Scribing Scripts on PTS

Do we need to do all the quests and drop all the scripts, or is there a consumable in the PTS that unlocks them all for testing?
  • Jsmalls
    So there is definitely a consumable that unlocks them all. What I'm not sure of is when you receive it. I noticed it in my inventory after the full completion of the Wing of the Gryphon quest.
  • EF321
    I first did scribing intro on Max template char and was confused why I don't have everything.
    Then there is scribing template, I made it and used scribing consumables it had, then ported to that scribing area and I had everything.
    Edited by EF321 on April 17, 2024 4:35PM
  • Trejgon
    I created character with scribing template and the only thing it seemed to be missing (after using the unlock bags) was the soul blast thingy.
  • DoonerSeraph
    Weird! I made with the max template but I had nothing but the basic stuff. I guess I will try on scribing template then!
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