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Looking for sexy female outfits to craft

  • knaveofengland
    oh my can of worms you can hear them wolf whistles now
  • 23prisbot_ESO
    Personally, I like to have the option to look sexy in MMORPG games. Before anyone gets any ideas here I am female and I am not getting off looking at my game character. I just like to feel heroic and sexy at the same time. I see alot of extremely buff male characters so it stands to reason that men often want to feel heroic and sexy too. :wink:

    I see quite a few people expressing the idea of realism with armor, etc. However, I do not play fantasy style RPGs for their "realism". When I want realism I stop playing games. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not trying to say that any opinion that differs from mine is wrong. I just simply do not agree with the arguments that have been presented against sexy outfits.

    I do see a way for all to be happy here. Allow costume crafting for both genders. Keep armor the way it is, but allow crafters to create disguises/costumes. If ZOS wants to keep them as a more rare commodity then they could make costume drops akin to Racial Motifs. There could be ceremonial garbs from different cultures as well as everyday wear that some of the NPCs wear. They could make some of the enemy styles super rare (purple) drops like the pirate outfits or cultists for example. What do you guys think? :smile:
    Edited by 23prisbot_ESO on May 8, 2014 2:17PM
  • huntgod_ESO
    Orc heavy armor has exposed cleavage...
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • McUsher
    This is halfway offtopic, but we found out 2 days ago, and i wanna share:

    Everytime my wife in heavy armor was doing a dodge roll, a clanging noise would appear... not with my char (only medium and light armor).

    Next day i accidently wore heavy armore pants and was clanging on rolls as well...
    I love this little detail with the heavy armor! Respect goes to the DEVs!
    Are you still old school or yet unprogressive?
  • Chryos
    Audigy wrote: »
    You also need the body, not everyone can wear everything, just saying :p

    I felt the Skyrim mods were a bit weird, I mean was there anything else than boobs as big as heads? Do men really like that? :o

    Young people and hormones, they cant help it.

    But, no once guys get older they tend to chill out and figure out whats really important.

    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Beryl
    Lanae wrote: »
    rtx wrote: »
    Bosmer style light and medium armour.
    However, you logic is - no offence - stupid. After all, armour is supposed to protect, not show breasts.

    if I want realism I will open a window and look outside. I am playing games to avoid realism. :p

    It is May already. If I open a window I see dozens of half-naked ladies on the streets. Why bring those into a virtual world as well?

    I understand that I am a bit spoiled. If I want to see a sexy female, I just look in a mirror. Not everyone is that lucky, and not everyone gets what he wants. In a game I want to see natural looking people (or cats/lizards ofc) and instead every second one is a pale vampire with transparent skin. More handsome healthy man around please!

    On a serious note, I don't mind sexy outfits in games in general. But in ESO with its way to draw armour as a tattoo on a body I just can't look at the transitions between the clothes and the skin. It looks absolutely unnatural and until this part is changed I would not welcome any open outfits here.
    Edited by Beryl on May 8, 2014 2:57PM
  • Gisgo
    Black leather is supposed to be sexy (maybe on a different character).
    But you cant craft it its a disguise. :(

  • Anastasia
    Abigail wrote: »
    Oh great, let's be like every other MMO ... and for player housing ZOS can just create one big trailer park.

    Snarky but so damn funny Abigail ^-^

  • Audigy
    Well, if you were staying abreast (see what I did there? :) ) of the mods for Skyrim, there were clothing mods too (not mentioning all the other types since they definitely wouldn't fit in an MMO environment). Really, mods of any kind to assets would never work or be allowed in an MMO, nor should they. That would open a huge exploit door.

    Exploit you mean like NPC´s handing over loot to women with sexy outfits? :D
    Gisgo wrote: »
    Black leather is supposed to be sexy (maybe on a different character).
    But you cant craft it its a disguise. :(


    Love that picture, it so spot on!
    Edited by Audigy on May 8, 2014 3:34PM
  • Maverick827
    I see alot of extremely buff male characters so it stands to reason that men often want to feel heroic and sexy too. :wink:
    The difference is that it makes sense for someone who is always fighting Daedra and bandits to be buff, but it makes no sense for you to be able to run around in a bikini with overcharged armor.
  • Starlifter88
    OP - nope, nothing like the fur or forsworn armor in vanilla Skyrim.

    Now march yourself right back up those stairs young lady, take off that skirt and blouse and put on that nice habit (burqa) we made for you. And don't leave the house without your fire staff. Never know what kind of undead thingy you may run across! ;)
  • Malediktus
    Skimpy armor should have 0 armor rating. Otherwise its immersion breaking.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Shiaxi
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Skimpy armor should have 0 armor rating. Otherwise its immersion breaking.

    If you go for realism any kind of cloth armor should have a negligable armor value. I'd like to see you try to stop a sword or an arrow with a real life cloth robe....
  • The_Drexill
    Personally, I like to have the option to look sexy in MMORPG games. Before anyone gets any ideas here I am female and I am not getting off looking at my game character. I just like to feel heroic and sexy at the same time. I see alot of extremely buff male characters so it stands to reason that men often want to feel heroic and sexy too. :wink:

    I see quite a few people expressing the idea of realism with armor, etc. However, I do not play fantasy style RPGs for their "realism". When I want realism I stop playing games. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not trying to say that any opinion that differs from mine is wrong. I just simply do not agree with the arguments that have been presented against sexy outfits.

