Should we Keep or Change the new Selection Screen?

Some love it, some hate it.

Should we Keep or Change the new Selection Screen? 287 votes

Keep it
vailjohn_ESOspartan62893_ESOalenae1b14_ESOBelegnolecalitrumanb14_ESOdaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOGedericGlassHalfFullnick59349b14_ESOXerenshivadevauxMaerdiathWodwoDanikatnwilliams2107b16_ESOAlienSlofKhenarthidanno8AurielleBoloBoffin 172 votes
Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
mesnaacastanza_ESOtohopka_esodcam86b14_ESOssewallb14_ESOKendaricItsGlaivefreespiritlion_heart_2000ub17_ESOUNSekiDurhamElvenheartEvergnarBluepitbull13SilverBrideLylithTandorhiydetygyrCP5 86 votes
Replace it
dmnqwkShagrethTanadrieliyxLonestryderBlkadrshadyjane62Enemy-of-ColdharbourCzeriValarMorghulis1896peter1488enzoisadogMonroe585BagaturWelanduzHamish999NoTimeToWaitFabresFourAbyssDragon_2115r34lian 29 votes
  • Reginald_leBlem
    Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
    I think it's beautiful but makes my character look weird. Would like the lighting just ever so slightly turned down.
  • Adremal
    Replace it
    I hate it; it's hard on the eyes on a literal level and makes my characters look weird.
  • fizl101
    Keep it
    Please remember it doesn't even exist on console yet. From images I've seen I really like it, it gives a warmth which I like alot more than the current screen
    Soupy twist
  • SilverBride
    Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
    I think it would be fine if they reduced the brightness and saturation. Screenshots don't adequately represent how it actually looks on a full sized monitor. It is bright and tiring to the eyes.

    I also think they way overdid the amount of orange they used. It's all we can see.
  • metheglyn
    Keep it
    I think it looks lovely, not too bright or overly orange at all.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
    overall i think its fine, though i think the lighting could probably be toned down a bit so my characters heads arent literally glowing gold

    i could see how people would have issues with the brightness, though that part doesnt really bother me much
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Kendaric
    Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
    The scenery is fine, it just needs to be less bright. Strangely enough it looked better on PTS at least for me.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Blood_again
      Keep it
      It is beautiful.
      Also it was available for checking on PTS for a month.
      And now the moaning started...
    • Mathius_Mordred
      Keep it
      It looks fantastic, maybe those complaining should get a better monitor or at least try calibrating it.
      Skyrim Red Shirts. Join us at Skyrim Red Shirts. Free trader. We welcome all, from new players to Vets. A mature drama-free social group enjoying PVE questing, PvP, Dungeons, trials and arenas. Web, FB Group & Discord. Guild Hall, trial dummy, crafting, transmutation, banker & merchant. You may invite your friends. No requirements
    • Katheriah
      Keep it
      It's so pretty. I love having the golden hour in the char select screen.
    • chessalavakia_ESO
      It is beautiful.
      Also it was available for checking on PTS for a month.
      And now the moaning started...

      The PTS did have a few comments on it both positive and negative.
    • cyclonus11
      Keep it
      Keep it and don't tone anything down.
    • zenonuk
      Keep it
      It's a shame more of that beautiful sunset isn't visible - instead we need to imagine the reds and oranges (and maybe purples?) of the setting sun. It only makes my character's skin look orange is he's looking at the sun - if he looks the other way his skin is normal tone, although in shadow.
    • SilverBride
      Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
      It looks fantastic, maybe those complaining should get a better monitor or at least try calibrating it.

      I have a very nice monitor and I am not going to recalibrate its settings and mess up everything else to tone down one overly bright overly orange screen.
      Edited by SilverBride on March 12, 2024 5:55PM
    • ArchangelIsraphel
      Keep it
      It's beautiful. I do not find it too bright on my larger screens, nor do I find it too bright on my smaller screens. My large screens have been properly calibrated, however.

      From what I have seen of screenshots where people are complaining that the new background appears too saturated/too bright, it frequently seems like they have not properly calibrated the color settings on their monitors (Or have monitors that cannot be calibrated) and have certain color/brightness settings set far too high.

      Side Note: In game lighting and settings are also fine and appear no different to me than they were before.

      It is often the case that DEV teams do not see what you see on their monitors when they are designing features of the game, because they are also using properly calibrated equipment. To them, it looks perfectly fine. In the meantime, the end user of the product frequently either does not know how to calibrate their monitor, or does it the wrong way, thus they experience issues with seeing colors.

