Recently they have began incresing the font size to prevent us from reporting them as when you scroll the chat window it jumps past their name, so most people are telling their fellow palyers to decrease the font size and they can then see tthe spammers name.
I have a solution top stop them from doing this, if you were to limit the amount of text line to say 5 as currently the spam 15 plus lines of their website, this would allow us to report them and we wouldn''t need to decrease the font size every time they spam their messages and also we wouldn't then have to increase the font to be able to read other players normal messages.
So if you could in the next patch limit the text lines in chat that would be great as we they players are getting annoyed at this espically since the ggame isn't even released yet.
Also would it be possible to have the ignores be account wide as i have ignored the same guy twice now yet nis messages are still getting through.
PS: is there a limit to how many people we can have in our ignore list, mine is currently at 24, i'm hoping it's set at something like 100+ and i hope there aren't more than that many spammers