    I do see a way for all to be happy here. Allow costume crafting for both genders. Keep armor the way it is, but allow crafters to create disguises/costumes. If ZOS wants to keep them as a more rare commodity then they could make costume drops akin to Racial Motifs. There could be ceremonial garbs from different cultures as well as everyday wear that some of the NPCs wear. They could make some of the enemy styles super rare (purple) drops like the pirate outfits or cultists for example. What do you guys think? :smile:

    This. The females almost always want to look sexy, the basement dwelling weirdos call it sexism. Why are we still asking for reality in our fantasy game?

    Honestly let's be realistic... which offers more protection against a two handed hammer? The bra or the full robe? The bra. Best to avoid getting hit with the hammer by looking sexy.

    Anyway the armor in this game is awful, biggest gripe with eso.
    Brandizzle - NB
    Drexill The Unbreakable - Sorc

    For teh covenant.
  • The_Drexill
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Skimpy armor should have 0 armor rating. Otherwise its immersion breaking.

    Crushing weapons should bypass all types of armor completely, light armor should have 0 armor value, and there should be no magic or fantasy creatures... only animals and humans. Remove khajiit and argonians too.
    Brandizzle - NB
    Drexill The Unbreakable - Sorc

    For teh covenant.
  • Malediktus
    Actually cloth has armor rating. It works just fine against weak attacks from animals and humans in real life. It even helps against poison from snake. Cloth will absorb like 70% of the poison a snake bite tries to inject.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • AlexDougherty
    Shiaxi wrote: »
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Skimpy armor should have 0 armor rating. Otherwise its immersion breaking.

    If you go for realism any kind of cloth armor should have a negligable armor value. I'd like to see you try to stop a sword or an arrow with a real life cloth robe....
    Well true for robes, but the Ancient Greeks had Cloth Armour that was more effective than Bronze armour. I know because I saw a documentary about Alexander the Greats Armour, yes he wore cloth armour, the trick is that it's layered with resin laminates, which allows it to absorb the force of arrows.

    But Cloth Armour is extremely bulky.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • The_Drexill
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Actually cloth has armor rating. It works just fine against weak attacks from animals and humans in real life. It even helps against poison from snake. Cloth will absorb like 70% of the poison a snake bite tries to inject.

    It won't. Stahp.
    Brandizzle - NB
    Drexill The Unbreakable - Sorc

    For teh covenant.
  • Maverick827
    Crushing weapons should bypass all types of armor completely, light armor should have 0 armor value, and there should be no magic or fantasy creatures... only animals and humans. Remove khajiit and argonians too.
    This argument is ridiculous. A work of fiction can still have anthropomorphic creatures and magic while still retaining a consistent internal logic.

    "Sexy" armor is intrinsically inconsistent in any fictional world where armor exists, because armor exists. If armor exists, then it offers some protection, otherwise it wouldn't exist. The people of any given fictional world where armor exists would never have created it in the first place if being essentially naked somehow offered the same protection.
  • Arreyanne
    I see alot of extremely buff male characters so it stands to reason that men often want to feel heroic and sexy too. :wink:
    The difference is that it makes sense for someone who is always fighting Daedra and bandits to be buff, but it makes no sense for you to be able to run around in a bikini with overcharged armor.

    Ah come on,

    No wonder all you males got so upset when my Witch Elf in her string bikini killed your Ironbreaker

  • Maverick827
    Arreyanne wrote: »
    I see alot of extremely buff male characters so it stands to reason that men often want to feel heroic and sexy too. :wink:
    The difference is that it makes sense for someone who is always fighting Daedra and bandits to be buff, but it makes no sense for you to be able to run around in a bikini with overcharged armor.

    Ah come on,

    No wonder all you males got so upset when my Witch Elf in her string bikini killed your Ironbreaker
    I have no idea how this is in any way a response to my post.
  • l-wilson-1986b16_ESO
    Honestly I am sick of my characters looking like some wierd fantasy *** actors, as a female myself I really do prefer my characters to look like they can take an arrow or two rather than Princess Leia in her slave costume (many men's wet dream I know but not something you are going to charge into war wearing unless your sole intention is distract your enemy)!

    Besides it is more than possible to look sexy without showing excessive skin, and unless it's Zenimax's intention to create player housing with associated cyber red light district then I really think it's refreshing to finally play a game where I actually look like combat ready soldier rather than a candy coloured stripper with metal underpants.

    But I suppose it's all about opinions and options if looking "sexy" in a game is peoples prerogative. As long as I can still maintain some realism.
  • 23prisbot_ESO
    I see alot of extremely buff male characters so it stands to reason that men often want to feel heroic and sexy too. :wink:
    The difference is that it makes sense for someone who is always fighting Daedra and bandits to be buff, but it makes no sense for you to be able to run around in a bikini with overcharged armor.

