New update killed this event (and other content) for me

West Weald is great and I love the game but since the update, I get endless amount of load screens as I ride or run or even walk in zones. Its so bad that I will be fighting a monster and after the load screen, I am dead. I could travel to a zone, ride for 5 seconds, load screen, ride for 13 seconds, load screen, rinse and repeat

Also, I will get to a monster, any monster, WB, etc, and the monster will not load up for me to see. So I end up fighting them with just AOEs because 1/2 my skill dont work if you cant see the monster. In most cases, it appears 75% into the fight. Luckily, I know what I am fighting but its unbearable to a point where I usually farm the even for parcels and now I have no desire to do it. It's so frustrating to get endless load screens and not being able see monsters or even NPCs

I used to get the occasional loading issue when i went to turn in dailies but to give some perspective, I waited 48 seconds for the quest giver to appear on my screen to get my tickets. Since the update, that is the norm now...

I still do some other content but really turned off to the game because of it..

I am PS4. NA
  • SpiritofESO
    Players don't like it when I say it and they chastise me in chat but I am telling you that the PS4 is simply not capable of playing this many-times expanded game properly.

    I got my PS5 two years ago and I no longer have these game issues, and I think you should just spend the money and get a new PS5 and experience the game properly.

    I speak from experience... :wink:

    Please understand that it is not the update that is killing the game for you, it is your PS4 console.
    Edited by SpiritofESO on June 23, 2024 8:31PM
    • "Adapt or Die"
  • Danikat
    Players don't like it when I say it and they chastise me in chat but I am telling you that the PS4 is simply not capable of playing this many-times expanded game properly.

    I got my PS5 two years ago and I no longer have these game issues, and I think you should just spend the money and get a new PS5 and experience the game properly.

    I speak from experience... :wink:

    Please understand that it is not the update that is killing the game for you, it is your PS4 console.

    If that's the case it's still ZOS' responsibility. They sell the game, and the new chapter, to people on PS4, they (and Sony) should make sure it works for those customers.

    Before I saw the OP's note saying they're on PS4 I was going to say it's likely the problem is their PC because that's exactly the sort of thing that can happen if your PC is below the recommended specs, getting old or running into problems like incompatible graphics drivers. Things like that are much more common on PC because there's so much variation in components and often more things which can go wrong with them.

    On consoles none of that should be a concern, because the hardware is standardised developers should be able to ensure their games are compatible (and Sony double checks as part of the certification process). If they're not doing that then their system isn't working and they are selling faulty products to their customers.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • vsrs_au
    What ZOS really needs to do is update the minimum console hardware specs to be PS5, and stop PS4 support, because this is preventing necessary upgrades to the game (this has been mentioned in numerous threads on this forum).
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • MJallday
    The PS4 is 11 year old hardware . Unfortunately things move on and if you were on an 11 year old
    PC people would be telling you to upgrade… so yeah - do that
  • OtarTheMad
    At the end of the day we just don’t know what kind of contract/deal Sony and ZOS have when it comes to distribution. Maybe there are plans to phase it out but they have to stick to some date in a contract.
  • katanagirl1
    I have to agree that almost all of my issues went away when I switched from PS4 Pro to PS5. I rarely see black silhouettes of other players at wayshrines in busy cities, and I never have trouble with bosses or mobs being invisible due to load in issues.

    I even play Gray Host campaign in Cyrodiil in prime time when all 3 factions are pop locked and have virtually no problems. It is only when the whole faction is kicked due to some unknown server problem that I notice it.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • Paulytnz
    Players don't like it when I say it and they chastise me in chat but I am telling you that the PS4 is simply not capable of playing this many-times expanded game properly.

    I got my PS5 two years ago and I no longer have these game issues, and I think you should just spend the money and get a new PS5 and experience the game properly.

    I speak from experience... :wink:

    Please understand that it is not the update that is killing the game for you, it is your PS4 console.

    100% This.

    When I finally got to play the new chapter, I started the scribing quests first. I noticed there was a LOT of changing zones. Being on PS5 this is not an issue anymore (seriously, a zone takes no longer than 10 secs to load on a PS5) and the first thing that entered my mind was:

    "Man, so glad I don't play on the PS4 anymore" I then thought about all the remaining old gen console players and could feel their pain.

    So, a shout out to the OP, same as the post I have quoted here, I really feel for you and hope you can upgrade console as soon as possible. Trust me, you won't believe the difference, it's amazing.
  • Paulytnz
    Danikat wrote: »
    Players don't like it when I say it and they chastise me in chat but I am telling you that the PS4 is simply not capable of playing this many-times expanded game properly.

    I got my PS5 two years ago and I no longer have these game issues, and I think you should just spend the money and get a new PS5 and experience the game properly.

    I speak from experience... :wink:

    Please understand that it is not the update that is killing the game for you, it is your PS4 console.

    If that's the case it's still ZOS' responsibility. They sell the game, and the new chapter, to people on PS4, they (and Sony) should make sure it works for those customers.

    Before I saw the OP's note saying they're on PS4 I was going to say it's likely the problem is their PC because that's exactly the sort of thing that can happen if your PC is below the recommended specs, getting old or running into problems like incompatible graphics drivers. Things like that are much more common on PC because there's so much variation in components and often more things which can go wrong with them.

