Cannot Use My Mount!

All of the sudden my mount just stopped working. As I'm running and I press H, my character slows down to a walk for a split second then just keeps moving. I tried relogging, renaming my mount, buying a new mount, renaming my mount again, selling my mount, relogging again, joining Cyrodiil, switching zones multiple times, relogging again. Nothing works. I can no longer use my horse! Please help!
  • Vyrthure
    Your horse died because you didn't feed it .
  • Expli
    Had the same bug. The only solution i've found is to die. Jump off a cliff or type /stuck in the chat and your horse will find you again.

  • Kemono
    You need to kill yourself..

    No, really: use /stuck and horse should work again
    (also before death go naked, so no equipment damage)
    Edited by Kemono on April 3, 2014 1:18AM
  • ardikus
    Thanks for the answers. Much appreciated!
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