Rishikesa108 wrote: »Finishing all the codex is for people who like to go crazy. Unfortunately, I am one of those. Finishing the codex of the DLC areas is crazy...
I'm down to a handful of leads needed to complete my codex, with 2 leads for my second Apocyrphal Well (and 3 for the third...), and of course the DSA lead being among the last. It's beyond ridiculous that some leads drop like candy over and over and over and over again with little to no effort, and then others are like winning the lottery. Either ZoS intentially did this for some unfathomable reason, or someone fat-fingered a drop rate. What irks me the most is that there has been plenty of feedback regarding some of the drop rates that has been completely ignored. Either way, the frustration is enough to push me away from spending as much time in ESO, so my backlog is getting a bit of love instead. I play games to have fun, not be frustrated by poor drop implementations.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I have done thousands and not gotten once since the first set of leads dropped. They only took a few the first time around, but it has been thousands since.
Araneae6537 wrote: »
That is absolutely appalling. I don’t think non-tradeable leads should have been put in treasure chests to begin with (no leads are tradeable, but at least the motifs are), and this droprate is absolutely appalling. What is the point?
Araneae6537 wrote: »
That is absolutely appalling. I don’t think non-tradeable leads should have been put in treasure chests to begin with (no leads are tradeable, but at least the motifs are), and this droprate is absolutely appalling. What is the point?