DTStormfox wrote: »Unkillable sorcs, unkillable arcanists...
Who in their mind thought it was a good idea to buff sorcs and arcanists even more? Sorc, for example, was already very powerful in PVP. But no, lets give their shield a massive heal that scales with max health, so we can have 60k health sorcs run around that are unkillable...
The EU Ravenwatch, for example, is completely abandoned now, because there are literally unkillable players in the server. Nobody wants to play with or against them anymore.
Those "unkillable" Sorcs aren't troll tanks, they're teleporting ranged nuke DDs. Ward is a problem.Olen_Mikko wrote: »Unkillable troll builds aren't the issue really.
Olen_Mikko wrote: »Unkillable troll builds aren't the issue really. You can just choose to ignore them.
2-3 ballgroups running simultaneously and ZOS doing nothing to hinder them, is the real issue.
Olen_Mikko wrote: »Unkillable troll builds aren't the issue really. You can just choose to ignore them.
2-3 ballgroups running simultaneously and ZOS doing nothing to hinder them, is the real issue.
Pretty much. Ballgroups keep progressively ruining PvP with each patch and chapter released.
And to think ESO was first introduced and advertised as a PvP game, one could truly say that they've more or less abandoned that sphere completely.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Those "unkillable" Sorcs aren't troll tanks, they're teleporting ranged nuke DDs. Ward is a problem.
Olen_Mikko wrote: »Unkillable troll builds aren't the issue really. You can just choose to ignore them.
2-3 ballgroups running simultaneously and ZOS doing nothing to hinder them, is the real issue.
barney2525 wrote: »
Here's the thing. A bunch of players like PvP. A bunch of players don't. The problem is - The players like me who don't do PvP have no idea what the PvP code words mean. So It's hard for us to understand exactly what the issue is, and offer any solutions.
I understand that the PvP players know exactly what you were talking about. But I have no idea what a Troll Build is or what a Ball Group is.
So it's hard to be sympathetic.
Olen_Mikko wrote: »Unkillable troll builds aren't the issue really. You can just choose to ignore them.
2-3 ballgroups running simultaneously and ZOS doing nothing to hinder them, is the real issue.
That’s right, Necromancers are totally balanced well and just as competitive and effective as Arcanists, Nightblades, and Sorcerers!Kelenan7368 wrote: »I disagree! You are just not very good at PVP!
I play all the time I win mostly but sometimes get owned.
Sometime a win is a real challenge and hard fought other times a breeze.
If you are getting owned a lot ask players how to make a better build.
PVP for me is mostly fun I don't like to get own but from time to time it happens.
If it happens a lot I change up my build.
Quit calling for nerfs! Find what you are good at!
PVP works Great! For all classes.
DTStormfox wrote: »Unkillable sorcs, unkillable arcanists...
Who in their mind thought it was a good idea to buff sorcs and arcanists even more? Sorc, for example, was already very powerful in PVP. But no, lets give their shield a massive heal that scales with max health, so we can have 60k health sorcs run around that are unkillable...
The EU Ravenwatch, for example, is completely abandoned now, because there are literally unkillable players in the server. Nobody wants to play with or against them anymore.
Turtle_Bot wrote: »
Troll build:
A "troll build" is typically a very tanky build that has been created to survive being attacked by many players at once for a long time. Typically they have no damage and are not a threat outside of being annoying and keeping players stuck in combat.
Ball group:
A "Ball group" is basically an organized PvP raid group. Think something similar to a top end PvE trial group, but instead of fighting NPCs with 100's of millions of health they fight other players with 30-40k health.
A few others include:
A "bomber" is a build (typically on a Nightblade, but not always) that is super glass cannon (full damage, no survivability) with a big AoE burst combo that can instantly wipe groups of players that are stacked up.
Typically a highly mechanically skilled player (or duo/trio) that builds and tries to fight outnumbered fights. They are often fairly tanky, but the main difference between them and a troll build is they don't invest everything into defense and maintain enough damage to still kill other players. They make up for the lack of raw defense by using mechanics like line of sight and movement speed to avoid incoming attacks.
