PTS Server keeps booting me

I got in for a few minutes, /bugged something, then shortly after got booted. I’ve tried logging in twice now, I get as far as character select, select my main and it boots me.

Will try with an alt then report back.

Managed to get into the game with an alt. Main is in West Weald near Skingrad, alt is in Craglorn if it helps.

Logging out with alt and trying to log back in with the main and the main still crashes. Error is ‘Pending data load error (18478571 - c000000002b7ed9)

Alt is in West Weald but still able to log in currently. Main was just east of Skingrad and alt is currently outside Nonungalo.
Edited by WhiteCoatSyndrome on April 21, 2024 2:17AM
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