I want to know what is going to be done for the customers who bought into the "early access" carrot dangled in front of everyone; and then ended up to be more of an extended beta session for the servers.
I'll be honest, the early access WAS a reason for me pre-ordering my game. I was of two states of mind. Either:
A) Wait for the rush of new players to wind down and come in a month later after early bugs had been sorted and so I wasnt competing in zones with a million other people. I've taken this route a few times and always enjoyed missing the rush but you do come in behind others.

Preorder and take the early access and use those first few days to get a jump ahead of the crowd. I've done this with games as well with success.
I went with option B as I have been very excited about the game.
To make it even better, my boss offered up some Annual Leave so we could scale back on wages for budget. Wasnt expecting that, but bonus to boot.
I've managed 4-5 hours of gameplay in total. The servers were down for me all night from 3pm my time (Central Australian) yesterday. I start work at noon today, and so I wake up this morning to hop on....and theres an 800MB patch! With crappy Australian DSL the patch will not be done before I leave for work.
I realize that games have issues and bugs need fixing. Login servers drop out. There are unforseen circumstances and, yes, they all need to be fixed. No argument from me there.
What I want to know from Zenimax is what you intend to do for people like me who got jipped on this whole "Early Access" bit. Do we get some extra game time? What will you do to keep my business? Because at this juncture I feel like I shouldnt have paid out early for a preorder and waited to see how things went down. I'm certainly not in the mood to start paying out a subscription cost at this point. It feels like Beta again.