Typically a large, unorganized (and mostly casual) group of players. Usually majority of these players are more casual.
Faction stack:
An extremely large zerg, basically the entire (or near enough) faction population of players that partially coordinate to attempt to take highly defended objectives. This used to be how the zergs would attempt to fight ball groups, but the dwindling population caps have become too small to make this feasible anymore.
Think an assassin (typically a Nightblade, but there have been others in the past), that strikes from invisibility/stealth and attempts to stack enough damage into a single burst of damage to instantly kill their target.
Small scale:
A smaller version of a ball group. Can also just be a small group of a few friends, but will typically be fairly organized. Think something similar to a 4 person PvE dungeon group instead of the full scale 12 person trial group.
Hope this helps to clarify some of the common terms PvPers use when talking about specific builds/playstyles.
Ive been here off and on since 2015 and I can say without a doubt this is the worst PVP meta we've ever had I can't understand how anyone from the dev team looks at PVP in its current state and is like "yeah this is fine" no its not unkillable ball groups and unkillable players are BORING.
90% of my fights in Cyrodill I just get bored and run off. If I don't die or kill someone in the first 10 seconds the fight will last 5+ minutes and EVERY small scale fight is like this not to mention all the unkillable 12 mans just running around like how is this fun for anyone killing noobs, bad kids or ganking individual players as a 12 man group over and over just whats the point how do you have fun for extended periods doing this.
My time in Cyrodill goes like this
1 fight someone
2. Neither me nor my opponent die after the 1st 15 seconds
3. Fight until a group arrives or fight for 5+ minutes
4. get bored and leave
5. start form step 1
AvalonRanger wrote: »
This is the very reason why I don't want to play ESO PVP contents.
This is the most stupid PVP game I've ever seen. No thanks seriously.
Too much dated game design, bad direction game design, and basically boring.
BXR_Lonestar wrote: »
Ballgroups aren't even the problem. Ball groups are just the defense for being zerged down. When another alliance routinely outnumbers you by 1 or more bars, having a good ballgroup is pretty much the only way you can be competitive. 2 or more groups working together? I've only ever seen that with other factions targeting my group (at least in my campaign). Otherwise, the ballgroups tend to divide and conquer the map if there is no resistance because it is the fastest way to increase your potential points.
IMO, the real problems with cyrodil are:
1. Sick incentives to try to "kill the map" so to speak to maximize your potential points.
2. Building on point 1, that also means there is a sick incentive to zerg the map when there is less resistance so you can hold it the longest and get the most points (disincentivizing fights).
3. No cure for imbalanced teams/fights. It seems that there is always one faction that has more players, and unless you have an organized ballgroup, there isn't really much you can do. Killboxing a keep is helpful if everyone cooperates, but that is a big "IF."
4. No incentive to play when you are badly outnumbered. If you are outnumbered, there is literally no incentive to play. It's not fun to get killed outnumbered over and over and over again, you don't earn any AP for it, and you're not helping your faction.
I have some thoughts on some potential fixes, but I don't have time to address them all this morning. I'll have to follow up on this later.
SaffronCitrusflower wrote: »
ESO had the best PvP in any game ever. The unique combat system is awesome. (no tab targeting etc.). It's a real shame ZOS hasn't invested enough into the system to keep it going, and now they're going in the direction of template based PvP, which will fail if implemented as the only option.
sans-culottes wrote: »
I respectfully disagree. Any number of games have more effective combat systems. See, e.g., Elden Ring, Dragon’s Dogma 2. The opposition to targeting mechanisms and cooldowns has never made sense to me.
Why don't you like the freedom to make cool builds by unlimited combinations from hundreds of sets, enchants, traits and abilities?AvalonRanger wrote: »Then...why developer didn't made fixed playable character like the basic hero style team PVP game?
Why developer let us use PVE player character as PVP player?
is a perfect example of engineering ingenuity.I have no problem with tanks.
The problem is when tanks are not only tanks, but can kill everybody too.
I have no problem with tanks.
The problem is when tanks are not only tanks, but can kill everybody too.
is a perfect example of engineering ingenuity.
There are also players who make you kill yourself by healing or wearing too much armor.