    Have you read any Conan The Barbarian books or seen the movies? All those people make skimpy armor work and I have never heard any complaints about that. ;)
  • Maverick827
    I see alot of extremely buff male characters so it stands to reason that men often want to feel heroic and sexy too. :wink:
    The difference is that it makes sense for someone who is always fighting Daedra and bandits to be buff, but it makes no sense for you to be able to run around in a bikini with overcharged armor.

    Have you read any Conan The Barbarian books or seen the movies? All those people make skimpy armor work and I have never heard any complaints about that. ;)
    What Conan the Barbarian wears in a terrible 80s movie in no way effects my immersion in The Elder Scrolls Online.

    What characters wear in The Elder Scrolls Online does affect my immersion in The Elder Scrolls Online and, as such, I very much appreciate the minimum amount of dumb, skimpy armor in this game.
  • Malediktus
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Actually cloth has armor rating. It works just fine against weak attacks from animals and humans in real life. It even helps against poison from snake. Cloth will absorb like 70% of the poison a snake bite tries to inject.

    It won't. Stahp.
    It does, it was proven in a scientific test with dummies. Dummies with clothing had contained like 70% less poison. Of course 30% of a deadly poison still is very dangerous, but it increases your chance quite a bit.

    Also multi layer clothing can reduce damage done by medieval bows quite a bit. Almost as good as plate armor.
    Edited by Malediktus on May 9, 2014 12:15AM
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Singular
    Chryos wrote: »
    Audigy wrote: »
    You also need the body, not everyone can wear everything, just saying :p

    I felt the Skyrim mods were a bit weird, I mean was there anything else than boobs as big as heads? Do men really like that? :o

    Young people and hormones, they cant help it.

    But, no once guys get older they tend to chill out and figure out whats really important.

    Speak for yourself! This game is fantasy - I want my characters to look cute, pretty, hot and wear sexy and fashionable clothing.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Singular
    Honestly I am sick of my characters looking like some wierd fantasy *** actors, as a female myself I really do prefer my characters to look like they can take an arrow or two rather than Princess Leia in her slave costume (many men's wet dream I know but not something you are going to charge into war wearing unless your sole intention is distract your enemy)!

    Besides it is more than possible to look sexy without showing excessive skin, and unless it's Zenimax's intention to create player housing with associated cyber red light district then I really think it's refreshing to finally play a game where I actually look like combat ready soldier rather than a candy coloured stripper with metal underpants.

    But I suppose it's all about opinions and options if looking "sexy" in a game is peoples prerogative. As long as I can still maintain some realism.

    Why can't we have both?

    I don't see the problem - you want to get all suited up, fine. Go right ahead - but your decisions for your characters shouldn't affect mine.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Maverick827
    Singular wrote: »
    Honestly I am sick of my characters looking like some wierd fantasy *** actors, as a female myself I really do prefer my characters to look like they can take an arrow or two rather than Princess Leia in her slave costume (many men's wet dream I know but not something you are going to charge into war wearing unless your sole intention is distract your enemy)!

    Besides it is more than possible to look sexy without showing excessive skin, and unless it's Zenimax's intention to create player housing with associated cyber red light district then I really think it's refreshing to finally play a game where I actually look like combat ready soldier rather than a candy coloured stripper with metal underpants.

    But I suppose it's all about opinions and options if looking "sexy" in a game is peoples prerogative. As long as I can still maintain some realism.

    Why can't we have both?

    I don't see the problem - you want to get all suited up, fine. Go right ahead - but your decisions for your characters shouldn't affect mine.
    But we exist in the same world. When I see you in your skimpy armor being just as effective as if you were wearing full plate, that breaks my immersion. The only way this argument works is if there is a "don't show skimpy armor" checkbox on my side, which obviously isn't going to happen.

    And it can affect me in other ways as well. If half of the armor in game was skimpy, then half the time I would either be forced to wear skimpy armor or not use a new piece of equipment that just dropped.
    Edited by Maverick827 on May 9, 2014 2:33AM
  • The_Drexill
    Your immersion. This is a tired, silly argument. Again, we're slinging spells and half of us are damned cats... just stop. Get the real life logic out of here... It doesn't have a place in a fantasy game. Elder Scrolls, like every other fantasy concept EVER- has traditionally had attractive males AND females.


    Brandizzle - NB
    Drexill The Unbreakable - Sorc

    For teh covenant.
  • The_Drexill
    [/quote]But we exist in the same world. When I see you in your skimpy armor being just as effective as if you were wearing full plate, that breaks my immersion. The only way this argument works is if there is a "don't show skimpy armor" checkbox on my side, which obviously isn't going to happen.

    And it can affect me in other ways as well. If half of the armor in game was skimpy, then half the time I would either be forced to wear skimpy armor or not use a new piece of equipment that just dropped.[/quote]

    The idea that we exist in the same world is irrelevant. It's like saying you don't like interracial couples, so they shouldn't be allowed to walk through the mall. Options can be in game, and you can choose to go a different way.
    Brandizzle - NB
    Drexill The Unbreakable - Sorc

    For teh covenant.
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