      I am not saying any of this to be insulting or degrading, but instead pointing out where the real issues may lie in order to assist the DEV team in understanding why there is such a wide discrepancy in the user base.

      I run into this all the time in my field of work, where I need to utilize CMYK colors for print. My monitors are properly calibrated to display colors accurately. However, I frequently run into clients who tell me certain shades of red appear orange on their screens, or have other issues with brightness, because their monitors either aren't calibrated, OR because the monitor is incapable of displaying a full color gamut due to hardware limitations.

      As such, I have to make adjustments to the preview image my client sees, so that the product appears correctly to them on the device they are previewing it on. Meanwhile, I send the color-accurate CMYK version to the printers, and everything comes out correct 100% of the time, with no issues.

      While I know my line of work is different from the videogame industry, some of the same principals still apply. Perhaps it would be helpful if the DEV's considered the user-end hardware limitations when designing some additional settings that might allow people to adjust lighting/gamma on the log in screen, independently from in game settings, while still keeping the higher end settings available for those who have hardware capable of displaying the graphics in the intended way.

      Videogames are usually developed utilizing an sRGB colorspace, and monitors incapable of displaying an 100% sRGB color space can end up seeing anything from over, to understated images. Truth be told, even owners of 100% sRGB screens can calibrate them incorrectly and end up with eye-searingly bad color.


      TLDR; there are a lot of factors concerning hardware and if/how a user calibrates said hardware that could be contributing to the wide discrepancy in how this log in screen is being perceived.
      Edited by ArchangelIsraphel on March 12, 2024 5:59PM
      Legends never die
      They're written down in eternity
      But you'll never see the price it costs
      The scars collected all their lives
      When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
      Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
      Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
      Legends never die
    • SilverBride
      Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
      From what I have seen of screenshots where people are complaining that the new background appears too saturated/too bright, it frequently seems like they have not properly calibrated the color settings on their monitors (Or have monitors that cannot be calibrated) and have certain color/brightness settings set far too high

      If this was the case then everything on our monitors would appear overly bright and overly saturated. But that isn't the case. No one is going to only complain about just one image if everything else is also messed up.
      Edited by SilverBride on March 12, 2024 6:07PM
    • Veryamedliel
      I fail to see the use of this poll.
      As a player you cannot change the character selection screen. If you want ZoS to change it, you should have phrased your poll better. In that case the odds of success are marginally above 0, as the OP knows perfectly well.
    • Braffin
      Keep it
      Keep it "flashy" :)
      Never get between a cat and it's candy!
      Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
    • I_killed_Vivec
      I'm in two minds...

      It's very autumnal, which isn't good if you're in the northern hemisphere, rapidly approaching the vernal equinox.

      But it does look good.
    • NordSwordnBoard
      Keep it
      Our toons have joined the "Orangetheory" workout craze. They just want to stay in shape and keep up with the current fads.
      Fear is the Mindkiller
    • ArchangelIsraphel
      Keep it
      From what I have seen of screenshots where people are complaining that the new background appears too saturated/too bright, it frequently seems like they have not properly calibrated the color settings on their monitors (Or have monitors that cannot be calibrated) and have certain color/brightness settings set far too high

      If this was the case then everything on our monitors would appear overly bright and overly saturated. But that isn't the case. No one is going to only complain about just one image if everything else is also messed up.

      I'm simply providing information to the dev team, and to others, that may assist them in making adjustments. The fact of the matter is, certain ranges of color can appear vastly different than others on an improperly calibrated device. Thus a higher concentration of those colors in one background can appear glaring while in other instances, they do not.

      The rest of the game appearing normal to someone (or what they consider normal) does not mean that their monitor is properly calibrated. It only means that what they perceive to be correct/preferred is being displayed. What one prefers to see, and what is actually correct in terms of calibration and color accuracy, are two different things.

      You have also stated that you are unwilling to calibrate your monitor, when most manufacturers do suggest that a monitor be calibrated once a month, especially as the hardware ages, to prevent color drift. The performance of some monitors decays more rapidly than others over time.

      I am not denying that there is an issue, merely speculating on what the issue is, and what the potential solutions could be. Perhaps some will find the information useful, perhaps some will not. It is up to them whether or not they utilize advice.
      Legends never die
      They're written down in eternity
      But you'll never see the price it costs
      The scars collected all their lives
      When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
      Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
      Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
      Legends never die
    • SilverBride
      Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
      I fail to see the use of this poll.
      As a player you cannot change the character selection screen. If you want ZoS to change it, you should have phrased your poll better. In that case the odds of success are marginally above 0, as the OP knows perfectly well.

