Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Does the duality of Mora miss the mark? Does it successfully do what the designers sought out to do?

These are both Mora end games. Both games were heavily influenced by Mora cards.

Both games, I believe, are problem games. This is the way that I experience Mora games most of the time.

Either blowouts or artificial back forths. Back and forths can be great. They are the purpose of games by seeing who deos better by finding an edge. That said, the back and forths are artificial. Everything is revolving around power gains via Contracts.

Anyhow, here are the games. The game timer is in the top left.



Edited by ZOS_Kevin on November 7, 2024 10:34AM
  • spartaxoxo
    I'm quite okay with back and forths but that top game happens much too often
  • Personofsecrets
    I can't say that I experience either of these game types more, but I have had multiple games where I end at 79 prestige and the opponents blasts past me from 50 prestige via contract chains...
  • Seraphayel
    I think Mora is only dangerous if contract cards show up (unless the opponent was able to pick up strong and lots of Mora cards early on, although they can easily backfire). Yesterday I played a match with Rahjin as my main pick against Mora, while the opponent got me pretty much in a losing position early on, I was able to catch on. He got to 45 prestige and then I was lucky to bring him back under (otherwise I would have lost, I was at 20 prestige) with my strong Rahjin cards and after that it was a losing game for him.

    I always made him drop at least one card per round (Bewilderment/Rahjin combos) and then he couldn’t chain his Mora cards anymore. As soon as I got two agents out, he wasn’t able to kill them and I could chain hefty Rahjin combos and finish him off with 53 prestige while I brought him down to 20. It was a really fun match I was sure I was going to lose.
    Edited by Seraphayel on May 28, 2024 8:19AM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • El_Borracho
    The Mora contract cards are brutal. But if one player can get Reservoir or Aura, and the other can not, the game is pretty much over. The amount of Mora contracts that fall and the ease of using them for a 3-4 card combo with Reservoir or Aura is devastating. Throw in that the "negative" those cards give are another card or a pittance of coin and there is no recourse.

    I've grown to appreciate the Mora deck a little more since its release, but the pro/con tradeoff it was sold under has never materialized. The only cards that have a hard downside are Cipher of the Eye/Seeker Aspirant, and the only time I see those cards get played is against an NPC. To the point I hope the NPC grabs that card because it has a true pro/con: destroy a card but your opponent gets 3 coin. The combo to get another 2-3 power is nice, but without the combo, the card is balanced well. The other Mora need to be revamped accordingly
  • Solariken
    Mora is my favorite deck by far. It slaps hard but it can backfire just as easily.

    Either way I love it when both players actually use the patron ability which makes the card stacking phase of the game go much faster. I wish more players understood this.
  • El_Borracho
    Solariken wrote: »
    Mora is my favorite deck by far. It slaps hard but it can backfire just as easily.

    Either way I love it when both players actually use the patron ability which makes the card stacking phase of the game go much faster. I wish more players understood this.

    It is strange when you opponent forgets about the Mora patron. Its essential to the deck in that you have to wager whether or not your opponent has the coin to get a high power card when it pops up. Early on its easier, but later in games when you buy a card and it gets replaced by a monster, its nice to hedge your losses with the patron.

    Though, they do need to dial back the power on some contracts, or up the downside to playing them. Knowledge/Secrets ae 4 gold and give out 5 power without a combo. Compared to Punishment, 4 power for 5 gold, and its upside-down. Plus, if you can combo them, the cost can go down to one coin.
  • Personofsecrets
    Unfortunately, the designers have effectively buffed the Mora contracts by buffing one of the best Mora cards and making the trade-offs of playing Mora even less obvious.

    Oh how so typical that decks which are designed to have "drawbacks" end up in states where those drawbacks matter less and less.
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