    On consoles none of that should be a concern, because the hardware is standardised developers should be able to ensure their games are compatible (and Sony double checks as part of the certification process). If they're not doing that then their system isn't working and they are selling faulty products to their customers.

    When I was reading the OP I too at first was thinking it was an older PC, then I saw the bottom and that it was a PS4. Didn't surprise me, they are pretty similar. I would take the "PS4 is simply not capable of playing this many-times expanded game properly" part of the post with a grain of salt. It's a little bit exaggerated. Of course PS4 players can still play the game, it can just be REALLY painful to do so now and then, depending on what you are doing.
    Edited by Paulytnz on June 24, 2024 1:19PM
  • ob1ken0bi
    Thanks for all the input from everyone.
    Getting a PS5 is on the radar but just can't afford it without sacrificing ESO+ for a while (which I may do). Although, I have had ESO+ for years so I will feel the pain of pack/bank management for a while lol
    Love the game and before Gold Road, it really wasn't that bad at all. I understand PS4 is old.
  • GooGa592
    Players don't like it when I say it and they chastise me in chat but I am telling you that the PS4 is simply not capable of playing this many-times expanded game properly.

    I got my PS5 two years ago and I no longer have these game issues, and I think you should just spend the money and get a new PS5 and experience the game properly.

    I speak from experience... :wink:

    Please understand that it is not the update that is killing the game for you, it is your PS4 console.

    ESO was designed for and plays best on PC. The game has been dumbed down to accommodate game boxes too much already.
  • DenverRalphy
    GooGa592 wrote: »
    Players don't like it when I say it and they chastise me in chat but I am telling you that the PS4 is simply not capable of playing this many-times expanded game properly.

    I got my PS5 two years ago and I no longer have these game issues, and I think you should just spend the money and get a new PS5 and experience the game properly.

    I speak from experience... :wink:

    Please understand that it is not the update that is killing the game for you, it is your PS4 console.

    ESO was designed for and plays best on PC. The game has been dumbed down to accommodate game boxes too much already.

    Actually, ESO was designed from its inception to be played on consoles as well. It wasn't designed for pc. Even Skyrim pre-dating ESO was designed with consoles in mind.
    Edited by DenverRalphy on June 24, 2024 3:31PM
  • ob1ken0bi
    GooGa592 wrote: »

    ESO was designed for and plays best on PC. The game has been dumbed down to accommodate game boxes too much already.

    Not going to get in console/PC debate because I have played on both but it's best played on PC because of all the add ons. Without them, its not really best played.
  • VouxeTheMinotaur
    as soon as i began reading your post, i knew you were on a playstation 4 before it was mentioned.

    i ran this game on a PS4 Pro, and it was a horrible experience but what was i supposed to do? i still loved the game, i just put up with it.

    a year ago i purchased the PS5 Disc Slim, and what an improvement it was. Loading screen dropped from the average 40 seconds - 1 min to a pretty nice 5-10 seconds. Frames were smooth (not now due to serious lag issues), combat felt fluid, button response was quick, etc etc.

    It sounds like it's just a matter of your hardware. i will say that, as i've stated before, ZOS is having a problem it seems with server connection. there is an official thread about consoles experiencing problems with the current feature they decided to put in consoles settings without an option to turn off. this feature is definitely adding fuel to the fire of your PS4's "jet engine." it definitely does numbers to the 5 currently too, but knowing how it feels to run ESO on the 4 without problems, i can't imagine how it is now... dang.

    i definitely recommend getting the PS5. i know it seems kinda outrageous to recommend spending $500 on a new console just to enjoy a game, but i do agree with others saying the 4 has run its course as far as new tech gaming goes. it's old hardware and i'm sure it runs great still, but gaming companies continuously upgrade and make games that are meant to meet the expectations of newer gen consoles, ZOS's ESO included. and i don't believe ZOS would continue to support older hardware the further we go in advancement, as unfortunate as it is to say.

    i'm not sure which version of the PS4 you have and if this store is available to you, but trading it in to gamestop will get you a pretty penny toward the 5.

    I've seen huge improvements to the same problems you have and i've seen on my 4 by going to the 5, either improvements or just completely non existing issues, like the NPC's and enemies taking too long to load or invisible is definitely one.
    PS5/NA: Vouxe_
  • VouxeTheMinotaur
    ob1ken0bi wrote: »
    Thanks for all the input from everyone.
    Getting a PS5 is on the radar but just can't afford it without sacrificing ESO+ for a while (which I may do). Although, I have had ESO+ for years so I will feel the pain of pack/bank management for a while lol
    Love the game and before Gold Road, it really wasn't that bad at all. I understand PS4 is old.

    i apologize for my previous comment basically repeating what everyone said, im seeing this response after i had posted a reply 😅
    PS5/NA: Vouxe_
  • ob1ken0bi
    ob1ken0bi wrote: »
    Thanks for all the input from everyone.
    Getting a PS5 is on the radar but just can't afford it without sacrificing ESO+ for a while (which I may do). Although, I have had ESO+ for years so I will feel the pain of pack/bank management for a while lol
    Love the game and before Gold Road, it really wasn't that bad at all. I understand PS4 is old.

    i apologize for my previous comment basically repeating what everyone said, im seeing this response after i had posted a reply 😅

    I do appreciate the feedback. I do have Gamestop near me so I am going to check it out and see what I can get for it. Thank you
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