ElderSmitter wrote: »Stop looking for a Carry in vCR+ and learn how to properly do Portals. I am an End Game Tank and DPS and as a Tank once again trying to help others with Pug Trials it gets annoying when I say X for Portal 1 and Y for Portal 2 and met with Silence. Then I assign Portals and we fail 3 times Trial over. All the DPS need to understand coordinating 3 tanks on a Pug vCR+ is hard enough. Stop being Selfish and Learn the Mechanics. I always even offer to explain them but if you're going to Join a vCR+ Learn the Portals on Normal! Your part of the reason no one wants to Tank Pugs!
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
LadyLavina wrote: »
I have to agree with this 100%. If people want the clears/achievements/gear/whatever from things, they need to learn the mechanics and hone their skills/builds to make it happen. Stop just throwing yourself at stuff like a lemming figuring "eh, the group will sort it out" because you're just making people miserable.
"Yeah but some of this stuff is pretty hard and I don't have the time." - I understand that, there are guilds out there to help you with that (Hi Sempiternal!). Don't just hop in every vet run of your chosen thing you can find and try to force it, if things aren't going well. That just makes others have a bad time.
"I don't have a ton of cp/good gear, this stuff is inaccessible to me. I need the carry. Just do it if you're good enough." - I assure you it's not inaccessible. You don't need top-tier end-game trials gear to clear things. Ignore "Best in Slot". It'll drive you nuts. As for the cp, you don't need a ton to be good at what you do. I promise, put in the time/effort and you'll get there.
This comment isn't meant to incite or bash anyone, I'm just trying to speak on some of the common things said on this topic and reassure people who feel they need the carry that it's more fun/satisfying overall if you build yourself up to actually get it done.
ElderSmitter wrote: »
Spot on. I do not require Clears (Prob my fault) Nor do I require CP requirements. I just ask in the message box for DPS to know Portal Mechanics. They still try and fake their way through wasting tons of time! What i may do for my next vCR+ is put PROG and force people to learn that want to Join and those looking for a quick free Clear who are fake dps might not join that way.
Reginald_leBlem wrote: »
If you do not appropriately vet the players on the team when you are raid lead, then I'm not sure what you expect.
Proving grounds coupled with the strategy guide were amazing, one of the best additions ever. Proving Grounds even incentivized you to do well with rewards like titles etc. ESO needs it more, combat is pure chaos at times.Pixiepumpkin wrote: »Its obvoious and apparent to me that ESO is LOOOOOOONG overdue for an in game Strategy Guide like wow implemented many years back.
Until then, I am not going to blame the players for not understanding a mechanic that should be obvious to pick after an encounter or two. Players should not be forced to tab out of the game to understand how to play the game. ESO really fails in this regard on multiple fronts, from rotation, to build, to CP, to engaging in content. The game design is lacking.
"Oh no, the healer has an AOE growing under their feet and is running into the group. We all better scatter so we don't get hurt by the explosion!"
ElderSmitter wrote: »
When you create a Group Finder and Put in the Message DPS Must know Portal Mechanics and they Join and clearly do not you're correct nothing I can do about selfish DPS who want a free Carry. When I ask for Portal Teams and Met with Silence, I already know there is a bunch of fake vCR Portal dps . I do Pugs to help others not myself. If i wanted to vet the group i would create a non-Pug Group.
Reginald_leBlem wrote: »
Nah, you had options. Of course the dds should have been honest, but maybe they thought they were being honest. Maybe they had done vCR and been orb slayer, or healer, or what have you. It's hard to know what you don't know if you don't know it.
You could have: 1) asked for proof of clear 2) pulled in a couple of trusted dds to fill critical roles or 3) Taken the time to clearly explain mechanics and swapped players around or 4) failing options 1, 2, and 3 dropped the difficulty to a vCR+0
Proving grounds coupled with the strategy guide were amazing, one of the best additions ever. Proving Grounds even incentivized you to do well with rewards like titles etc. ESO needs it more, combat is pure chaos at times.