Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Cyrodiil Queues are KILLING PvP! ZOS, FIX THIS NOW!

  • CrazyKitty
    The two biggest factors keeping the population in Cyrodiil low are:

    #1- unbelievably low pop cap
    #2- years of bad performance from the game and the devs that are supposed to keep Cyrodiil running smoothly
  • Photosniper89
    Cyrodiil has become a way to make time until the next MMO with epic battles comes along and then I'm gone.
    It's a pity because it didn't have to be this way.

    This is the mindset of literally every single person I talk to who plays PvP. Which to your point I agree.. it's a shame.. ESO has the BEST PvP (when it works).
  • reiverx
    With the pop caps being so low, the last thing ZOS needs is for more players to engage in PVP.
  • reazea
    reiverx wrote: »
    With the pop caps being so low, the last thing ZOS needs is for more players to engage in PVP.

    Or ZOS could raise the ridiculously low pop cap, which would make sense given that demand is outstripping the supply when it comes to Cyrodiil populations.
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