that's what drives these map prices up and makes them worth selling. valuable things from leads should be more common, puts more gold in my pocket when i find the maps, feels good for everyone.
I've burned through well over 300 maps and am still sitting missing 2 leads for my second codex entry for the Apocryphal Well. I've given up because it's not worth the gold, time, or the frustration of getting the other leads over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »i think ive only ever gotten 1 lead for the well, and it was one that was offered from the archive vendor very very early after the archive release
never seen any other piece of it since then lol
katanagirl1 wrote: »
Same here. I do not buy expensive treasure maps to be rewarded with super low rng. I just recently (in the last week or so) got the last lead for the Spriggan skin from a Galen map that dropped for me.
The only maps I have bought are the ones that have furnishing book leads, and only spent 500 gold or less each for them. Still, it took quite a few maps to get them all.
EDIT: clarification
Araneae6537 wrote: »
Yes, the furnishing books were better, both because the chances were MUCH higher, 500-1000 gold or so per map is not a big deal, and one could curate the books one had a chance of getting. It was all rather a pain though, stacking maps in the mail before going to dig them up with the right character (one whom I was reasonably certain had read only the needed book of the possibilities) but the odds were high enough and the cost low enough that one could prepare for the task and then complete it. I think it would have been better if the books were unbound and players could just trade or sell for those they wanted, but whatever, I’m glad for the books that were added — and glad I completed my collection before Necrom antiquity leads completely soured me on treasure maps!
I was curious to actually track this:
Not to mention the Trifold Mirror.
Stuck on a 6th lead for months and months. Lost count. I'm so sick of Nightmare WB, even though I only do it rarely in passing now. I hate that fight, and this RNG mechanic. 🤮 It'd be fine for it to take a few tries if it's meant to get players to return to old content. But the chances are so bad for some, I never touch that place again after completion, even if I liked it before.
But we keep saying this and it seems unheard. So this is just data, albeit individual, for other players.
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@MoonPile", 103)
All of the furnishings aquired from digging up treasure maps should have a single codex entry and should be purchasable from the achievement vendor from that point forward. I'm not asking for these leads/furnishings to be handed to us, but I'm also not interested in dropping 10-20 million gold and having to to dig up 500-1000 maps for even a remote chance of banging out all three codex entries for 9-10 different furnishings. Enough is enough. At the very least make all of the leads for furnishings have the same drop rate. I have gobs of all of the Apocrypha furnishings and only 1 Apocryphal Well to show for my wasted efforts. It's not necessary and it's certainly not fun.
In my personal experience over the hundreds of antiquities, mythics, and leads I've farmed; the second of any lead is normally significantly more painful to farm than any other. The third and onward seems to drop quite more liberally.
fastolfv_ESO wrote: »saw this thread recently and decided to try my luck to see how long it would take to get the well. I bought every apocrypha map i could find between 10-20k a piece and started the grind. Took me around 300k and change in maps, i think around 40 to get the 3 leads, now i may have gotten lucky but thats what it was for me. The first 2 leads were within the first 6 maps but the third one took alot longer and i think its like that intentionally to have a lead so much more rare than the other 2 even though they all come from treasure maps. All in all 300k and change isnt too bad for an interactive housing item but i dont think the wells worth it, especially for the people who end up spending a mil+ from bad luck with leads
redspecter23 wrote: »I've been stonewalled on this for my codex for months.
It took me 4 total maps to get my first Well. Just 4 total maps.
The next 400+ maps have resulted in exactly 1 lead.
I'd say something is up with the drop rates on this one. This drop rate is not ok.
Wow! Since each of my Well leads took roughly the same number of maps, I thought it was a fair estimate for others... I guess not.
I wonder if it depends on anything, like if character-specific RNG is real (I use my Arcanist), or process (I bulk-dig 10+ in a day).