime to fix bugs, to the point that people were denied access to tickets that were advertised as being available on the last day.

    So, no. Let's not encourage them to suspend anything at this point.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Poss
    Theist_VII wrote: »

    While you’re more interested in the event tickets, from the sound of it, @CrazyKitty just wants to be able to enjoy it.

    I’m a PvPer, you think I care for event tickets?? 😂 oh my sweet summer child
  • Nebbles
    ZOS has completely abandoned Cyrodiil. The sooner everyone accepts that the better it will be for them.
  • reazea
    Poss wrote: »

    We get two events a year dedicated to PvP, let us have our events and quit the moaning with your suggestions to cancel/suspend every single time

    Where has the OP suggested that other events be cancelled?

    The problem is that we can't play more than 20 minutes in Cyrodiil right now without being disconnected. The OP has a point. Fix the servers, then have the event.

    Of course, Jaraal makes a good point too. It's not likely ZOS is going to fix the servers anytime soon. If that was going to happen it would have by now.

    Edited by reazea on July 25, 2024 11:46PM
  • Poss
    reazea wrote: »
    Poss wrote: »

    We get two events a year dedicated to PvP, let us have our events and quit the moaning with your suggestions to cancel/suspend every single time

    Where has the OP suggested that other events be cancelled?

    The problem is that we can't play more than 20 minutes in Cyrodiil right now without being disconnected. The OP has a point. Fix the servers, then have the event.

    Of course, Jaraal makes a good point too. It's not likely ZOS is going to fix the servers anytime soon. If that was going to happen it would have by now.

    Every. Single. PvP. Event. Someone makes a post on the forums complaining about the event, suggesting it be cancelled or suspended (usually a PvEer who probably just got bombed and realised their 130k dps don’t mean diddly squat in cyrodiil)

    No. Us PvPers get 2 events a year to enjoy ourselves and I will defend our little 4 weeks to the grave. Leave us be.

    I haven’t got any lag btw 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • Stridig
    Troubleshooting YOUR connectivity issues post coming any minute now.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • tom6143346
    Absolut no. The PvP Community has not as much events as we pve gamer have. Let them have the event , but fix the server if there’s a Problem. For me it was fine but I grabbed just my tickets and was gone . Let PvP players have some fun as well. Edit Btw it’s true, every year someone wants to get it cancelled, you can count on that it’s insane. Enjoy your event PvP gamers , hope Server gets more stable asap.
    Edited by tom6143346 on July 26, 2024 4:19PM
  • Hapexamendios
    I took 4 characters to tier 1 awards this morning without any issues.
  • Aurielle
    CrazyKitty wrote: »
    ZOS, please suspend the Whitestrakes Mayhem event until you can stabilize, upgrade or whatever needs to be done with your servers so an event like this can actually be playable.

    There is no excuse for server performance this bad. People can not play if they can't stay connected.

    We've been posting on this forum for months now about how bad the server performance has been and ZOS has not done anything to improve the situation. This situation has been handled so poorly that it breeds conspiracy theories about how ZOS is trying to kill the game because it looks like that's what they're trying to do at this point.

    So please just suspend the Whitestrakes event until the game can actually handle the event.

    No thanks…

    My guild and I spent several hours in a 7 day campaign last night during NA prime time with no issues. Got lots of AP. I didn’t crash once.

    The servers are always iffy with ANY event during the first few hours of the event going live. Case in point: I crashed when Zeals of Zenithar started this year due to all the players standing around the quest giver. It was a while before I could log back into that character, as I would crash every time I tried to log in until things cleared out a little in Craglorn.
  • Hea1y
    Leave us PvPers alone! Whitestrake has saved Cyro, last night was amazing and I want more of it
  • Dragonnord
    I took 4 characters to tier 1 awards this morning without any issues.

    ZERO issues here too.

    If it's ZOS issue, why I'm not getting disconnects at all?

    The server spins a wheel to select who gets a crash?
    SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes
  • h9dlb
    Servers should be perfectly stable now they've reduced mail and trade post usage to 14 days
  • proteinexe
    I’m not getting disconnected nor getting any/much lag. Simply put, skill issue
  • Sluggy
    Theist_VII wrote: »
    Poss wrote: »

    We get two events a year dedicated to PvP, let us have our events and quit the moaning with your suggestions to cancel/suspend every single time

    While you’re more interested in the event tickets, from the sound of it, @CrazyKitty just wants to be able to enjoy it.

    When you’re in queue for hours trying to get into a popular campaign, just to crash minutes after using a transitus shrine, it’s soul crushing… and it’s been happening to people all day.

    That's sort of the problem then. There will never be a time when it's fixed. So effectively they are asking for a permanent removal of the event.

    Edited by Sluggy on July 26, 2024 2:58PM
  • katorga
    Dragonnord wrote: »
    I took 4 characters to tier 1 awards this morning without any issues.

    ZERO issues here too.

    If it's ZOS issue, why I'm not getting disconnects at all?

    The server spins a wheel to select who gets a crash?

    Same, performance is as bad as it always is, especially when ball groups are around.

    No disconnects. No crashes.
  • TheWetChef
    Soul Shriven
    I agre, it needs to be fixed!

    And no i have not ben "***" on by a PvPer!
    I havent even had the chance to do that, i cant even get in to battlegrounds match.
    Ive ben queuing for 4h. Solo queueing.
  • TechMaybeHic
    I get wanting it fixed so you can enjoy it; but there's no sign of it getting fixed. You'd be lucky if its better by the time the next one rolls around in 6 months. Just is what it is
    Edited by TechMaybeHic on July 27, 2024 2:01PM
  • Desiato
    Dragonnord wrote: »
    I took 4 characters to tier 1 awards this morning without any issues.

    ZERO issues here too.

    If it's ZOS issue, why I'm not getting disconnects at all?

    The server spins a wheel to select who gets a crash?

    Routing is one factor. The servers have multiple links to the internet. It's possible for one link to be affected by as ddos with others being fine. Likewise, it's possible for certain routes to be problematic, especially intercontinental. Particular routers on the different routes we take to ESO servers may also be affected by something like a ddos unrelated to ESO.

    Also, I know people don't want to hear it, but addons are a factor. A technical fact is that the LUA engine used for addons is single threaded and the client has to wait on it for different things like screen refreshes. The more addons one has, the less responsive the client will be and the more prone to disconnects it becomes when the server itself is lagged.

    The kind of microstutter LUA adds isn't something that would be observed by FPS meters because of how they work. Some types of display lag can only be exposed through tools like nvidia's FCAT which rely on high speed capture.

    I know from videos and streams that some people have absurdly bad performance because they are obviously overloaded with addons.

    For the record, a ZOS engineer has previously confirmed the significant impact addons can have, noting they are a tradeoff between performance and the benefits they provide.

    Another factor related to addons is that the clients have a rate limit that can result in a disconnect when it is surpassed. Addons are generally designed not to exceed this, but lag can cause them to. This can also happen without addons, but they can make it more common. I've been disconnected before when trying to change gear with an addon when a lag spike hits and I would bet the same can happen with addons like hodor.

    The last time I was a pvp regular back in 2018, I had a much better experience than most players by eliminating almost all addons.

    I know some people will get mad about this post. I'm not defending ZOS or the servers. PVP has major client and server issues that have never been resolved. There's no excuse for that. However, there are other factors can exacerbate them. It's clear some people have a much worse experience than others.

    Edited by Desiato on July 26, 2024 7:15PM
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • silentxthreat
    main probably is the the queue times and the fact that dozens of players afk/botting with scripts at every keep for def tics while our guildys sit in queue
  • MEBengalsFan2001
    Theist_VII wrote: »
    Poss wrote: »

    We get two events a year dedicated to PvP, let us have our events and quit the moaning with your suggestions to cancel/suspend every single time

    While you’re more interested in the event tickets, from the sound of it, @CrazyKitty just wants to be able to enjoy it.

    When you’re in queue for hours trying to get into a popular campaign, just to crash minutes after using a transitus shrine, it’s soul crushing… and it’s been happening to people all day.

    IMO before the event started if you didn’t earn a single AP in GH and if it’s not your main campaign you shouldn’t be allowed into GH. This way GH is open to those that are actively part of it.

    Edited by MEBengalsFan2001 on July 27, 2024 1:30AM
  • ragnarok6644b14_ESO
    I bounced around almost all the servers today to play with friends and had no issues. Honestly I was actually impressed, personally, given how I expect Cyrodiil to be
  • RomanRex
    clearly it is hit or miss for unexplainable reasons.

    not a new problem and it never gets better.
  • gronoxvx
    No. Because they will never fix it. Simple as that really
  • dcrush
    gronoxvx wrote: »
    No. Because they will never fix it. Simple as that really

    Facts. Performance has been bad for years and gets worse every year, except for a brief period after the server upgrade. I’ve lost hope that it will ever be fixed.

    But don’t cancel the event. Just give it an appropriate name, like “Disconnect Mayhem”.
    Edited by dcrush on July 27, 2024 9:00AM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Poss wrote: »

    We get two events a year dedicated to PvP, let us have our events and quit the moaning with your suggestions to cancel/suspend every single time
    While it is nice to have an event dedicated to activity one likes, I would like to point one thing:
    Imperial City is the DLC zone that gets 90% of the events. Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Murkmire, and pretty much every other zone DLC gets an event once like every 7 or 10 years lol. IC on the other hand gets an event twice in 1 year.

    The "obligatory trip to IC" for 1 event ticket imho should be removed from Whitestrake Mayhem. IC gets way too much attention. As far as I am aware, there were also some non-pvp focused events that also do promote IC.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on July 27, 2024 9:51AM
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