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Please take necromancer back to the drawing board

This class is a total mess and no one seems to know how to fix it.

1.Yall have been trying to push it as a DoT class with no DoT skills in the tooltip to support this role except scythe. Graveyard is easily avoidable and siphon is just clunky. Even with the damage buff to siphon, the tether is easily broken and you are forced to stay within range of the tethered corpse, and most fights are not stationary. You could increase the damage of siphon by 200% and i wouldn't slot it. I have never built my cro towards DoT pressure and dont intend to.

2. The corpse mechanic doesn't fit into a DoT playstyle and at this point makes no sense. My cro has essentially became a hybrid due to my preference of blighted over GLS and so i use vigor over coil. The only use i have for corpses is either of the bitter harvest morphs.

With the arcanist class, crux at least plays well into the classes toolkit. Necro needs to be taken back to the drawing board.
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