      This poll was to gather feedback in one place to get a better idea of how many like or dislike this screen, rather than having to pick through the couple of other threads discussing it. It gives a better idea of what the general consensus is, as much as an online poll is able to.

      This poll is not asking ZoS to do anything, but rather gathering feedback.
    • colossalvoids
      Keep it
      Not sure how they can satisfy everyone if it appears quite differently on different setups. Personally I like it, gives some character to something that was barely any different previously and hope we'll be able to chose our backdrop moving forward to suit preferred mood.
    • TheMajority
      Keep it
      Well I for one like it, I don't think a poll is a good representation of this question because it does not represent the whole user base only people on the forums. I am not bashing, just state a fact, but people who visit a forum are more likely to have the most opinions, and a lot of negative opinion when most people are just happy playing the game and don't care. I do not think zos should base any choice on user poll from a forum.

      Yes I voted but only to show I love it.

      Besides this is the vision zos has for the background and I think it is the best and should not be changed. I like their choice for the background and think it truly represents a golden road and symbol of wealth and the new expansion coming. I stand by this choice 100%

      Thank you zos for this beautiful background, please make it stay forever or be a choice if we can ever choose our background for the log on screen.
      Time flies like an arrow- but fruit flies like a banana.

      Sorry for my English, I do not always have a translation tool available. Thank you for your patience with our conversation and working towards our mutual understanding of the topic.
    • SilverBride
      Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
      You have also stated that you are unwilling to calibrate your monitor, when most manufacturers do suggest that a monitor be calibrated once a month, especially as the hardware ages, to prevent color drift. The performance of some monitors decays more rapidly than others over time.

      What I said was "I am not going to recalibrate its settings and mess up everything else to tone down one overly bright overly orange screen."

      That is different from maintaining my monitor.
    • LunaFlora
      Keep it but tone down the brightness and saturation
      i would love a less bright version and the option to change backgrounds.

      it's pretty, but way brighter than other backgrounds.
      miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

      🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
      "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
      PlayStation and PC EU.
      LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
      LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
    • Gray_howling_parrot
      Keep it
      10/10 wouldnt change a thing. Use a reshade mod if its causing problems
      ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
    • TaSheen
      Keep it
      I'm in two minds...

      It's very autumnal, which isn't good if you're in the northern hemisphere, rapidly approaching the vernal equinox.

      But it does look good.

      I'm in the northen hemisphere (specifically the US desert southwest) and I love it. I hate spring and summer, so having this very autumnal screen makes me happy. Also on the screen my game runs on, the wallpaper is the group sitting around listening to the Nord storyteller talking about (probably) killing the troll whose head is hung above the fireplace; and on my second screen I have a GORGEOUS winter scene done back in 2015 (that I found when I searched the forum for "winter wallpaper").

      "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

      PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
    • Drammanoth
      Keep it
      Colour saturation and autumnal background - I LOVE IT!
    • ArchangelIsraphel
      Keep it
      You have also stated that you are unwilling to calibrate your monitor, when most manufacturers do suggest that a monitor be calibrated once a month, especially as the hardware ages, to prevent color drift. The performance of some monitors decays more rapidly than others over time.

      What I said was "I am not going to recalibrate its settings and mess up everything else to tone down one overly bright overly orange screen."

      That is different from maintaining my monitor.

      It's good to hear that you maintain your monitor. Many people are unaware that this practice is a needed part of seeing color correctly on their screens. Maintenance alone does not always mean the calibration is always correct, however, so double checking color profiles can be necessary.

      I am not trying to debate with you or deny that you are having an issue. I am attempting to provide practical, factual solutions to a problem that may, or may not be of assistance. I make replies not simply to reply to you alone, but in order to reach a broader audience who may be experiencing similar problems.

      Having people test solutions concerning hardware helps to rule out certain issues, and can assist the dev team in making choices concerning how to adjust the log in screen so that it is less overbearing to certain users, while allowing other users to keep it as it is. While you may not wish to do this, others might, so providing as much information as possible can be helpful to other users experiencing the issues.

      Their opinions might change after making corrections, so this also helps facilitate the gathering of accurate data and feedback.
      Edited by ArchangelIsraphel on March 14, 2024 12:16AM
      Legends never die
      They're written down in eternity
      But you'll never see the price it costs
      The scars collected all their lives
      When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
      Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
      Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
      Legends never die
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