The Sorc buffs in u41 brought not only a lot more range spam from all the new Sorcs, but also everyone else running more ranged attacks to try to fight them. More than ever you're constantly being bombarded by 41m range attacks from enemies you can't see and/or can't engage, because they're on the roof, inside a zerg, or off your screen and gone before you turn your camera. It's no wonder players build passively tanky or for fast LoS, there's just not much you can do.
This problem only gets worse with Scribing in u42 because for some reason they made all the powerful attacks 28m range. So on top of all the Crushing Shocks and Snipes, prepare to be nuked by ultimate-strength knockback aoes into oblivion damage executes by untouchable ranged enemies, who may even be in an organized group with stacked heals while doing this. Expect a lot more ranged standoffs stalemating, and a lot less of the fun melee brawling that many of us enjoy.
PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps